I hate ABC’s fucking right-wing leaning The Note. This morning they have a list of truisms about the midterm elections. Among them is an appalling canard.
A week is a lifetime in politics blah blah blah.
Some things, however, can get baked into the electoral cake. The White House and congressional Republicans will not give up until Election Day on making Iraq less of an albatross and on getting more credit for positive economic news. But there are other factors that are immutably fixed in place from now through November:
…— A majority of the minority will be in their hearts for higher taxes, universal health care, a heightened emphasis on civiil (sic) liberties, and a dramatic and swift reduction of troops from Iraq. They know it, the RNC, NRCC, NRSC, and The Note all know it — the Democrats just have to hope that the American people don’t find out until February.
Mark Halperin
Am I in my heart for higher taxes? Thanks for putting it that way. How about I ask you if you are for record breaking deficits? Here’s what I think about taxes. I think everyone in this country should have some basic things available to them. People should be able to afford to provide housing, basic preventative health care, and education to their children. After those basics are taken care of, a portion of each citizen’s income and wealth should be taxed at a progressive rate. We have a massive government and a massive military. I am open to reducing the size of both. But running our country is tremendously expensive and it must be paid for somehow. I support paying for it by taxing the wealth of people that have enough money not to worry about feeding, educating, or providing health care for their children. I also support raising enough revunue from this generation that the next generation won’t be presented with an enormous IOU. Does that make me a lover of higher taxes? You be the judge.
The Note thinks I want to hide from the American people my desire to see universal health care. What baloney!! In what universe do you have to live where it is a political embarrassment to advocate for fucking health care for all American citizens? It’s just bizarre for The Note to think advocating health care for human beings is some kind of political liability. I’d like to slap Mark Halperin right across his mouth. I bet he has great health coverage from ABC. He needs a reality check.
And God forbid the Democrats should want to put a ‘renewed emphasis’ on civil liberties. If we have any intention of sticking up for civil liberties we certainly should keep that a deep dark secret from the electorate this fall. How goddamn arrogant and insulated and just plain stupid and unpatriotic do you have to be to see the defense of civil liberties as a political liability? This drivel makes me sick to my stomach and ashamed of the pundit class’s depth of cyncism and apathy.
And the last point? We want a ‘dramatic and swift reduction in troops from Iraq’. Last I checked, the American people strongly support just such a move. Why on Earth would we want to disguise our desire to ramp down the war when the war in so unpopular?
The Note is doing nothing more than demonizing progressive values and trying to classify our ideas as so unacceptable and unpopular that we need to pray the electorate never figures them out.
Fuck The Note. Fuck Halperin. We can stand on our own and win these elections. We have nothing to apologize for. Look at the state of the union. You want more of the same? You think the American people do?
One of the most annoying bumper stickers that I see quite frequently is the one that says ‘Freedom isn’t Free’. It bugs the hell out of me. If you keep paying for freedom with what makes you free, you’re not buying freedom anymore are you?
Also, I know many of these are the same people who are willing to give a pass for warrantless searches, extraordinary rendition, and ignoring habeus corpus in the name of national security, but aren’t willing to downsize their SUV or, god forbid, pay $3 / gallon for gas.
And of course, don’t even try to tell them that taxes might need to go up because ‘Freedom isn’t Free’…
also available in orange.
My own personal impression is that people of all political persuasions are pissed about the price of gasoline more than any other issue.
Look for the price it to come tumbling down about mid Sept to mid Oct 2006…..
a conservative christian and has just eaten up the fear of waiting in line for a surgery if we adopted universal healthcare. It is so damn sad what propaganda has done to the healthcare debate. She just couldn’t seem to deal with hearing the facts from me that if something life threatening isn’t occurring, in America right now we all wait in line right this minute. Same as the countries that have adopted universal healthcare. My son’s foot surgery won’t be done until the end of July, he will start school in casts…….we are waiting in line with everybody else. His titanium rib surgery, waited in line….his last extension of the rods in back was done a month later than they would have liked to have had it done, waiting in line!
The Note is either 100% correct that Democrats are afraid to say these things — or they are 100% wrong because Democrats don’t believe in these things.
It is simple logic: the Democrats have not come out for any of these items — none of them. So, either the party is hiding something, or the party doesn’t believe in them.
I’ll know that “progressives” finally have their shit together when they come out and begin stating the obvious: America can not prosper when the wealthiest pay so little in tax — so we must raise their taxes.
Since I’ve not heard this from the Democratic Party how can you blame The Note for accusing people of hiding it? Again, either they are right, or Democrats don’t believe in these things.
When are you going to recognize that the Democrats in DC are not representing us and are going to be replaced?
We will not be marginalized forever, What do you think the blogosphere is about?
We will slap this donkey and the donkey will respond.
The blogosphere? Please, you’re joking, right?
Since when have the blogs represented progressives? I will never, ever, ever forgive Markos for selling out the judiciary of this country in May of 2005. Since then, he has consistently supported he Democratic cave-ins. No radical Republican nominee is worth opposing in Markos’ workd view.
AmericaBlog is all concerned about gay rights, but a woman’s right to choose — well, if it has to be sacrificed, so be it. Why fight Alito if one isn’t guaranteed to win?
Booman, are you, in fact, in favor of a fair tax system where the wealthy pay their fair share? If so, why would The Note bother you?
Are you in favor of Universal Health Care? If so . . .
Your response screams of fear.
Here’s my response: “damn right we want taxes raised. We will raise taxes on those traitors that refuse to fight the wars they cause, refuse to fund the wars they cause, and refuse to sacrifice for their country. And if they don’t love America they can leave it and move to . . . sorry, no one wants them either.”
But . . . claiming that blogs are fighting for progressive values . . . that’s too much.
Don’t be ridiculous. How could I or Markos control what the blogosphere believes and fights for? The blogosphere is a populist phenomenon. It takes away the control of the message from the people that have traditionally framed the debate. I attacked the Note for that very reason. They were engaged in typical top-down distortion, making responsible taxation and health care into radical concepts. But even if I decided to join the Note, I would just be tossed aside as you are attempting to toss Markos aside. You should start believing in the power of the movement. It isn’t going to be sidetracked over some judicial nomination.