Blue Skies Breaking Out

Mid day Cafe
Brunch is served.
Brunch is served.
FM is you host.
Goerge will do most the work.
Goerge will do most the work.
It’s Thursday, we’re almost there.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
I’m going to be gone for a little while so I decided to open up the Brunch Café. There’s plenty of food and drink. We never run out. So come on in, fill up your plates and enjoy.
George will be around. Hey we’re a classy place. But we have been known to trash the place too.
While you’re gone, do we have to walk George?
Formal attire. Good move George. I wonder how my cat would look in a tuxedo? Hmm. Maybe that will go over better than my pirate suit scheme.
Hi Chirs. George always looks good in a tux. After buy his thought, I’m stuck with jeans and shirt. George is a high maintenance dog. 🙂
How’s the day going?
That should be after buying his though.
I’ve got to start reading what I type. 🙂
The day is crazed and full of horror. Pretty average.
Very sad, but true.
Hellooo?!! I dancing nekked on the tables and using my hands to serve the food!!! Anyone home?
Allright, I’m taking my toys and going home.
Hey, we’re liberals — do what you like. Just… nevermind. Don’t pass the fruit platter, I’ll get it myself.
Sorry, I’ve already handled it. 😉
Helloooooo. Just got back. Did George take care of everyone?
He did mention something about his eyes burning out from seeing boran2 dancing nekked on the tables.
He’s sights returning and he back to serve you want you want.
Tell George I need help cleaning the poppy seeds out of my teeth from my veggie sandwich on an everything bagel at Brueggers. I should learn not to eat poppy seeds.
Plus you’ve seen George’s teeth. A dentist’s dream. 🙂
I could get my bird to do it. He loves to stick his head in my mouth and clean my teeth. Otherwise, I’m not much into French kissing.
I have to admit you’ve come up with a new way of dental care I hadn’t thought about.
I’m trying to picture a commercial on that and I’m afraid the general populous wouldn’t buy it. 🙂
Nap time for me. I had a grueling morning of shopping and I have an hour before the kids come home from school. Night night.
Have a good nap SN.
Hi Olivia. How’s you’re day going so far?
But this aft I can relax at my desk.
How ’bout you?
I’m fine. Get to those meetings and will look for you the aft.
I guess I should have said It was busy w/ meetings this morning. 🙂
Oh, so you’re back at your desk with toothpicks at the ready?
After a hard morning of meetings, sure sounds like slack time to me.
And I agree w/ you. I don’t have any chocolate around either, so it’s going to be a l o n g afternoon. 🙁
Poor Olivia. No chocolate. I think I saw on the news today where chocolate is the new wonder drug. It even raises IQ. Althought I sort of doubt that. After all I’ve eaten Einstein would look like a dummy.
BTW when I saw that, guess who I thought of first. 🙂
I don’t know … maryb? 🙂
Had some difficulty yesterday morning… I went into the Post Office to get some stamps. I say, “I need thirty two-cent stamps.” And I multiply it out in my head and I put down a five and a one dollar bill.
The postman has to go to the next stall to get a few more of them and comes back, hands me the stamps, and then he just looks at me, kinda with a blank stare, I’m thinking, “Yeah, buddy, what’s your problem.”
He says, “Was there anything else you wanted.”
I say, “No.”
Then he looks at me again and takes the one, leaves the fiver. About this time it dawns on me that 30 times 2 is 60 cents, not 6.00 dollars.
Some days a guy just starts out behind the 8 ball I guess.
Some days a guy just starts out behind the 8 ball I guess.
NDD you’re explaining my life! What do you mean some days. 🙂
“old timers” disease… Ms NDD will be glad to hear that!!!
When you find you phone in the freezer, I would worry. 🙂
Was sitting out in the ctyd this am having a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper when this squirrel comes running across the roof being chased by a robin…squirrel jumps from roof to ctyd tree, w/ robin in hot pursuit…
Bu, now gets into the act and tries to climb the tree, while robin continues to dive bomb the squirrel, actually knocking it out of the tree to the ground…Bu damn near gets it before it runs up the side of the house, jumps back into the tree and then to the gar/studio roof…robin in hot pursuit still…
Squirrel last seen fleeing in extreme panic down utility wires in alley…robin and Bu exhausted, and me laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes.
What a way to start the day!
Hope yawl doin’ better than the squirrel…:{)
LOL dada, I wished I had seen that. Everything here is going fine.
So far it’s a very slackerly cafe. 🙂
The host sets the tone. 😉
I know! I can’t leave George to do anything by himself. 🙂
And he spells brunch without the n. 😉
Now I never said George could spell.
He’s pretty good at serving food and drinks though. 🙂
If you’d a filmed that one ya could’ve retired after the run on Worlds Funniest Videos, ha!
Got your email… thanks… looks very interesting… will peruse in detail later. Still trying to get all the crap together to leave town. Leaving in seconds to make a another loop around town to get more stuff.
that spine tingling conversation with Izzy about LOST, but when that ended the both of ya just vaporized into the nebulae…
See my comment at your b?
BTW I’ll be very intermittent over the next 4 days, on account of both dialup and trying to be busy accomplishing something… for a change, ha!
Yes I did see it. Haven’t had a lot of online time today. That was very sweet of you. You’ll be the first to know about any public gallery showings LOL. And I’ll expect you to come. 🙂
That’s a funny story you were telling us up there.
Things are calmer now?
back to what passes for normal.
We’ve got lots of urban wildlife up here…the squirrels are a major pain in the butt tho…hope one never gets in your house…but that’s another story for another time…:{)
I think you should take off early and enjoy the weather…tell your boss you have my permission. You can take a note in tomorrow.
Sounds like one of those stories that’s only funny way after the initial episode. But I’m not going to nag you about it though, so don’t worry … 😉
And oh that does sound wonderful — looking out the window the sun is shining, the leaves are green, the river’s sparkling. I don’t think it’d go over well, though — even w/ a note signed by dada. 🙂
work another hour and a half and then knock off for the rest of the day…:{)
…and you’re right, it wasn’t funny at the time.
And it’s already down to 1 hour … 😉
The question is … is it funny now?
just this intense, panic stricken…for the s, anyway…episode – the whole thing lasted maybe 90 seconds…total chaos…chattering squirrel, squawking robin and growling Bu…hilarious!
Glad ya got the E b4 ya left…have a safe trip…keep in touch…:{)
What an entertaining morning show you got there, dada. I find it odd that a robin was doing the chasing … squirrels must have messed with her nest and pissed her off. Of course, Bu would have to get in the act, just like ours do in such situations. We all hate squirrels around here, with all the digging and damage they do to the garden. Not to mention torturing the dogs.
We get little episodes like this too in our yard, except it is the blackbirds who tend to gang up on the squirrels and chase them en masse with 4-5 birds dive bombing the hapless tree rats. I love it when I see that happen, even though I’m not particularly fond of blackbirds. I like em when that happens though!
Heloooo IVG. How’s the day going?
but not stultifyingly boring as yesterday. No one’s mind is on work, we all just want to escape for the weekend. Spent a lot of time in meetings today, then client calls. But the upside is that I am going to only work about 4 hrs tomorrow morning and start the weekend early!
to git outta there too.
It was the male robin. They get real aggressive when eggs and hatchlings are in the nest. Have had robin’s nesting here almost every year…this year have 2…1in the big pine @ NE corner of house, another in the apples @ SW…kinda cool.
Catch ya later. Gotta make a field inspection.
Hi Andi. Got bad weather coming your way?
At the moment, lots of sound and fury but no signifying.
Just be careful.
Does that mean you’re sun is gone?
Thunderstorms today and tonight. Rain tomorrow. Hot and sunny for the weekend and Memorial Day. Your sun sticking around for a long visit?
But sunny on the w/e … hopefully. 🙂
Hey folks — just settlin’ in a bit with my afternoon coffee & sayin’ hello. Good to see y’all about!
FM, you might appreciate this (as well as anyone else who appreciates modern absurdity): made it to the county DMV, intense humidity, no AC (what’s AC?), continual road construction, dust & loose tar, pre-weekend traffic backup, nutso drivers, dive-bombing buzzards, wobbly tire, etc. The trip took about an hour.
At the DMV:
Civil servant: Hi there, wench. Got the money?
Wench: Yep, right here.
Civil servant: Thanks. Here’s your registration. Bye!
Back in the car, intense humidity, road construction, traffic backup, nutso drivers, tar, buzzards, wobbly tire etc.
I got home & thought: gee, that was easy.
You went to DMV (BMV here) and no one made you look at pictures of their grandkids?
Andi, I was in & outta there so fast there’d be no point in trying.
You’ve got some nice clouds gathering, I see. We’re expecting them tomorrow.
Personally, I couldn’t care less, however. This pre-weekend traffic business is enough to scare me from the roads ’til about Wednesday.
There seems to be something of a vision problem with downstate drivers: they see the number 5 on speed limit signs as the number 8.
I meant that I don’t care about our clouds. Yours look a trifle mean.
So they go 28 in a 25 zone? Kidding. Sorry you had to brave civilization, WW.
Yes, they do, FM — which can mean all the difference to a slow-moving raccoon or low-flying bald eagle.
In all seriousness, though, thanks for your sympathy regarding today’s adventure into ‘civilization’ (or lack thereof).
It’s a shame — folks unaware that our speed limits mean something are the cause of terrible accidents here each year, with increasing frequency as they’ve fueled our real estate boom.
Hi WW. I appreciate more than you know. LOL
Get that coffee, sit back and relax.
You know it, O Great Elder In Slackerdom.
I covet your blessing.
Oh little one of the mountains and wobbly tires, you always have my blessings.
I bow my head in deepest honor, o wise one — & pray I do not fall asleep.
A trip to the DMV here requires something just short of a full body cavity search. We went back 3 times in one day for my daughter to change her Ohio license to a NC one. Proof of address? Um, well it doesn’t have her middle initial and the form does. Can I just fill out another form and leave her middle initial off? Nope. Drive home. Root through mail to see if anything has her middle initial. Back at DMV. Got proof of insurance? Yes, ma’am right here. Oh this one states that her car is insured but not that she, as the driver is insured. WTF?
Sounds delightful, SN.
As far as I know, it’s really the luck of the draw, depending on what your own personal civil servant had for breakfast that morning.
I understand one can do much of this stuff online, which likely saves many folks stress & gas pennies. Perhaps some of our friendly Motor Vehicles employees become bored with so little to do & they pull us through the wringer to amuse themselves.
I’m guessing the issue was eventually straightened out without having to commit bodily harm upon said employee.
I can’t imagine a worse job, except maybe being an airport screener.
.. or State Department.
Pretty soon with the chips implanted and retinal scan, we won’t have to worry about that at all.
You’ll still have to go to the DMV, but the clerk will be able to tell you with pride and pleasure, the satellite can’t find you, or the computer is down.
You don’t exist at the moment, please wait in line.
I scan, therefore I am.
That sounds like an unpleasant way to spend the day.
I avoid the in-persons at all costs here and use the kiosks/machines … Don’t have to talk to anyone that way … 😉
Hola, o purveyor of trippy visions.
My DMV experience was a dream compared to what’s happened to SN. I wasn’t even asked for my license! Either I have an extremely honest face (doubtful) or I smell a tad too outdoorsy.
Maybe both! 🙂
I’ve always found the stupid look to work well for me.
Alas, I can’t turn it off at will. 🙂
I need to try that. Does it involve a slack jaw and a dreamy look about the eyes?
as a stoner which will get you even worse treatment.
If I was carrying a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos that would really seal it.
It’s just not the look. You’ve got to put some effort into it also.
Before you go to a place you know you’re going to wait in line, don’t bath for at least four day, eat an onion/four cloves of garlic, and finally the kicker. Eat a lot of beans the night before.
People will be more than happy to let you go to the front of the line and the clerk will be more than happy to get it done when you say, “Oh, I’ll stay as long as it takes.”
You have to be creative in these things. 🙂
FM, you’ve pretty much described my general routine as of late.
No wonder ..
All the better to disguise yourself as an average American — as opposed to an honest-to-goodness wizard & Zen weather master.
On the other hand, even up in these parts I don’t look quite the ‘average’ — as my teeth look more like George’s than almost anyone else’s in the county.
Plus, I tend to carry forest mushrooms in my hair.
Hah. You mean you still got teeth. All of us down here don’t have any. 🙂
Oh Wonderous Wench of the North.
Flowers is your hair is all I see.
Oh my, FM — you’re being particularly sweet to me today. Thank you!
Yes, I do still have some teeth left, though they’re constantly threatening a walk-out due to unfair labor practices.
Ah shucks, after the day you had, wernt no problem. 🙂
Again, I thank you.
Alas, after all that I forgot the toilet paper ..
Creativity. You do know what poison oak/ivy looks like I hope. 🙂
Thankfully, we don’t have it here at all.
I’d best run down to the general store, though — guests are due this weekend & they might not take kindly to using the ferns & rocks.
I’ll see you later, dear FM.
About those books you have to get rid of…
Not a chance, dear. Ink stains, y’know.
Just as long as they don’t have the glossy paper.
You got to be picky about your outhouse, er, reading material. 🙁
How do we always end up talking about toilets, eh?
I think that’s were our minds are. 😛
Speak for yourself, FM. My mind is in the clouds, as usual.
I seem to remember a commercial some time back about people being up in the clouds. A tp commercial. 🙂
Oh well, I had a tuna salad sandwich at my desk, so that should hold me till I get home. Howdy all you regulars, and is everybody ready for happy hour and an early start on the weekend? I want one, that’s for sure!
Squirrel, DMV and toilet talk, oh my… where do these things come from in our cafes?
I don’t know, but I’m going to open a Happy Hour.
Maybe we’ll have more refined conservation over there. I doubt it though.:)
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour Here.