Rick Santorum is such a wanker:
On Wednesday, Capitol Police agent dispatched from Washington spent nearly 90 minutes doing a security check on Sen. Rick Santorum’s Penn Hill’s house.
“Why would he call Capitol Police when we have Penn Hills police right here? If he’s a resident of Penn Hills, why didn’t he call the Penn Hills police? And for his kids to be in danger? That’s a big joke because his kids are never in this house,” Santorum critic Erin Vecchio said.
This is the latest twist in Santorum’s long-running clash with a local Democratic couple that Santorum accuses of trespassing and peeking into windows in a bid to prove he doesn’t really live there.
“The fact is, that we never stepped foot on that property. I put a challenge out to Rick, saying that I would take a lie detector test if he would take a lie detector test if he ever lived in that house,” Vecchio said.
Vecchio is the Penn Hills Democratic chairwoman whose husband was quoted in news reports as saying Santorum’s home was emptied of furniture and had no curtains until days ago.
Say what you want about Bill Bob Casey Jr., but at least he lives in the Keystone State.
Off topic but Skilling and Ken Lay have been found guilty on all charges.
Correction: Skilling was found not-guilty on several charges involving insider trading.
diary up on the Enron news if we need a place to take the conversation.
I know we’re all still waiting for the frog-march of the Bush misAdministration, but corporate corruption is just as important to quash as is governmental corruption.
DarkSyde has a great front page post over at dKos…
Rickie is a citizen of the world. He’s a free spirit and can’t be confined to artificial borders. 😉
New poll on its way that will show Man-on-Dog down 23 points.
If anybody can blow a 23 point lead, it’s Bobby. Wrong on nearly every issue and worthless on the stump.
Maybe. But, I am pretty sure this may be the biggest lead for a challenger against an incumbent in the entire history of polling. It could be an outlier, but still, thats insane.
I agree, they are insane and I don’t doubt them. I just don’t trust Bobby to hold on to the lead.
Say what you want about Bill Casey Jr., but at least he lives in the Keystone State.
There are a lot of extemely socially conservative, religious fanatics in PA THAT DO LIVE THERE! That attribute just is not enough of a qualification to be a good progressive influence in Washington, DC, IMO!
Maybe yes, maybe no, but it would seem incontrovertible that if Slick Rick doesn’t live in Pennsylvania, he can’t be a senator representing Pennsylvania. At the very least an astute Democratic campaign (yeah, I know) would make a great deal of hay about someone who doesn’t live in the jurisdiction they’re supposed to represent, can’t really represent them because they’re living somewhere else.
I mean, for crying out loud, you could drive to Harrisburg from Washington in, what? Less than three hours? (OK, Erie might take a little longer. 🙂 It’s not like he couldn’t drive up and actually spend weekends in the home state if he really wanted to.
Would you feel better about Santorum’s poltics if he did? Do you feel better about young Casey’s politics if he did or didn’t do this? It is a side show to thier real beliefs which is all that counts, IMO. Also, Santorum released early commercials about Casey missing work a large % of time. Does that make Casey inadequate over an above his political philosophy??
Let me turn your question around. Would you rather have Santorum or Casey as Pennsylvania’s senator? Before you answer, yes, I know he and Casey look a lot alike in many ways, but Casey did not engineer the K Street Project, he didn’t deny at the top of his voice that he did so while still apparently running the damn thing, he isn’t a member of the corrupt Republican establishment, and yes, at the bottom of the list, he isn’t trying to pretend he doesn’t live in Pennsylvania.
Get Santorum out of office and then we can worry about Casey’s positions. Perhaps a President Gore or Feingold could be convinced to have Casey take a Cabinet position or ambassadorship and open the way for someone like Pennachio to run without having an uphill battle from day one.
He isn’t trying to pretend he lives in Pennsylvania.
my god. casey in the cabinet. i might have a heart attack before 30.
Well, I was hoping for something like ambassador to Sri Lanka or some deserving sub-Saharan country where he’d never be seen or heard from again.
I don’t know much about him, living as I do almost as far away from Pennsylvania as is humanly possible in the US, but how is he as state treasurer? There might be a post for him in the Treasury Department or something similar.
See, I’ll agree that it’s probably unlikely to say the least, but in a perfect world Gore would be president with Feingold as VP (or the other way around, I’m not choosy), and Democrats with questionable records who survived into their presidency would be elevated into positions that played into their strengths instead of making them look like Republicans lite. Maria Cantwell as energy secretary, for instance. Then that would clear the way for real progressives to get into the House and Senate (assuming Gore, Feingold, Dean et al could rein in the DLC and other corporatist types).
Chroist Bill Casey! I’ve been wasting all my time bashign this Bob guy with the unibrow. Now I gotta go read up on Bill. Couldn’t be worse than Bob now, could he?
thanks, fixed it.