The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has a hilarious editorial about the fact that Rick Santorum doesn’t live in Pennsylvania anymore and is also psychotic and unethical. It’s worth a read. Anyone coming to Baltimore tomorrow?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You Might be a Terrorist If….
Does that mean I’m now expected to buy a gun and commit a terrorist act by shooting my evil cat-murdering neighbors? Because I so want to sometimes. If the feds are going to arrest and imprison me forever regardless then there really are no negative consequences other than my guilty conscience.
More gunshots. He really is a pathetic, stupid man who somehow thinks of himself as a good christian. I shouldn’t hate him this much, but I’m sick of pets that I’m attached to getting shot to death. I’m going across the street to my house to count cats.
See you in Bal’mur Booman.
Santorum is a Republican, can’t he just get a lobbyist to buy a bigger house in Pennsylvania for him? Or failing that, he could just shoehorn his creepily large christian family into the little house he already owns until the election is over.
I thought he had a niece or something living in the house. What kind of moron doesn’t even bother to put cheap furniture in his sham house to keep up the appearance of it being occupied?
Yesterday I was honored to have participated in a meeting with St. Paul’s current Mayor Chris Coleman and former St. Paul Mayor George Latimer. They came to visit the non-profit I work for to discuss our programs and capital campaign.
Latimer is a legend in this town. I was not living here during his time as Mayor, but he went on to work for Clinton’s HUD and is an expert in urban development. He is truly one-of-a-kind and currently one of my heros. To connect him to an event all of you will remember, he was the MC for the Wellstone’s Memorial Service.
Chris Coleman is the son of one of our state’s greatest Democratic leaders, Nick Coleman. Chris was elected last November beating a DINO who was bought and paid for by the Chamber of Commerce and who had supported Bush in 2004. Mayor Coleman is young, thoughtful and passionately progressive.
What might interest all of you was a moment when Latimer counseled Coleman to “go big with your dreams and, if you must fail, be sure to fail big.” It was an honor to witness that moment and I could not help but wish that other Democratic leaders would regularly hear that kind of counsel from their elders.
Have you seen the NSA kids’ page? I don’t find it creepy at all. Really.
I just want the kids who are spying on me to know that.
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