Raw Story has obtained an email that was sent to staffers in the Rayburn Building by the Capitol Police.
From: US Capitol Police
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 12:21 PM
To: All House Staff Subject: Update – Important Instructions for the Rayburn HOBThe Capitol Police continue to investigate the report of gunfire in the Rayburn HOB.
If you have not done so, lock your office doors.
The Capitol Police will soon commence a search of the Rayburn HOB floor by floor.
During the search, the police officers will knock 3 times on each office door, announce “United States Capitol Police”, knock 3 additional times, and then voice the code word [Deleted by RAW STORY for safety concerns].
Open your office doors for the police and cooperate with all police instructions.
All occupants should remain in their offices until the Capitol Police announce that it is safe to exit.
Pretty freaky stuff. Apparently someone reported gunfire in the basement. Reports are conflicting. According to Raw Story, “Fox News is reporting that women who ran out of the building told Capitol police they had seen a gunman in the “locker room” and the “gymnasium.”” MSNBC says there are two female eyewitnesses. And they have a source that says gunpowder has been found. But other sources are denying that any gunpowder has been found.
Not sure what the hell is going on.
this is scary stuff.
but federal agents, according to roll call, are going to be conducting an investigation for even scarier reasons
related to a complete rewriting our of most basic founding document
by the President who stated to the Nation, September 20, 2001, that:
except for the most basic clauses of the Constitution, and related values of liberty
Hopefully Dick Cheney isn’t at it again.
So here’s the quote from one of the DemocRatpublicans still in the building when the alert sounded instead of already off on some taxpayer-funded Memorial Day junket
“It’s a little unsettling to get a Blackberry message put in front of you that says there’s gunfire in the building,” he said.
These chickenhawks slay me.
“It’s a little unsettling to get a mortar round dropped through your window while you are at breakfast’ might be the equivalent Iraqi legislator’s complaint.
Other Iraqi complaints?
“It’s a little unsettling to have a hood tied over your head and electrical wires strapped to your balls.”
“It’s a little unsettling to have your family wiped out by missiles while you are celebrating a wedding.”
And, sadly, so on and so forth.
I would like to go rub Hoekstra’s Intelligence Committe oversighting nose in the blood and filth of Iraq until he puked with fear.
I really would.
What is WRONG with us???!!!
you think that is bad?
Look at this:
We are lost.
Reichstag fire, anyone?
from some guys repairing an elevator.
We’ve become a nation of cowards.
“Hey Joe, did you know that if you bang your wrench really hard against the rail the elevator brakes rides on it sounds just like a gunshot?”
“Really, Ed?”
“Sure, try it.”
“Not like that, like this – “
“Wow you’re right! It does!”
“You just need to put a little muscle into it. Try it again.”
“Well I’ll be damned!”
We are lost.
The 2nd Amendment, as interpreted by the Repukeliscum, means that we can carry a gun whereever we want, and that we can enforce our 2nd Amendment rights whenever we feel that this is appropriate.
This is a good day for the 2nd Amendment.