What are your plans for Memorial Day? Are you like the greater majority who just take it as a Holiday with little or no Remembrance of those who have fallen. Or are you one who at least takes a moment to give Honor, wether for War and/or Military, or in Opposition to Unjust and Illegal Conflicts, to Honor those who Serve and Especially those who give of life and limb for Country, while the Majority do little for same. There are many ways to Serve ones Nation and Society, the Most Honorable is Working for a Peaceful World by Remembering the Past Mistakes and Not Repeating!!
Personally I can’t think of any who have not been touched by the many Wars, of man on man. Wether a family member on our long family trees, friends, living in the heart of conflicts, observing from afar, the list goes on. Everyone is touched by War’s, no matter the Definitions we give to each, they are All Destructive Behavior of Humans against Fellow Humans, supposedly the Smartest Beings on this Planet, but acting like the Animals We Really Are!
Standing in the rain
In a company formation
Of ramrod-straight strangers–
Flags, salutes, speeches,
“Taps” on a trumpet,
The militant martial air
Trumps the Ten Commandments,
Salutes the sacrifices made to war–
The sons (some daughters)
Who died in killing fields,
None free to say I disagree
With this mission, sir:
Move up, move out–
No talking, silence
In the ranks…
The surviving vets
Standing mute witness
In the rain
NPR’s Weekend America had a short report on, yesterday, that speaks of how we Remember.
Remembering Traditions
America will be divided this weekend. Some of us will be headed to barbecues and picnics, while others will be at a graveside or a parade to honor fallen soldiers. When did Memorial Day shift from being a day of remembrance, to being a weekend of celebration? Weekend America’s Krissy Clark finds out that this divide has existed longer than one might think–since the holiday first began.
You Can Listen to this Report Here and visit the links below, mentioned in the report, for further informationThe White House Commission on Remembrance
The White House Commission on Remembrance is an independent government agency whose missions include:
**Promoting the spirit of unity and remembrance through observance of The National Moment of Remembrance at 3 PM local time on Memorial Day;
**Ensuring the nation remembers the sacrifices of America’s fallen from the Revolutionary War to the present;
**Recognizing those who served and those who continue to serve our great nation and reminding all Americans of their common heritage.
Below is the VFP Memorial Day Press Release for Memorial Day 5-29-06
For Immediate Release
Veterans For Peace
David Cline: (201) 320-9755
Michael T. McPhearson: 314 303 8874
May 26, 2006 Veterans For Peace Remembers and Commemorates the Sacrifices Made by the Nation’s Fallen Service Men and Women, Memorial Day 2006Who: Veterans For Peace, a national organization of military veterans including men and women from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, the Iraq War, other conflicts and “peacetime.”
What: Memorials, vigils and solemn programs.
Why: To remember the fallen and educate the public about the human cost of war. Across the nation, veterans, military families and friends will gather on Monday May 29, 2006 to remember fallen loved ones, comrades and all service members who have died in defense of our nation. Veterans For Peace will commemorate these women and men who have made the ultimate sacrifice with vigils and solemn programs.
Several chapters will display temporary cemeteries to represent the over 2,400 fallen in the current conflict in Iraq. Other chapters will lay wreaths, flowers; have speakers, readings and march in parades.
Veterans For Peace National Executive Director Michael McPhearson stated, “It is not enough to simply remember and mourn. If we are able, we must also act. As we remember and mourn, we should use this occasion to motivate ourselves to work towards ending the madness and horror of war. We have a responsibility to educate the public on the human cost of war, the lives shattered, broken and lost. We stand as witnesses to this terrible cost and we say to our fellow citizens that there is a better way. Join us as we walk the path of peace.”
For more information, please visit Veterans For Peace .
Veterans For Peace is a national organization founded in 1985. It is structured
around a national office in Saint Louis, MO and comprised of members across the country organized in chapters or as at-large members. The organization includes men and women veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, other conflicts and peacetime veterans. Our collective experience tells us wars are easy to start and hard to stop and that those hurt are often the innocent. Thus, other means of problem solving are necessary.
Veterans For Peace
Listen and Watch Tom Chelston, of Tom Songs, dedication Song/Flash Video to Veteran’s
and visit Tom’s Site for his other songs and video’s
Information Clearing House has the full 60min HBO Documentary – Baghdad ER – at the site, this is link to home page.
Baghdad ER
HBO Documentry Video – 60 Minutes
BAGHDAD ER is an emotional, devastating and honest account of modern-day war12-time Emmy® Award winner producer/director Jon Alpert and Matthew O’Neill capture the humanity, hardships and heroism of the US Military and medical personnel of the 86th Combat Support Hospital, the Army’s premier medical facility in Iraq. Sometimes graphic in its depiction of combat-related wounds, BAGHDAD ER offers an unflinching and honest account of the realities of war. Click here to watch. Windows media
And also from Information Clearing House:
Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America’s War,As Many As 250,000?
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In Bush’s War 2464
The War in Iraq Costs $283,944,713,065 See the cost in your community
Thanks to MFSO Member Stacy Hafley who has the below posted at the Veterans For Peace site.
Happy Memorial Day!
I just wanted to send out some information about Memorial day and how we can observe it respectfully!
Memorial Day, also called Decoration Day, is a patriotic holiday in the United States. It is a day to honor Americans who gave their lives for their country. Originally, Memorial Day honored military personnel who died in the Civil War (1861-1865). The holiday now also honors those who died in any war while serving the United States.
I would like to invite all of you to observe Memorial day and honor our soldiers by promoting peace. Lets make sure that this is not just another “shopping” or “SALE” day lets speak out!!!
10 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a day for remembering those who have laid their lives in the nation’s service. . Here are some ways to celebrate the patriotic spirit of this day:
- Donate to families of soldiers who are wounded or have lost their lives.
- Observe the National Moment of Remembrance. The Moment occurs on Memorial Day, 3 PM, local time, for 1 minute. You can choose to observe this moment in any way you like. It is the sentiment that counts.
- Visit a grave site and offer flowers to those U.S. Troops who have died in the nation’s service.
- Support a local Memorial day event in your community.
- Teach small children the importance of this holiday!
- donate your time to a Veteran that may need some help ie: mowing lawns or helping with projects around the house.
- Visit a Veterans Hospital and spread some good cheer!
- THANK A VET! Write a card of thanks to your local veterans org. Vets for Peace and VFW’s are a some good examples! You could always send a care package to the troops! (They LOVE getting mail)
- Wear patriotic gear! Wear a shirt that shows you support our troops! Even better one that says bring them home NOW!!!
- Hang an American Flag
Stacy Hafley
MFSO Missouri
There will be many shows, news reports, parades etc., to supposedly give Honor to those the day is set aside for, how many people will Actually take the moment, or more, to Remember? There are many Memorials, around the country, that one can visit. There are many cemetaries, for veteran’s alone, or family plots that may have a family member, who served, and now has passed on, will they get visited? There are Memories of many we all know who were family members, friends, schoolmates, whatever, we they be thought of? There are the Innocents, slaughtered in all conflicts, will they be Remembered?
All those I served with in Vietnam, that I worked with or met, and most I have have met since, Stated than and Since that we would never allow that to happen again, We Failed!!
Now there is a New Generation living the Destructiveness of a Conflict that should Never Have Happened, in a Quagmire that can and will only bring about More Destruction, in a Split Society where More are Understanding that this Country has Once Again Allowed the Few to Lie their Way into the Devestating Destructiveness of War, taking our young, and so many innocents, and forceing to fight for Survival! Most of these Few not only have Never Experianced the Hell of War but Have No Understanding of Same, as they observe, and care less, from Afar!
Teach your children the meaning of Memorial Day, and the Real Lessons of what War Is, for if we don’t, Once Again, this Behavior will only be Repeated again and again!!
A Country and Flag In Distress!!
If this Country wants to be a Leader we Must Lead by Example, a Peaceful Example!!
As Of May 14 ’06, Mothers Day, There Are 61 Pages w/5 ‘Silent Honor Rolls’ Each, Number Of KIA’s Varies With Each ‘Silent Honor Roll’;
In Honor – In Memory
Faces of the Fallen
Last year I was given a copy of 1776 by David McCullough and was reminded of the great debt we owe our armed forces and their families.
We are once again in the midst of dark days. I only hope we may still have a chance to return to the ideals that the founders left for us so long ago.
I’ll be at a small gathering of vets tomorrow to honor those of us who were not lucky enough, then and now, to return home to our families.
After losing his Child to Iraqnam!
FOCUS | Fernando Suarez del Solar: Memorial Day – What Is this Special Day?
Fernando Suarez del Solar wonders what has happened to Memorial Day: “In spite of all of the wars that have taken thousands of our soldiers and millions of innocents, especially children, the world is still at war, and people everywhere suffer under unjust political systems where there is no freedom.”
My flag hangs on my house with hopes for what this country might be. Not what it is.
Thank you Jim, for your service to this country in war and in fighting for peace.
My husband appreciates your post as well.
It’s hard to know what to say sometimes Tracy. Saying thanks just seems real easy and it’s over in a second. But I do deeply appreciate the courage it takes to put one’s self in danger. I wish none of it ever had to be. And I’m conflicted by my feelings of what’s happened at Haditha and other places. But as one human, who’s never had to face such horrors, to another human who has, saying thank you with all my heart is the least that I could do. Trying to make a difference in the fight for peace, so that others might not die in the furure is the best thing I can do for our veterans. I have my Grandfather’s folded flag here in my house. He was a veteran of WWII. I wonder sometimes if he would understand why I involve myself in the anti war fight the way I do. Something tells me he wouldn’t approve. I don’t know why this means anything at all.
super, it means everything to uas all! Believe you me, it does.
Just be reassured that he would definately understand.
I bet if he could he would stand tall right beside you like so many other vets of his generation have been doing. hugs
From his vantage point now he observes and knows all. I’m sure that his spirit that dwells within you guides you daily. Why he fought in WWII and the things that were stake then have nothing to do with why we fight in Iraq and what was really at stake that brought us to war. We rescue no one from genocide, instead we brought genocide.
Yet again, another great diary, Jim.
Thank your for your service to our country and to peace.
Well we every day “not ever again” and mean it? I sure hope so!…..hugs
This is the first memorial day in a long while that I really thought about. Some outstanding individuals and organizations helped that process.
Last night Veterans for Peace arranged for a special showing of “Sir, No Sir” about the GIs who opposed the Viet Nam war. The breadth and depth of that resistance was unknown to me — probably in part because the Government didn’t want us to know. One particualarly moving part was the singing of a song by Rita Mortinsen which included the lyrics “Soldier, we love you.” I have to look that song up. It was haunting and heartbreaking. The courage of the GI’s who resisted — especially early on — was unbelievable.
This morning I visited a memorial banner that had been erected on the grounds of the Unitarian Church. I covered two blocks and included the names, photos (if available) and brief biographical information of each service person killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The liturgist at my church today was the president of Veterans for Peace. He spoke not only of the Americans who were killed in this “war” but also of the Iraqis who died or were injured.
The visiting minister asked us to envision peace — not just lack of war — but true peace. She talked about the need for justice as an important step along the road. She also referred to George McGovern’s Food for Peace program, about which I had forgotten.
We ended the service with the largely white, middle-aged congregation belting out as best we could “Ain’t Gonna Study War No More.”
We never met. I just wear a simple bracelet with his name on it. He was a career Marine, joined at 18 and was in line for a promotion to Major when he was killed in Anbar Province at age 35 during the second week of his second tour.
I’ve worn this bracelet pretty much continuously since December, 2004.