Belated real hello to ya, Mary! How about some columbine to spruce up the place a bit? I’ll be back later with more foxglove and peonies, should folks so desire.
I sincerely wish I could stay upright a bit longer to catch your later photos. Alas (as you well know!) it seems I’ve lost some brain cells in the day’s heat & must head to bed in hopes of regeneration.
I know what you mean about the brain cell loss… I think I helped fry mine a bit today out in the heat. I must start making myself wear my doofy WWF hat while gardening. It has a cute bear on it, hehe.
Oh and we did take a martini break about 5:00 or so to cool down inside a bit… lovely Hendricks martini done just right. It was all I could do not to make another instead of going back out to plant more seeds and plants in the fire bed! But I’m such a mensch, I did it anyway, and even watered everything in real nice in case it doesn’t rain tonight.
Sleep well, and hope to see you soon, Déesse des bois!
Before I logged out of PB there were two copies of the same pic and I deleted the one with the weird name. Must have goofed it up… this should restore it, I hope?
Sorry about that!
Hey MM, did ya see the pinkiness I posted for you and O earlier in the other café?
Ah, feel so much better now that grime is off me and achy joints have been pounded by hot water, lol.
Ok, well pink it is, was and ever shall be for you, eh? You know, the more I decry pink as a garden color, I realize we have a lot more of it than I thought. Not such a bad thing, though you know me, fire is where it’s at in my book.
Here’s another one from earlier today… and no, we never did get around to cutting any, but that rain we’re supposed to get is taking its sweet time getting here.
Remember, Firefoxers… right clicky image, view, woo-hoo.
Sure is a slow place round here tonight, but I’ve been off reading up on other diaries around here. Everyone seems to have gotten real revved up this weekend. Lots of good stuff out there.
I should be drooping like crazy here, but a bit refreshed after hard labor and a nice shower. Tell ya, it was killer on my hip and knees today, but I got the job done, hehe.
I hope you have some arnica on hand for the hip and knees! That stuff works great, dancers and athletes practically live on it. If my body hurts I usually take it orally and also use the gel to rub on the hurtie spots.
Yup, it’s been slow this weekend. Probably a good sign that peeps are finding something better to do than hang around in the FBL. LOL!
I had a lazy day. I finished a draft of the article I was writing and sent it off to be reviewed, so that’s out of the way. Aside from that I just puttered around and unpacked a few more boxes. Can’t believe only one more day of freedom! Yikes!
Yikes, I know how you feel. I’ve had a mere 3 days off work and have the dread … and after your whole move, I shudder to imagine it. But as long as it beats previous hell, that’s an improvement, right? Ok, Mr. Bright thoughts will retire and let IVG back now.
Arnica? Hmm, will have to ask Chris about that. Not something I knew of before you mentioned it. May have to check into that. My hands also take a beating but I have some nice lotion for that. But such are the rewards of gardening … not trading. 😀
Here is some info about it. You should be able to get it at any health food store. If there is a Whole Foods near you, that’s the best place since they always have knowledgeable people working in the vitamin section. It is very cheap and it works.
I had tendonitis in my achilles tendon that was so bad I could barely walk, let alone dance. I’d had it for months and there was nothing I could do to get rid of it. I just put up with the pain. Then a fellow dancer told me about arnica and I went and got some and the tendonitis was completely gone in 10 days. It’s amazing, and also very inexpensive. Imagine that!
Well, I’m off to bed, IVG. I’ve been playing with my new typing tutor program. I’m a pretty good typist, but I have a lot of sloppy habits and I decided to get a program so I could practice a little and that would be one less frustration when I sit down to write.
The cool thing is you can import text to practice and I just imported the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice! That was really fun!
So…. see you tomorrow. Will look for your reply in the morning, just in case!
Wow, thanks MM. In the interim I asked Chris about it, and he said it would likely be a good choice to use as a cream. He hadn’t heard of taking it internally though. I’ll have to go to Great Earth (supplements and such store) and see if they have some. You know I’ve been working myself up to the acupuncture thing slowly… and NDD recommends it highly. Gotta do something, because it was difficult getting back up earlier tonight after that last planting frenzy. Plainly said, I way overdid it yesterday and today in the garden digging up, weeding and planting.
Something about the midwestern soul in me makes me fierce about getting it all done. And today was my drop dead day for getting veggies in…. and we got it out of the way relatively early. Chris weeded and tilled and I swooped in with my flat of veggies and got 10 tomatoes and about 20+ peppers planted. We also ringed the whole veggie area with zinnia seeds, planted basil amongst the tomatoes, broccoli raab and nasturtiums too! I hope this experiment works, because if it does, it’s gonna be fantastic!
Now we’ve got to get the front areas weeded, thinned (the poppies are outta control!), and the rest of the stuff in there (not all that much left, just a few perennials and annuals). Then there are the zinnias to put in along the sidewalk… my corner bed for lavender, liatris and lupines and blanket flowers….
Oh shit, we’re stuck in the planting frenzy again. And every year we say we won’t put ourselves through this, lol. But in just 7 years we have really turned this place around garden wise. Go to www. to see…
Hell I’m having fits with doing this tonight. There you can check it out. lol… I need to get to bed!
Allergies have still had me pretty much down for the count today — I have an appointment for tomorrow with the doctor, so I’ll talk to her about them, as well as confessing that I’ve slacked off on the exercise routine. 🙁
Heading for bed relatively early — hope everyone has a pleasant evening…
That froggybottom does good work. It’s so nice and clean in here. 🙂
Belated real hello to ya, Mary! How about some columbine to spruce up the place a bit? I’ll be back later with more foxglove and peonies, should folks so desire.

Another brilliant photo, IVG.
I sincerely wish I could stay upright a bit longer to catch your later photos. Alas (as you well know!) it seems I’ve lost some brain cells in the day’s heat & must head to bed in hopes of regeneration.
(Good luck, wench!)
‘Night, all.
I know what you mean about the brain cell loss… I think I helped fry mine a bit today out in the heat. I must start making myself wear my doofy WWF hat while gardening. It has a cute bear on it, hehe.
Oh and we did take a martini break about 5:00 or so to cool down inside a bit… lovely Hendricks martini done just right. It was all I could do not to make another instead of going back out to plant more seeds and plants in the fire bed! But I’m such a mensch, I did it anyway, and even watered everything in real nice in case it doesn’t rain tonight.
Sleep well, and hope to see you soon, Déesse des bois!
Thank you, dear.
I’ve been sitting here with chills, so I must’ve caught a wee bit of heat stroke.
C’est la vie.
A bientot!
No photo appearing on this end, IVG!
That’s funny, it was here before.
Before I logged out of PB there were two copies of the same pic and I deleted the one with the weird name. Must have goofed it up… this should restore it, I hope?

Sorry about that!
Hey MM, did ya see the pinkiness I posted for you and O earlier in the other café?
Ah, feel so much better now that grime is off me and achy joints have been pounded by hot water, lol.
Thanks for the repost! Great photo, and yes I did see your pink offering in the other cafe. Lovely!
Ok, well pink it is, was and ever shall be for you, eh? You know, the more I decry pink as a garden color, I realize we have a lot more of it than I thought. Not such a bad thing, though you know me, fire is where it’s at in my book.
Here’s another one from earlier today… and no, we never did get around to cutting any, but that rain we’re supposed to get is taking its sweet time getting here.

Remember, Firefoxers… right clicky image, view, woo-hoo.
Nice one, IVG!
Hey, I work with what I’ve got, 😀
Sure is a slow place round here tonight, but I’ve been off reading up on other diaries around here. Everyone seems to have gotten real revved up this weekend. Lots of good stuff out there.
I should be drooping like crazy here, but a bit refreshed after hard labor and a nice shower. Tell ya, it was killer on my hip and knees today, but I got the job done, hehe.
I hope you have some arnica on hand for the hip and knees! That stuff works great, dancers and athletes practically live on it. If my body hurts I usually take it orally and also use the gel to rub on the hurtie spots.
Yup, it’s been slow this weekend. Probably a good sign that peeps are finding something better to do than hang around in the FBL. LOL!
I had a lazy day. I finished a draft of the article I was writing and sent it off to be reviewed, so that’s out of the way. Aside from that I just puttered around and unpacked a few more boxes. Can’t believe only one more day of freedom! Yikes!
Yikes, I know how you feel. I’ve had a mere 3 days off work and have the dread … and after your whole move, I shudder to imagine it. But as long as it beats previous hell, that’s an improvement, right? Ok, Mr. Bright thoughts will retire and let IVG back now.
Arnica? Hmm, will have to ask Chris about that. Not something I knew of before you mentioned it. May have to check into that. My hands also take a beating but I have some nice lotion for that. But such are the rewards of gardening … not trading. 😀
Here is some info about it. You should be able to get it at any health food store. If there is a Whole Foods near you, that’s the best place since they always have knowledgeable people working in the vitamin section. It is very cheap and it works.
I had tendonitis in my achilles tendon that was so bad I could barely walk, let alone dance. I’d had it for months and there was nothing I could do to get rid of it. I just put up with the pain. Then a fellow dancer told me about arnica and I went and got some and the tendonitis was completely gone in 10 days. It’s amazing, and also very inexpensive. Imagine that!
Well, I’m off to bed, IVG. I’ve been playing with my new typing tutor program. I’m a pretty good typist, but I have a lot of sloppy habits and I decided to get a program so I could practice a little and that would be one less frustration when I sit down to write.
The cool thing is you can import text to practice and I just imported the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice! That was really fun!
So…. see you tomorrow. Will look for your reply in the morning, just in case!
Wow, thanks MM. In the interim I asked Chris about it, and he said it would likely be a good choice to use as a cream. He hadn’t heard of taking it internally though. I’ll have to go to Great Earth (supplements and such store) and see if they have some. You know I’ve been working myself up to the acupuncture thing slowly… and NDD recommends it highly. Gotta do something, because it was difficult getting back up earlier tonight after that last planting frenzy. Plainly said, I way overdid it yesterday and today in the garden digging up, weeding and planting.
Something about the midwestern soul in me makes me fierce about getting it all done. And today was my drop dead day for getting veggies in…. and we got it out of the way relatively early. Chris weeded and tilled and I swooped in with my flat of veggies and got 10 tomatoes and about 20+ peppers planted. We also ringed the whole veggie area with zinnia seeds, planted basil amongst the tomatoes, broccoli raab and nasturtiums too! I hope this experiment works, because if it does, it’s gonna be fantastic!
Now we’ve got to get the front areas weeded, thinned (the poppies are outta control!), and the rest of the stuff in there (not all that much left, just a few perennials and annuals). Then there are the zinnias to put in along the sidewalk… my corner bed for lavender, liatris and lupines and blanket flowers….
Oh shit, we’re stuck in the planting frenzy again. And every year we say we won’t put ourselves through this, lol. But in just 7 years we have really turned this place around garden wise. Go to www. to see…
Hell I’m having fits with doing this tonight. There you can check it out. lol… I need to get to bed!
Allergies have still had me pretty much down for the count today — I have an appointment for tomorrow with the doctor, so I’ll talk to her about them, as well as confessing that I’ve slacked off on the exercise routine. 🙁
Heading for bed relatively early — hope everyone has a pleasant evening…
Don’t let the BBs bite!