It’s in the lower 90s which given that this is still May is very unseasonably hot. But Wilderness Wench won (dubious honor) the unseasonably hot, hot, hot sweepstakes by having 100° weather in the catskills.
100 degrees in the Catskills is just hell and unseasonable in the extreme. I grew up there and remember in the humidity even the low 90s was unbearable. I never remember it being 100 degrees there. Gosh, what could be happening?
It’s a fairly pleasant day here in SoCal, but it looks like some serious heat is coming our way soon. Just in time for me to go back to work on Wednesday!
Those are good wishes, AndiF. I think we can agree that I need a “normal” work situation. I peed in a jar and drove 90 miles round trip to be fingerprinted and background checked for these people, so let’s assume I will sit down to a desk in an optimal work environment.
Sounds like the heat is heading our way! I think heat is worse than cold since you can always bundle up but it is much more difficult to escape oppressive heat.
I hope it works out for you. UNless you are flying a plane or driving a bus or some such work, I have always been wary of employers that demand you pee clean to get a job. Of course, that could be a big reason why I always look for small firms to work for at 10-15% less salary. I figure so long as I don’t come to work wacked out, they have no need to know what I do on my downtime.
Drug tests and personality tests are a poor way to start out a working relationship in my humble opinion.
But, don’t get me wrong…I can totally understand putting up with them for the right job.
Doesn’t he though? And you don’t even have a fur coat! But seriously, here in LA in the SF Valley where it gets hotter than hell itself and we don’t have central air, just one AC in the living room, I have taken ice cold baths on occasion. My one most persistent unfulfilled wish is for a swimming pool!
It’s definately not hot here. Hello from tomorrow morning in the chilly land downunder the Land Downunder.
Could someone please open a temporal fold between your place and mine so that we can equalize temperatures? That, or at least throw another log onthe fire.
The alpacas are waiting none-to-patiently for their breakfast. Nina is staring at the house – in that way that animals do once they learn that the very act of looking at people alters human behavior.
At least they all have wooly coats against the cold.
Animals are so amazing. There is a really cool TV show called Dog Whisperer. This man really gets dogs and helps people find harmony with their animals. Basically his point is that if you want to get along with a dog, you need to think and behave the way a dog thinks and behaves. Animals have so much to teach us!
My favorite writer on animal behavior is Stephen Budiansky. You can go to the following link to read an exerpt from his hilarious and informative The Truth about Dogs.
Great website, thanks for the. I also think this guy has a powerful way of intervening between dogs and their “owners” to balance the equation by putting it all in the dog’s perspective.
This is some foxglove blooming out front right now… photo courtesy of C, since I did the other ones earlier… anyway… enjoy.
Heading back out to plant some more seeds and get the grill going soon … Veggies are all planted now, as are a bunch of zinnias edging the veggie area, basil and broccoli raab and other stuff.
Very nice IVG, my compliments to C…ya got some competition goin’ there?…:{)
BTW, HERE’S some more pics from the Chelsea Flower Show. Click on the ‘related link Chelsea Flower Show‘ for some tasty stuff…off to fire up the Weber myself…Enjoy!
I hope everyone has had a great Memorial day. The weekend has been a busy one for me and I took today as a lazy day. Now I have to start doing laundry so I can work this week. LOL
LOL well, I did. I have napped and played computer games more than anything else today. I guess being outside in the heat the last 3 days sort of did me in. LOL
Well, I did it mainly because there will be events most every night leading up to the state convention. The next week and a half will be busier than any two weeks so far. LOL
Good luck w/ your work. You’re very inspiring you know. 🙂
My day was not a holiday — work blech 🙂 — but I had lots of chocolate (including ginger cognac and strawberry and champagne chocolate truffles) so it made it a bit better LOL.
Thank you. I try and do what I can because I know a lot of people do not have the time to devote that I do.
The chocolate sounds great. I had one of my all time favorite fair foods twice this weekend….turkey legs. LOL and lots of pineapple punch and lemonade.
LOL they are in the south and south west. Also there was every kind of mexican food you can imagine and the Bar-B-Que friday was brisket. I have had more than a weeks worth of meat in the last three days. LOL
I was out riding my bike today and I went past a house where the whole front yard had been planted with wild flowers (and it was a big yard) and as a reflex I started to get off my bike to take some pictures until my brain kicked in and said ‘hey stupid, you don’t have a camera’.
Just for the next 12 hours, I have nothing left to grade. Of course, the fun begins all over tomorrow, but it is a relief to have all the old stuff done!!!
High school students get finals and they have a CD project to turn in this week. I plan on having them write the final exam essay this week, peer edit it before it I touch them and start grading those a week before exams!!
I know that all of that sounds like a lot, but it is not.
Hey there all (she said numbly). Glad to see y’all here & in good form.
I’m pleased to report that it’s a lovely night here, weatherwise — as is usual after a hellish day. I plan on leaving the windows open all night & listening to the peepers & cicadas sing.
It’s the least I could do, Andi. Or possibly the most.
Yes, we’ve made it through & are set for a replay tomorrow. At least the valley’s quieted down, with all the weekenders gone, so we year-rounders can suffer in peace.
Personally, I’m wondering if you could possibly bottle some of that wonderful chi you have & send it eastward.Given a steady supply, we might even be able to vaporize the White House.
Hi all. I bagged the party and am waiting for my kid to get back in the area. I should hear from her soon.
It was a lovely day in OakTown. Not too hot, not too cool, and not too much wind, perfect CA weather.
I went back to NY a couple of Augusts ago and was completely overwhelmed by the humidity and heat. I had forgotten how oppressive it can be. But the Catskills are some of the prettiest country in the states.
I grew up near Binghamton, but I spent a fair amount of time in the Catskills. I love the north east, but I must say the Bay Area has both beauty and fine weather. But, I miss the fall and winter too. I wish I could be bi-coastal. :>)
Throes of hades lately eh? No end of interesting weather out your way recently… glad to see you around, and hope you liked the foxglove earlier… told Chris I bet you’d like that one. The little hairs in the flowers are awesome in the larger version… he really captured them well, and we have more of them in stock too.
Still waiting on this promised rain tonight, but nothing significant on the radar yet … it better rain! There are thirsty new plants and seeds out there in the ground just waiting!
Hope it’s cooled down over your way a bit tonight!
Oh, yes — loved Chris’ foxglove image. It’s one of my favorite Catskills ‘wildflowers’ (some do grow wild here) — I can sit & watch the bees travel in & out for hours.
That’s a terrific photo down below, too — I want to guess it’s lobelia, but I’m in a bit of a haze tonight.
Thanks for good wishes; this being the mountains, it always cools at night quite a bit. It’s lovely right now.
But we do have a few giant blue lobelias, but have to move them to a better position because they haven’t done too well the past couple of years. This sage is just gorgeous this year, and I don’t recall it blooming last year, but Chris said it did, so I’m the forgetful one for a change! lol
Just finished grill o rama and dinner on the porch, and shower time is near for this dirt devil, but thought I’d stop by and post another couple pics for Andi before she goes to bed (hehe… and for O, dada, Mary, WW, MM, RF and everyone else around here… sorry if I missed anyone!)
Here’s a pink fix for O and MM… taken in the earlier batch today… peony, of course!
Again, firefoxers… right click image, view… woo hoo, etc.
Well Andi, I did promise you much earlier today… and I’m making an effort! So much has popped the last day or so around here (besides the never ending weeds!) that I could have spent the whole day just taking pictures. But there were veggies and flowers to plant, many seeds and such. At least my “fire bed” planting is weeded and I have put a whole bunch more new stuff out there. Now to the rest of them, sigh…. We’ll have it whipped into shape within the next week, I hope. Then it’s gravy time into June/July/August, where it will be mostly weeding and watering to keep stuff performing.
I’ll offer my early good night to ya, since I suspect that after I get cleaned up and can get back here, you’ll have long since ‘retired.’ Hope you and Jim had a great day!
My landlord’s roses have been blooming like mad. We have red ones, yellow ones, purple ones, white ones, pink ones, and some that are some weird combinations. If I had a digitial camera, I’d share some pics, but they are quite pretty and some are even fragrent too.
Peonies have always been near and dear to my heart since I was a kid, when they fascinated me because of the ant connection to blooming. And then to find out that if given proper conditions, they are one of the closest of all plants to being immortal. I can remember old places where I grew up where the house had long since been demolished, but long standing peonies were still there, doing their thing every year.
Please do take some with you when you move… they’re worth the effort and there’s no fragrance to compare them with in my book… pure bliss.
Though if nicotiana bloomed in this hue, I’d plant it more often. Haven’t had it in a few years, but liked it when I had some fiery red ones. See, I’m a total Leo, lol. Fire ranges are my faves.
when he did my chart a few years ago. July 30… and apparently when I was born there was a hellacious clump of fiery planets all lined up. Probably explains my cantankerous nature, huh? 🙂
That’s a great pic O!!!! Just a few days ago ours were looking pretty much that way, but the heat of the last couple of days has made them just explode. I’ve got some more goodies for ya later, just let me get the grime off and I’ll be back after a bit.
Glad you liked your peony pic… I was really trying for the “in your face” close ups today with those.
When’s Happy Hour?
is happy hour somewhere.
Hey, AndiF. Is it hot hot hot where you are?
It’s in the lower 90s which given that this is still May is very unseasonably hot. But Wilderness Wench won (dubious honor) the unseasonably hot, hot, hot sweepstakes by having 100° weather in the catskills.
100 degrees in the Catskills is just hell and unseasonable in the extreme. I grew up there and remember in the humidity even the low 90s was unbearable. I never remember it being 100 degrees there. Gosh, what could be happening?
It’s a fairly pleasant day here in SoCal, but it looks like some serious heat is coming our way soon. Just in time for me to go back to work on Wednesday!
It’s supposed to get cooler here by mid-week which I will be very glad about.
In case I forget (we geezers do that), good luck on your new job — I hope it turns out to be a great place to work.
Those are good wishes, AndiF. I think we can agree that I need a “normal” work situation. I peed in a jar and drove 90 miles round trip to be fingerprinted and background checked for these people, so let’s assume I will sit down to a desk in an optimal work environment.
Sounds like the heat is heading our way! I think heat is worse than cold since you can always bundle up but it is much more difficult to escape oppressive heat.
I hope it works out for you. UNless you are flying a plane or driving a bus or some such work, I have always been wary of employers that demand you pee clean to get a job. Of course, that could be a big reason why I always look for small firms to work for at 10-15% less salary. I figure so long as I don’t come to work wacked out, they have no need to know what I do on my downtime.
Drug tests and personality tests are a poor way to start out a working relationship in my humble opinion.
But, don’t get me wrong…I can totally understand putting up with them for the right job.
clik image for more cool
Very nice here today after 2 days of temps 20° above normal…ahhhhhhh…
Nice linkee too!
Would anyone mind if I just dumped a pitcher of ice on my head?
Fill the bath tub with cold water, add ice, and jump in!
Thanks MM. That polar bear at the top of the cafe looks awfully happy.
Doesn’t he though? And you don’t even have a fur coat! But seriously, here in LA in the SF Valley where it gets hotter than hell itself and we don’t have central air, just one AC in the living room, I have taken ice cold baths on occasion. My one most persistent unfulfilled wish is for a swimming pool!
You could use a little kids pool.
Hi Toni. So I guess Michigan isn’t escaping the heat, either.
Hey Andi! It’s blazing hot here. I hate to run the A/C in May, but I couldn’t sleep last night.
It’s definately not hot here. Hello from tomorrow morning in the chilly land downunder the Land Downunder.
Could someone please open a temporal fold between your place and mine so that we can equalize temperatures? That, or at least throw another log onthe fire.
How are the alpacas?
The alpacas are waiting none-to-patiently for their breakfast. Nina is staring at the house – in that way that animals do once they learn that the very act of looking at people alters human behavior.
At least they all have wooly coats against the cold.
Animals are so amazing. There is a really cool TV show called Dog Whisperer. This man really gets dogs and helps people find harmony with their animals. Basically his point is that if you want to get along with a dog, you need to think and behave the way a dog thinks and behaves. Animals have so much to teach us!
My favorite writer on animal behavior is Stephen Budiansky. You can go to the following link to read an exerpt from his hilarious and informative The Truth about Dogs.
Great website, thanks for the. I also think this guy has a powerful way of intervening between dogs and their “owners” to balance the equation by putting it all in the dog’s perspective.
I’ve always maintained that it’s easy to train animals. What’s hard is training the humans to be consistent and sensible trainers.
Then you would find that the “Dog Whisperer” is totally on your wavelength!
As the old saying goes — the weather is always better in the other hemisphere.
I missed that old saying.
My favorite old saying comes from Erma Bombeck – “The grass is always greener over the septic tank.”
Based on personal experience, the grass is much greener over the finger system (though I’m not sure you can actually call what we have grass).
Finger system?
That sounds a little . . . um, kinky.
um, stinky
OK. Stinky then. But what the heck is it?!
It’s a series of gravel-filled trenches covered by dirt (and eventually growing things) that disperses the outflow from a septic tank.
And it isn’t really stinky — unless it isn’t working.
Ah, evapo-transpiration beds. Got it.
This is some foxglove blooming out front right now… photo courtesy of C, since I did the other ones earlier… anyway… enjoy.

Heading back out to plant some more seeds and get the grill going soon … Veggies are all planted now, as are a bunch of zinnias edging the veggie area, basil and broccoli raab and other stuff.
Catch you folks later on tonight, I hope!
Great photo and totally great flowers, IVG!
Very nice IVG, my compliments to C…ya got some competition goin’ there?…:{)
BTW, HERE’S some more pics from the Chelsea Flower Show. Click on the ‘related link Chelsea Flower Show‘ for some tasty stuff…off to fire up the Weber myself…Enjoy!
Tell Chris thanks — those are lovely.
Stunning flowers!!!!
I hope everyone has had a great Memorial day. The weekend has been a busy one for me and I took today as a lazy day. Now I have to start doing laundry so I can work this week. LOL
… r69 and lazy?!?!?! No way … hehehe 🙂 Did you have a good lazy day … how ’bout the heat, was it bad for you as well?
LOL well, I did. I have napped and played computer games more than anything else today. I guess being outside in the heat the last 3 days sort of did me in. LOL
… and got some fun and rest in. 🙂
Well, I did it mainly because there will be events most every night leading up to the state convention. The next week and a half will be busier than any two weeks so far. LOL
I hope you had a great day also.
Good luck w/ your work. You’re very inspiring you know. 🙂
My day was not a holiday — work blech 🙂 — but I had lots of chocolate (including ginger cognac and strawberry and champagne chocolate truffles) so it made it a bit better LOL.
Thank you. I try and do what I can because I know a lot of people do not have the time to devote that I do.
The chocolate sounds great. I had one of my all time favorite fair foods twice this weekend….turkey legs. LOL and lots of pineapple punch and lemonade.
I’ve never heard of that before — sounds much better than street meat (aka hot dogs) … now that’s blech. 🙂
LOL they are in the south and south west. Also there was every kind of mexican food you can imagine and the Bar-B-Que friday was brisket. I have had more than a weeks worth of meat in the last three days. LOL
I was out riding my bike today and I went past a house where the whole front yard had been planted with wild flowers (and it was a big yard) and as a reflex I started to get off my bike to take some pictures until my brain kicked in and said ‘hey stupid, you don’t have a camera’.
I was wondering if you had your camera with you when I read about your bike ride earlier today … 🙂
Do you have a pouch you can slip it in? LOL
there’s no way I could protect it if I took a fall. It’s bad enough hurting yourself but it would really piss me off to break the camera.
You could get a padded pouch for it.
to keep me from worrying, it would be bigger than my bike. 😉
You need to take you camera with you on your bike rides. LOL
Glad you had a good weekend and at least one lazy day.
It was great!!! and today was restful and a good recharge as Oliva puts it.
Just for the next 12 hours, I have nothing left to grade. Of course, the fun begins all over tomorrow, but it is a relief to have all the old stuff done!!!
I’m happy for you, Toni!
Thank you. I have never been in this position with two weeks left in school.
Sorry — I’m not musically inclined so that was the best I could do.
I say just give ’em pop quizzes for the remaining time and let them grade each others’ tests.
High school students get finals and they have a CD project to turn in this week. I plan on having them write the final exam essay this week, peer edit it before it I touch them and start grading those a week before exams!!
I know that all of that sounds like a lot, but it is not.
Well you’re certainly a better judge than me but it sounds like a lot of work to me.
But I’m sure the summer break at the end of it helps make it feels a lot less burdensome.
Thanks R-69. How are you doing?
Doing Great!!!!! Had a fabulus weekend and looking forward to an even better week. Hope you are doing well also
Hey there all (she said numbly). Glad to see y’all here & in good form.
I’m pleased to report that it’s a lovely night here, weatherwise — as is usual after a hellish day. I plan on leaving the windows open all night & listening to the peepers & cicadas sing.
Thanks to all for your truly beautiful images.
HI WW!!! Hope you has a great weekend .
Long time no see, dear! Good to see you & know you’re doing well.
The weekend here was fine, thank you. Very unbusy — especially today. Not a creature was stirring ..
LOL I have been absent a lot from the pond but you guys are always on my mind.
We’re right with you, Refinish.
I’m glad you survived your appallingly hot day. As you can see, you gave me inspiration for this cafe.
It’s the least I could do, Andi. Or possibly the most.
Yes, we’ve made it through & are set for a replay tomorrow. At least the valley’s quieted down, with all the weekenders gone, so we year-rounders can suffer in peace.
Evening all. Storms are coming – temperatures are dropping. 🙂
Howdy Mary!!!!
Hi Refinish. Rested up for all the events coming up?
about as rested as I ever get. LOL
Personally, I’m wondering if you could possibly bottle some of that wonderful chi you have & send it eastward.Given a steady supply, we might even be able to vaporize the White House.
Poof! Back to the planet Zod they go.
Have a good time at the cook-out?
Yep. Most of us stayed inside where it was cool and watched the baseball game.
So not a gotta-go-read-a-book gathering. That’s good (or bad depending on
your point of view)
Sounds beautiful, maryb!
Hi all. I bagged the party and am waiting for my kid to get back in the area. I should hear from her soon.
It was a lovely day in OakTown. Not too hot, not too cool, and not too much wind, perfect CA weather.
I went back to NY a couple of Augusts ago and was completely overwhelmed by the humidity and heat. I had forgotten how oppressive it can be. But the Catskills are some of the prettiest country in the states.
That’s why we put up with it all, Kamakhya — 20 below in winter, Hades plus in summer.
Me, I wouldn’t live elsewhere.
Glad to hear you’ve had lovely weather yourself.
I grew up near Binghamton, but I spent a fair amount of time in the Catskills. I love the north east, but I must say the Bay Area has both beauty and fine weather. But, I miss the fall and winter too. I wish I could be bi-coastal. :>)
Hello. It sounds like you should send some of your weather our way.
Checked the national weather maps earlier — cooler weather’s definitely on the way.
Throes of hades lately eh? No end of interesting weather out your way recently… glad to see you around, and hope you liked the foxglove earlier… told Chris I bet you’d like that one. The little hairs in the flowers are awesome in the larger version… he really captured them well, and we have more of them in stock too.
Still waiting on this promised rain tonight, but nothing significant on the radar yet … it better rain! There are thirsty new plants and seeds out there in the ground just waiting!
Hope it’s cooled down over your way a bit tonight!
Oh, yes — loved Chris’ foxglove image. It’s one of my favorite Catskills ‘wildflowers’ (some do grow wild here) — I can sit & watch the bees travel in & out for hours.
That’s a terrific photo down below, too — I want to guess it’s lobelia, but I’m in a bit of a haze tonight.
Thanks for good wishes; this being the mountains, it always cools at night quite a bit. It’s lovely right now.
Here’s to the rain coming your way.
But we do have a few giant blue lobelias, but have to move them to a better position because they haven’t done too well the past couple of years. This sage is just gorgeous this year, and I don’t recall it blooming last year, but Chris said it did, so I’m the forgetful one for a change! lol
Leave it to me to ignore the obvious! LOL
‘Clue? Feh!’
Just finished grill o rama and dinner on the porch, and shower time is near for this dirt devil, but thought I’d stop by and post another couple pics for Andi before she goes to bed (hehe… and for O, dada, Mary, WW, MM, RF and everyone else around here… sorry if I missed anyone!)
Here’s a pink fix for O and MM… taken in the earlier batch today… peony, of course!

Again, firefoxers… right click image, view… woo hoo, etc.
Yet another gorgeous image, IVG. Thanks so much.
I lost many of my own floral friends this weekend due to a crazed lawnmower & so these cheer me significantly.
Always love to cheer someone up with something near to my heart… so here’s another one for ya… this time, a red peony

I was just starting to think about heading off to bed and you show up with more gorgeous flowers.
Well Andi, I did promise you much earlier today… and I’m making an effort! So much has popped the last day or so around here (besides the never ending weeds!) that I could have spent the whole day just taking pictures. But there were veggies and flowers to plant, many seeds and such. At least my “fire bed” planting is weeded and I have put a whole bunch more new stuff out there. Now to the rest of them, sigh…. We’ll have it whipped into shape within the next week, I hope. Then it’s gravy time into June/July/August, where it will be mostly weeding and watering to keep stuff performing.
I’ll offer my early good night to ya, since I suspect that after I get cleaned up and can get back here, you’ll have long since ‘retired.’ Hope you and Jim had a great day!
My landlord’s roses have been blooming like mad. We have red ones, yellow ones, purple ones, white ones, pink ones, and some that are some weird combinations. If I had a digitial camera, I’d share some pics, but they are quite pretty and some are even fragrent too.
Wow! That’s exquisite.
I’d like to try bringing peonies up to my homestead (if I ever get there) — I really like them.
Peonies have always been near and dear to my heart since I was a kid, when they fascinated me because of the ant connection to blooming. And then to find out that if given proper conditions, they are one of the closest of all plants to being immortal. I can remember old places where I grew up where the house had long since been demolished, but long standing peonies were still there, doing their thing every year.
Please do take some with you when you move… they’re worth the effort and there’s no fragrance to compare them with in my book… pure bliss.
offa me and settle down for the night… This one dedicated to O-Sage-O the Rockies, dada… I liked how this one turned out.

Clue as to what this one is? In the dedication at top, hehe. I’m sure herb growers will recognize this though.
You’ve caught me with my perceptual pants down tonight, dear.
Though if nicotiana bloomed in this hue, I’d plant it more often. Haven’t had it in a few years, but liked it when I had some fiery red ones. See, I’m a total Leo, lol. Fire ranges are my faves.
Ah yes, Miss WIldwoods Wisdom embarrasses herself yet again!
Consider yourself lucky I didn’t guess they were daisies.
Care to share your birthday, Leo?
when he did my chart a few years ago. July 30… and apparently when I was born there was a hellacious clump of fiery planets all lined up. Probably explains my cantankerous nature, huh? 🙂
They’re beauties! And the foxglove too – the little hairs are exquisite! C did a great job w/ that one!
My peonies are budding, but they’re being used for ah, other things at the moment! LOL
That’s a great pic O!!!! Just a few days ago ours were looking pretty much that way, but the heat of the last couple of days has made them just explode. I’ve got some more goodies for ya later, just let me get the grime off and I’ll be back after a bit.
Glad you liked your peony pic… I was really trying for the “in your face” close ups today with those.
My daughter just got home so I’m off for a while.
Here’s a new cafe for you.
Good night.