Blue Skies Smiling At Me

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Hope they smile at all of you as well
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
In honor of the holiday, the dogs didn’t get me up until 6:20 a.m. What kindness.
Hope everybody who isn’t working sleeps in and everybody who is has an easy day.
Hope you have a very slackerly day planned.
Planning on a bike ride and grilling some chicken so nothing to strenuous. What’s your plan or the lack thereof?
If I can find the clippers today, George will get a haircut. I’ve had enough. It’s been years since I’ve had hair of the dog, but dog hair isn’t part of my diet.
Sounds like you and Jim have a slackerly day going.
Message to George from the pack: Run George run, man is in the mood to clip.
Message to pack from George. I hid em, so FM doesn’t really know where they are. 🙂
Good morning Andi, and IP and FM and suskind (Suskind! so early?).
Morning Mary. How was the family get together?
Lots of fun. My mom’s cousins from Cape Girardeau came in for it. I didn’t know they were coming so it was a nice surprise. So two more women added to the mix, and one more Bob.
Sounds like it was a lot of fun. Are ya planning on slacking today I hope?
Uh oh. Brother I thought was showing up yesterday, just did. He bought back my gas can and now George has a repreive from the clippers and I have a lawn to do.
See Ya’ll later.
Bye, I’ll be back in a bit too.
My sister invited me over for barbeque later today. I think I might go shopping this afternoon. Olivia got me thinking about new sandals last night 😉 This morning I’m just hanging around doing some laundry.
G’morn’n Andi, and all who come.
Take this day, and reflect to it’s real meaning, spend time to do this, and you will never forget.
For it is not so much for those who have gone before us, but truly what they sacrificed for those left behind.
peace …. without loss of life….what a concept
Morning IP. Hope you have a good day going today.
Thanks IP. It’s a lovely thought.
happy you’re here !!
Hey bro, long time no speak.
glad your back around, hope all is going well in your world.
peace man
I like the blue skies… and it’s nice to arrive here in the wee hours. thought I’d check in at the pond and say hello. glad all is peaceful in this corner of the world.
Has anyone read Bill Moyer’s Baccalaureate speech he gave at Hamilton College May 20? It’s uplifting.
Morning suskind. I haven’t read it yet, but will now.
Been having a good weekend?
thanks suskind, I missed that one.
Good morning everyone! Its a gorgeous day here in central Indiana and I managed to sleep in a bit for a change.
Thanks for the Moyers – He always inspires me. Have a lazy, slacker day 😉
ok, time for a walk in the park, a cup of cuban coffee, a good smoke, and enjoy….
later gator’s….
Time for me to get ready for the day and look again for the clippers. George hid them really good this time.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
‘Morning, folks. Good to see you on this very, very warm Catskills day. Already shared my misery in this regard up at the Open Thread.
Let this be a day of peace & serenity in our own hearts.
Certainly can’t imagine what the folks up the mountain at the hunting club can be shooting at this early in the day. Go sit by a cool stream & have breakfast, people — stop pretending you’re in combat.
Well all my plans for the day went to the wayside. I decided it was a holiday and I deserve to slack more than usual, if that’s possible.
Anybody around or is everybody out grilling?
hey, I’m around but only for about an hour. It’s hot here too. I went for a walk but it was too humid to enjoy. I should have done it earlier.
You want to know something really disgusting. I was looking out my window and saw a couple jogging.
That in itself isn’t bad, but they looked old enough to my grandparents.
Have they no shame. 🙂
tsk tsk. Old people today … no sense of decorum.
Did you do the lawn or not?
If I said yes would ya believe me?
Nope, by the time my brother left I decided it was already too hot. I’m hoping the heat will kill a little more grass and weeds before tomorrow.
You could water …
I think you should do the lawn at 6:30 tomorrow morning, when it’s cool. Screw the neighbors and their sleep!
Nah, I’ll give them until at least 8:00 am. Plus I’ve been sleeping later lately and it takes me awhile to get going.
Morning FM, et al. Just waking up and throwing back my first cup ‘o joy. Debating on whether or not I want to go to a party this afternoon. While I love a good party, I also really enjoy just hanging at home, listening to the birds and maybe get a little laundry and cleaning done on the side.
LOL..cup ‘o joy was supposed to be cup ‘o joe…but joy does seem to work! :>)
Morning. How was your party the other night?
Cup of Joe, I’ve given it up. Although it would be a joy to have some coffee. 🙂
It was a good time. The same people plus several more are expected for the annual bbq, but since I already saw many of them, I’m not to pressed to attend the shindig today.
Plus, my daughter is coming home today after being gone all weekend and I have no idea when she plans on arriving. So, I might get to the party only to have to turn around and drive back home to pick her up.
Oh well, I have hours left before I have to make that decision.
I used to rent a house with a lawn…I’ve learned I never want to do that again! :>)
I’m a firm believer in concrete. If you want to see green, then paint it.
My brother just sent his son off to basketball camp today. I’m sure by tonight, they’ll be wanting to go and get him.
There is just no justice in this neighborhood. A accross the street neighbor just started mowing his lawn. He’s usually the only one I can count on to let it grow. That still doesn’t make me want to get out in this heat though. 🙂
I didn’t know my daughter would be gone all weekend until I dropped her off Friday Night! Argh… We’ll have a nice chat about that when she gets home.
Because we don’t get much rain around these parts, many of the local yards are rocks or low-rain bushes. Very nice and very little work. I found mowing though to be a particularly odius chore and one I do not ever want to do again. If I ever win the lottery and get a house, I will hire someone to do it for me.
LOL I’ve always thought the samething on the lottery.
Go to the party, you can do laundry anytime.
That written in the slackers code.
Actually, sometimes its easier to do laundry than go to a party.
For a second I had to make sure this wasn’t Andi talking. 🙂
Nope, it’s me. I’m not really a very social person deep down. If it was up to my inner impulses I’d stay home and do laundry every time. I usually force myself to go to the party though, and I usually have at least a fairly decent time and most of the time a fairly good time. But it’s a constant inner struggle between the real me and the me that I think would make me happier.
I so understand that! I generally have a good time at parties, but it is like pulling teeth to make me actually go to one. I often do end up going and I am often happy that I did, but that doesn’t mean that the next time a party comes up, I won’t go through the same dilemna of to go or not to go.
That’s why I told you to go — don’t think about it, just do it. 🙂
Even if you have to leave early to pick up your daughter.
Yeah, I should pop in, if only briefly. Of course, that means I will have to stop off at the local supermarket to pick up my annual veggie platter and the gas station to fill up the tank. But it is a beautiful day and I should get out.
Thanks for the kick in the ass! :>)
you could skip the party, go somewhere lovely, and take a hike — you’d still get out and you wouldn’t have to go be nice to people.
uh, that would be lucifer.
Don’t listen! The pointy tail and a pitchfork are a dead giveaway, not to mention the red color.
I, on the other hand, have a shiny halo o:)
I wore sunscreen.
I know exactly how you feel. I’ve always been sort of a homebody myself.
When I was younger I felt the need to go out and had to be doing something. Now that I’ve gotten older, I’m just as happy puttering around the house.
Can’t believe I’m actually catching Andi, Mary and FM somewhat live, lol! Glad to see you folks today… last couple of nights have been very slow around here, and I missed Mary’s big lounge the other night. How will I ever live that one down?
Best of the day to you folks and everyone else upthread if still around (or not)!
You’ll be paying for it for years, years I say!
That’s what I was afraid of! 🙂
I’ll find some way to make it up to ya Mary… but I suspect your memory in such things goes a long way…
Typical STL day it sounds like down there… are you folks due for storms tonight too? 80% chance predicted here, thus the big push to get stuff in the ground now.
don’t give in! I love the real you.
How was your bike ride?
hot, hot, hot.
Did you drink enough water? Did you stop and rest?
??? I must be channeling your mother. 🙂
Pretty good but you’re running a little behind — I already got a call from her worrying because I’d been out biking in the heat.
I think someone should put a little bug in her ear and get her to have you carry a cell phone so she can check every five minutes.
You would definitely stop to rest, or crash into a tree trying to answer the phone. Either way, she would know how you are. 🙂
and I bought it for her. I’m an idiot but I’m a good daughter idiot.
You’re a good daughter and a smart daughter.
Egads! What were you thinking?!?
Sheesh, I am just so thankful that 3000 miles is between my mom and me, bless her heart. ;>)
In my case I take care of my Mom, but if one of my brothers or sister doesn’t call everyday, she starts worrying.
They’ve learned. They know they’ll catch it if they don’t. 🙂
That’s really sweet. Our family is nothing like that and we still argue about who will take care of mom when and if the time comes. I know it won’t be me.
I wish our family was closer, but we really fight a lot, so close is just no fun. It’s much better if we only get together once every year or more.
My siblings and I still don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, but with the calling Mom, it’s more of not a choice. 🙂
I’m the only one whose children are grown and single, so I came back home. It benefits both of us really. She has said though that with a couple of my siblings, it would be no way she would ever live with them.
But she still worries.
and storms forecast for tonight, so another big day out in garden land. Just a quick hello before I head out with the camera to take some pics of the poppies and peonies that have just burst into bloom, then getting the veggies in the ground, more weeding, more seed and plant planting. It never ends around here, though almost all of the plants we bought are in the ground and the rest should be in their new places at some point today… I hope!
Common thread here this morning… laundry… was just gathering up what I need to throw in before I get busy outside.
I need another day for this holiday! That rain on Sat. really threw me off schedule and despite all my labors yesterday, there’s still so much to do!
Hey there FM, no mowing? But clippers? Oh George, run for your furry life! Around here it’s the appearance of the toenail clippers that sends Pepa packing (well that and any appearance of the vacuum, lol).
How’s it going IVG? I really wish I had your love of gardening and outside work. 🙂
I don’t think George is worried. Two days and I haven’t found the clippers yet. Now I know he can’t hide them, but….
Well I have the love of flowers and veggies to spur me on, otherwise I’d be quite content to be a slacker. But as the classic Panglossian line goes, Il faut cultiver son jardin (One must cultivate one’s garden), because if we don’t do it, it won’t get done and there will be no flowers or tomatoes or peppers this summer… the thought of which I don’t even want to contemplate!
In my case anything I try to grow just won’t and anything I don’t want to grow will.
If I could only turn that around. 🙂
I thought that’s what florists and farmer’s markets were for! :>)
Back when I had the yard that I loathed mowing, I thought I might try my hand at a bit of gardening. I got about as far as buying some books and dreaming some rather beautiful dreams.
Some people have a green thumb and some just don’t. 🙂
Indeed! Besides, who would those with green thumbs give al their excess produce and flowers to, if not for those of us without to receive them?
LOL you told me you were a slacker, now I can see that slacker rational.
That’s a slacker bit of wisdom I’ll have to add to the book. 🙂
How about you take a break at some point and post a couple of pictures early for you geezerly fans. Please (my mother raised me right).
I’ll try to do that… the oriental poppy that’s open now is just full of interesting “inner bits” that I’m sure Olivia will just love. And with heavy rain on the way tonight, this may be the only day to get them taken, as the the big poppies don’t fare well in pounding rain.
And right on cue… our peonies are blooming and here comes a big rain… I expect we’ll cut a lot of those to bring in tonight so they don’t end up kissing the ground later.
Skip the try… I will pop in later with some pics.
So Andi, here’s my idea for meetup(s).
End of August we (Andi and I) meet for lunch in Effingham IL. Anybody who wants to come, show up. We’ll let everybody know where and when. I’m betting it will be just the two of us. Not that there’s anything wrong with Effingham but, really, the only thing it has going for it is the fact that it’s half way between us.
First or second week of October we do Chicago. Meetup day is a Saturday. The official part will involve picking a place to meet and do something together in the afternoon. I’m sure something is going on even in a little town like Chicago. 😉 Then we can go to dinner together.
Unofficially, people can come in on Friday and/or stay through Sunday and do anything else together or separately their little hearts desire. But I’m not planning that part.
What say you?
Sounds good to me. You’re probably right that it will just be the two of us but maybe kansas will feel like bopping over to St. Louis and then coming the rest of the way with you. And I might get Indy to come if she’s feeling up to the drive over to my place. Oh and if we want him, Jim would come.
With that much advance notice for the Chicago trip, I’m hoping we can get a nice group together.
Of COURSE we want Jim. How could I not think of him?
Ok, over the next couple of weeks I’m going to ask people who’ve been to Effingham if they can recommend any place. I’ve been there but never left the client’s building any of the times I went <sigh>.
I’ll also check on what’s going on in Chicago at the beginning of October.
you folks have a great day, and I will come back later laden with flower pics before Andi’s bedtime! Stay cool and keep the grills fired up (we’re having thick cut pork chops tonight with corn).
Bye for now… (dodging the door hitting me in the a**)
I’m outa here for the rest of the day. Have a good Memorial Day everyone!
Enjoy the rest of yours Mary.
See ya.
Have a nice day!
I think I’ll be heading out for a bit. I’m going to find those clippers.
See ya’ll in a little while.
Have fun and try not to lose any fingers!
I’m off to do some chores and stuff.
Ok, here ya go folks… as promised, a couple of freshly snapped pics…
Here’s one of the poppies…

Complete with inner bits for Olivia, of course …
And here’s a freshly popped peony, just in time for Memorial Day downpours…

For you Firefoxers out there, right click on image, select view image and see the bigger version…
More inner bits to come later… and with these I have to get laundry on the line and get to planting! Will catch up with you folks later!
They’re grand!
Happy digging.
peeking in from work?
Hope you’re all having a great holiday day … minus the heat for some (ww, yikes!!!) … 🙂
See you all later. I’m back to fact checking h***. 🙂
Truly gorgeous photos, IVG! Just stunning.
Thank you.
Beyond this, I’m not in much condition to say. Temperature in the sun here is 100F.
I feel like a pat of rather boney butter.
Think cool thoughts.
Ahh, yes. Thank you, Andi. Lovely photo.
It does help to remember the gentle snows that fell onto our mountains, oh, two weeks ago.
(Yes, true.)
I have a weakness for taking photos that I can “walk into” — even if it is only a for briefest of moments, I know that later on I will be able to look at them and be there.
Your abilities in this regard are excellent, too!
We can all walk into your photos.
Temp check: currently 102. I’ve broken down & put on my ‘North Carolina in August’ flimsy-wear.
There’s a little chance of thunderstorms, though — which at least will break the day’s monotony.
I’m headed outside now to sit in the breeze. See you later — unless I pool.
New very cool cafe opened.