Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Dijon? How much does that cost? LOL
I was just thinking of slapping some white bread on it :o)
Yeah, I’m kidding. Truth is I haven’t even gone to the store yet. So I don’t know what I’ll be cooking later. But seriously, it won’t be a bunch of expensive steak, that’s for sure. Besides, it’s the thought that counts.
Yeah, same here, our grilling usually consists of whatever happened to be on sale when we last went shopping.
As for lemonade, a couple years ago I bought a citrus juicer at Christmastime to make fresh squeezed orange juice for Christmas breakfast for the tribe. Last year we went to the local restaurant supply store and got a bag of lemons and made fresh-squeezed lemonade sweetened with Splenda (a nice treat for us diabetics).
A friend just wrote me and told me that his cat had died. He had her through a lot of chapters of his life, and I know how rough that kind of loss can be–even if it was clearly that animal’s “time”.
Diaried here, for anyone who would like to share their own memories.
Going this afternoon to a BBQ held by Westly for California Governor (followed by a Town Hall meeting). It’s at a college and I hope I’m not the only one of a certain age….
Latanawi, What do you think about Westly, there are sure lots of negative ads about him, one just now as I am writing this, haven’t had a chance to look into him more. What part of Ca are you in, I’m in Orange Co.
About grilling, no I won’t be doing that today, think I am going to have a nice quiet day at home by myself, just my dog and my plants, which is heaven to me.
I haven’t heard any of Angelides hate ads yet, but I did see one of their positive ads each. After seeing Westly’s I was not impressed. After hearing his attack ad on Angelides, I was even less impressed. Angelides has solid experience, Westly has major bucks. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to vote for a guy with his kind of corporate ties. On the other hand, I would vote for either over the Gropenfurer. :>)
Do you have any questions I can relay to Westly at the Town Hall meeting?
I don’t see what “solid experience” Angelides has over Westly. Angelides is hardly poor. Westly was e-Bay employee #22, became a V.P. there.
FYI, I wrote a diary May 11, “Why Not Westly for Governor” with more of my ideas.
I certainly agree that Arnold never was the answer for the state. He hasn’t done what he promised. It wasn’t worth the millions which county budgets didn’t have for that special election.
Thanks for the offer, but I’m still in the way early stages of thinking about the gov race. The Oakland mayorial vote is coming up fast, so I’m concentrating on more local matters right now.
I’ll keep an open mind on Westly and check him out more carefully in the coming months. While I can understand the need to weigh business interests, I must admit that I put them lower on my pressing issues list than say, affordable housing, good schools, health care, and the ever widening gaps between rich and poor.
As for work experience, Angelides has been a part of the political machine for years. Whether that is good or bad is certainly an issue, but it does mean he understands how the process (if you want to call it that) works. Of course, someone new to shake things up is not necessarily a bad thing.
I did read an impressive article about Westly’s wife. That made me think twice.
What distinguishes Westly is his specificity and courage in taking on important, but politically thorny, issues that others in Sacramento would rather avoid. For example, he embraces a plan by Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley to reform the “three strikes” sentencing law so that the third strike is a violent felony. He advocates setting aside a portion of the state’s surge in revenue to cover promised health-care benefits to retirees, a multibillion-dollar time bomb for the state if it is left unaddressed. He recognizes that the state’s failed foster-care system is resulting in a “stunning” number of its emancipating youth becoming homeless or incarcerated. He supports reforms to take the drawing of legislative districts out of the hands of legislators. He has even taken on “Turbo Tax” maker Intuit in pushing for a streamlined income-tax process that would not require filling out a separate state return.
In more ways than Angelides, Westly has shown a willingness to break from the predictable party mold to come up with solutions on issues that matter to Californians. The tone and the substance of his campaign are in sync with the needs of a state that has seen the corrosive effects of partisanship and special-interest influence in Sacramento.
Steve Westly is our choice in the Democratic primary.
Doh! I’ve had my mind so much on the local races, that I completely forgot this is also the primary race. For some dumb reason, I thought that was later in the season.
Shoot, now I’ll have to study up sooner, rather than later.
Thanks for the article. It does make him sound good. Hmmm….
I’m in Northern CA — Silicon Valley. I prefer Westly, and wrote a diary about him, after seeing the last debate and doing some research. I’m looking for someone who can actually govern, who knows how to be an executive and knows the difficulties of California businesses.
Westly has countered the negative commercial about him — that contrary to Angelides’ ad, he doesn’t even make investment decisions, and that Angelides is trying to smear him about something that was corrected.
It’s true about Angelides ads being funded largely from one realtor source (Angelides’ former partner Tsakopolous). Westly had asked both Angelides and Arnold to join him in a pledge not to make personal attacks on each other, but they declined. So, for Angelides to make a shtuss about it is hypocritical.
not much on the grill. think i’ll skip the grill thing today. finish up my writing project and then just generally enjoy whatever is left of my last two days of freedom before returning to the noble work force on wednesday.
When it was clear that Iraq was spiraling out of control, the president should have changed commanders. In December 2004, Army Spc. Thomas Wilson asked Rumsfeld, “Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles?” It was a good question, one that no Republican in Congress had asked. The Defense secretary answered: “You go to war with the Army you have. They’re not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” He should have been fired on the spot for such arrogance and ignorance. Yet the president stood by him, and Congress stood by the president.
Not unless it warms up a lot more than it looks like it’s going to. Cloudy and 53° at 9 AM. It’s supposed to get all the way up to 66, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
And even if it does I’ll have to go clean off the grill before we can do any cooking. So it’ll probably have to wait until next weekend.
Turkey legs. Marinated for about 24 hours in garlic & worcestershire sauce, and slow-cooked over actual mesquite charcoal. (Not fancy, not Texan beef, but 79c/lb has a logic all its own these days and I don’t gotta please anyone but myself, so….)
Grilling? That involves work and effort doesn’t it? Not for me.
We have a couple of bags of pulled pork in the fridge, and I went out and bought some potato salad and coleslaw at one of the local places. A little microwaving, and we’re set for the day.
Plus the heat index is 92 F right now and I have not intention of going out.
Well, with the economy booming the way it is, and plenty of left over money after filling my tank, I thought I’d splurge this year…
Barbequed Spam. It’s not bad when you get used to it…really :o)
I hope you’re kidding. What do you put on that? A dijon?
Dijon? How much does that cost? LOL
I was just thinking of slapping some white bread on it :o)
Yeah, I’m kidding. Truth is I haven’t even gone to the store yet. So I don’t know what I’ll be cooking later. But seriously, it won’t be a bunch of expensive steak, that’s for sure. Besides, it’s the thought that counts.
pocket a couple of packets of Gulden’s from the hot dog stand and you’ll be all set. Make some powdered lemonade and you’ll be made in the shade.
Yeah, same here, our grilling usually consists of whatever happened to be on sale when we last went shopping.
As for lemonade, a couple years ago I bought a citrus juicer at Christmastime to make fresh squeezed orange juice for Christmas breakfast for the tribe. Last year we went to the local restaurant supply store and got a bag of lemons and made fresh-squeezed lemonade sweetened with Splenda (a nice treat for us diabetics).
In answer to your question, BooMan: we are. Almost 90 degrees here in the Catskills at the moment. Unreal! (Or, all too real.)
That’s the temperature in the sun (I think).
Yikes. It’s a little early in the day for that kind o’ heat.
You know it! Probably about 25 degrees above average.
A friend just wrote me and told me that his cat had died. He had her through a lot of chapters of his life, and I know how rough that kind of loss can be–even if it was clearly that animal’s “time”.
Diaried here, for anyone who would like to share their own memories.;sid=2006/5/29/91315/0267
Going this afternoon to a BBQ held by Westly for California Governor (followed by a Town Hall meeting). It’s at a college and I hope I’m not the only one of a certain age….
Latanawi, What do you think about Westly, there are sure lots of negative ads about him, one just now as I am writing this, haven’t had a chance to look into him more. What part of Ca are you in, I’m in Orange Co.
About grilling, no I won’t be doing that today, think I am going to have a nice quiet day at home by myself, just my dog and my plants, which is heaven to me.
I haven’t heard any of Angelides hate ads yet, but I did see one of their positive ads each. After seeing Westly’s I was not impressed. After hearing his attack ad on Angelides, I was even less impressed. Angelides has solid experience, Westly has major bucks. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to vote for a guy with his kind of corporate ties. On the other hand, I would vote for either over the Gropenfurer. :>)
Do you have any questions I can relay to Westly at the Town Hall meeting?
I don’t see what “solid experience” Angelides has over Westly. Angelides is hardly poor. Westly was e-Bay employee #22, became a V.P. there.
FYI, I wrote a diary May 11, “Why Not Westly for Governor” with more of my ideas.
I certainly agree that Arnold never was the answer for the state. He hasn’t done what he promised. It wasn’t worth the millions which county budgets didn’t have for that special election.
Thanks for the offer, but I’m still in the way early stages of thinking about the gov race. The Oakland mayorial vote is coming up fast, so I’m concentrating on more local matters right now.
I’ll keep an open mind on Westly and check him out more carefully in the coming months. While I can understand the need to weigh business interests, I must admit that I put them lower on my pressing issues list than say, affordable housing, good schools, health care, and the ever widening gaps between rich and poor.
As for work experience, Angelides has been a part of the political machine for years. Whether that is good or bad is certainly an issue, but it does mean he understands how the process (if you want to call it that) works. Of course, someone new to shake things up is not necessarily a bad thing.
I did read an impressive article about Westly’s wife. That made me think twice.
If you’re a Democrat you’ll be able to vote for Westly in the June 6 primary election.
This is from an editorial in the 5-21-06 “S. F. Chronicle”
Doh! I’ve had my mind so much on the local races, that I completely forgot this is also the primary race. For some dumb reason, I thought that was later in the season.
Shoot, now I’ll have to study up sooner, rather than later.
Thanks for the article. It does make him sound good. Hmmm….
I’m in Northern CA — Silicon Valley. I prefer Westly, and wrote a diary about him, after seeing the last debate and doing some research. I’m looking for someone who can actually govern, who knows how to be an executive and knows the difficulties of California businesses.
Westly has countered the negative commercial about him — that contrary to Angelides’ ad, he doesn’t even make investment decisions, and that Angelides is trying to smear him about something that was corrected.
It’s true about Angelides ads being funded largely from one realtor source (Angelides’ former partner Tsakopolous). Westly had asked both Angelides and Arnold to join him in a pledge not to make personal attacks on each other, but they declined. So, for Angelides to make a shtuss about it is hypocritical.
While I leaning towards Angelides, I am definately still on the fence. I will look for your diary on Westly.
not much on the grill. think i’ll skip the grill thing today. finish up my writing project and then just generally enjoy whatever is left of my last two days of freedom before returning to the noble work force on wednesday.
The buck stops with Bush, not Rumsfeld
Not unless it warms up a lot more than it looks like it’s going to. Cloudy and 53° at 9 AM. It’s supposed to get all the way up to 66, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
And even if it does I’ll have to go clean off the grill before we can do any cooking. So it’ll probably have to wait until next weekend.
Turkey legs. Marinated for about 24 hours in garlic & worcestershire sauce, and slow-cooked over actual mesquite charcoal. (Not fancy, not Texan beef, but 79c/lb has a logic all its own these days and I don’t gotta please anyone but myself, so….)
Grilling? That involves work and effort doesn’t it? Not for me.
We have a couple of bags of pulled pork in the fridge, and I went out and bought some potato salad and coleslaw at one of the local places. A little microwaving, and we’re set for the day.
Plus the heat index is 92 F right now and I have not intention of going out.
skippy tee shirts are now available!