It’s too zarking hot here and I’ve had a long day. Bottom line: this diary needs a better, more attention grabbing title than I can conjure up at the moment. Suggestions are welcome. What follows is the latest from Charlie Grapski–and if you’re not familiar with the story, click my name as I’ve posted about him a number of times before.
There is a significant new development in the Alachua saga. For years there have been anonymous attack blogs spreading rumors about those addressing corruption in the City of Alachua.
When they discovered we had created a registration based information site – that cannot be used for anonymous attacks – this Sunday they put up their own new site (registration based).
The difference is – this time they have “outed” themselves rather than hiding behind anonymity.
And it is the Alachua County Republican Party! At first I thought this was a rogue Republican or actor – who was falsely representing their views as the official views of the Republican party.
But I spoke with the Chairman of the Party this morning and he confirmed it to me – the Alachua County Republican Party is responsible for that site and the Republican Executive Committee is sponsoring and financing it.
You can see it at
Also see the new posts at the Alachua Project site:
What the chairman of the Republican Party, Stafford Jones, stated to me was that the Republican Party has decided to “draw a line in the sand” on the issue of the City of Alachua. They claim that it is a model of “pro-job, pro-family” government that should be followed everywhere – in contrast to our claims that it is the epitome of corrupt practices and deference over democracy.
So the Republican Party has laid out the line in the sand – which side will people take – the Republican Party, officially, has staked out one side of that line and demanded people take sides. I wonder how many registered Republicans agree with the officials leading their party?
For anyone who hasn’t seen it, here is the most recent message I received from Turtle Stew author Patricia Camburn Behnke:
Charlie, Alachua, and exhaustion