I see from this Washington Post article that the antiterrorism budget for the two cities directly attacked on 9.11.01 [New York City and D.C. for those who’ve forgotten] will be shortchanged $114M from last year’s budget thereby taking on 95% of the $120M budget cut.

I’m no rocket scientist, nor am I a counterterroism expert, but A) reducing the antiterrorism budget and B) cutting said budget primarily in the two most prime target cities does not seem like sound counterterrorism advice. I got some ideas, as I’m sure most if not all BooTribbers do, as to how we can go about protecting our country, what the DHS has announced today and done in the past – probably not high up on the list if on it at all.

Washington and New York will receive 40 percent less in urban grant money compared to last year, with Washington dropping from $77 million to $46 million and New York falling from $207 million to $124 million, DHS officials said. The combined total means that the two areas bear almost the entire brunt of a $120 million cut in the overall budget for the program, the statistics show.

The front page of the DHS website has plenty of talk about the upcoming hurricane season. And when did that become a national security concern? I didn’t know we were at war against Mother Nature. On the sidebar, you can read this press release leading to the state by state and urban area breakdown [.pdf]. I can’t find the 2006 document for a comparison right now. Anybody have that?

I think it’s ridiculous that people from across the country whine and moan about those idiots in DC and NYC who are such idiot liberal fuckers who want to destroy our country while continuting to live in the two most prime terrorist targets in this hated country of ours. And it’s even more ridiculous to take monies away from the counterterroism grants from said high risk targets.