I was actually just thinking about calling one of them and asking her what sort of stuff I should get at the grocery store for them to make for dinner while I’m gone. And I have to write dog and chicken care instructions too. And what time bus pickup is in the morning on Friday. And directions to where the pool is. And I have to make sure the laundry is done. And that they can’t watch South Park, no matter how many times they say it’s okay. And, and, and…
Obviously, I haven’t been away from the boys for awhile.
Actually, we just call them Matt and Kristin. But the boys are the ones who beg for me to please “have Matt and Kristin babysit us”.
Actually, the chickens are pretty easy….they just need to be watered and the eggs collected; there’s enough food in the bin for a whole week at a time. Too bad I can’t do that with the boys… 🙂
we’d have to spend over 1K by the time we paid for the equipment and took down all the trees that are in the way and for that we’d get something that costs 2-3 times more a month than DSL or cable, is much, much slower than dsl or cable, has a latency problem, and doesn’t work if it rains hard. So we’re going to have to get a lot more desperate before we go that route.
Andi and I are so frelling jealous. Now you’ll be able to put up more pictures than we’ll be able to look at. We just had a phone problem and our repairer told us we might get DSL in a year … or two … I hate the phone companies, cable companies, satellite companies, and anyone else not providing me high speed internet access.
No photos yet. I’m in my quest for 2K miles on my bike this season. The weather and school conspired to get me off to a late start so I’m playing catch up with 90°F heat. I did a hard day today; maybe I’ll take some photos tomorrow.
It has been the goal I set for myself each May to September. I meet it usually. Occasionally I have to ride when the weather turns cooler in October to make it. Then I switch to skating lap after lap at the ice rink.
The past two days, I’ve sucked down about a liter and a half of water on the rides and still run short.
The old bicycling saw is that a plastic saddle will never be more comfortable than the day you buy it, but a leather saddle will never be more uncomfortable than the day you buy it.
I thought some of you might be interested in this. Over on Unbossed, we’re having a book discussion on Friday, June 2, 6:00 p.m. Pacific/9:00 p.m. Eastern.
The book we’re discussing is A Glimpse of Iraq, by Iraqi blogger, Abu Khaleel. The book can be ordered online here, but even if you haven’t read it, please feel free to come over and discuss. All this week, Shirah is posting excerpts from the book and everyone is welcome.
Depending on the situation with the electricity, Abu Khaleel may be availabe to join the discussion, but he’ll definitely be reading the comments and possibly responding at a later time. I hope to see some of you over there. If you have any trouble signing up for commenting on Unbossed, feel free to email me for help.
I’m doing fine. I saw where you haven’t spilled anything today, but the night is still young. 🙂
George and the clipper are on hold at the moment. Basically because I can’t find them. This is really running against my slacker code. Efficiency saves time, which in turn, gives you more time to slack.
Good — lots of chocolate, including chocolate milk which I didn’t spill on myself.
Bad — fact checking hell.
Good — hi speed 🙂
I did something even crazier tonight — I was really tired coming home. I was listening to something on the radio that I wanted to hear the end of, so after pulling into the garage and shutting the door, I decided to sit there and listen. But, I fell asleep!!! And I slept for about 30 minutes!!! When I woke up I had no idea where I was b/c it was totally dark. And my hands had fallen asleep b/c I was gripping the steering wheel still … Now that’s crazy!
As long as your day ended good, that’s what counts.
You must have really been tired to have fallen asleep with your hands still on the steering wheel. You did shut off the engine before you fell asleep, didn’t ya. 🙂
Manny I doubt I’ll ever reach that level. I’m sure few have achieved it and just as I have the ability to slack, Stud-Like Hoss might be beyond my grasp. 🙂
yourself vindicated, since it’s BooMan’s slacktitude that has prevented the New User Guide from appearing magically in the menu bar at the top right of the screen. [evil grin]
Interesting and wierd. One thing that strikes me is accessing goverment funding to address school violence under homeland security. This homeland security thing has a BIG footprint that few people know about, except that the government has it’s big footprint in it’s mouth when it comes to dealing with real disasters like Katrina. OK, more than you wanted to know! Sorry!
No that’s interesting. I’d like to hear more about the job as it progresses (unless that which will not be named should come to pass and render it moot).
It was okay! Good news and bad news. Good news I have my own office which is a big Quality of Work Life at the moment, since I am required to perform complex tasks demanding absolute concentration and was born with the ADHD gene. But my idyllic 6 hour shift was trampeled under the wheels of a mandatory 1/2 hour lunch break and I really feel I need that 1/2 hour right now to keep me in the clear of lethal LA commuter traffic while I get my consulting business up and running. So the decision, which may not have been ideal, was to take the pay cut. On top of that they gave me a job description and a job title which was nothing like the job or I applied for, or accepted. But nothing heinous, so I guess I can live with that!
Delivery guy Mary. That way you’re living up to the code of slackdom. You get the dilivery guy plus groceries. More efficiency equates to more slack time. 🙂
A fresh place with some elbow room!
one of these:
Finish your list for the babysitters?
Ha. Surely you jest?
I was actually just thinking about calling one of them and asking her what sort of stuff I should get at the grocery store for them to make for dinner while I’m gone. And I have to write dog and chicken care instructions too. And what time bus pickup is in the morning on Friday. And directions to where the pool is. And I have to make sure the laundry is done. And that they can’t watch South Park, no matter how many times they say it’s okay. And, and, and…
Obviously, I haven’t been away from the boys for awhile.
Do you refer to the babysitters as babysitters in front of the boys? Or do you have to have an adult sounding euphamism?
And, see, I TOLD you those chickens were trouble. 🙂
Actually, we just call them Matt and Kristin. But the boys are the ones who beg for me to please “have Matt and Kristin babysit us”.
Actually, the chickens are pretty easy….they just need to be watered and the eggs collected; there’s enough food in the bin for a whole week at a time. Too bad I can’t do that with the boys… 🙂
Now, about Desmond…
Waaaalt! Kaboom!
Coyote, you are cruel.
Come on over – and bring your jammies.
omfsm! I’ve got hi speed and it’s soooooooooooooo awesome!
welcome to the 21st century Olivia! How awesome is it?
It’s sooooooooooooooooo awesome …
… but don’t tell Andi … 🙂
Did you get new sandals?
No, I found two pair that I liked but they didn’t have my size in either one. But I got some cute flats.
I’ll keep looking thought 🙂
These are my cool new sandals for this summer:
I love sandal shopping…sigh.
Cute! Very cute. I like the flower effect on top. And I like the color.
I’ve never been able to wear sandals w/ toe clasps etc, b/c I get blisters. I’m envious of those who do …
Jerry would be so proud. 😀
Are you makin’ fun of me? As if I were some Jesus sneaker-wearin’ hippie chick?
And I thought this was a response to my last comment. LOL.
Good. Not addressed to me…
Too funny.
I only laugh with never at. Just ask my students.
How’s things? Did you have a good day? I didn’t spill anything on myself today, (but I’m just eating dinner now … so knock on wood) … 🙂
Won’t work. Everybody has broadband and can go look at videos, and listen to music, and see big versions of your flowers, except meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
But I’m pretty sure I’d give up hi speed if I could live where you do.
Ooooh Olivia, you’re telling a story. 😛
because it’s lousy for gardening.
(And don’t tell her but I wouldn’t move somewhere else even if I found out I could never get broadband.)
I’m just waiting to see what she comes up with next, now that she has merged into the fast lane. 🙂
Andi, I might even give up gardening to live where you do.
The stories are just coming out of you left and right tonight Olivia. 🙂
My brother in law had the same problem as Andi, but he finally went to satellite.
we’d have to spend over 1K by the time we paid for the equipment and took down all the trees that are in the way and for that we’d get something that costs 2-3 times more a month than DSL or cable, is much, much slower than dsl or cable, has a latency problem, and doesn’t work if it rains hard. So we’re going to have to get a lot more desperate before we go that route.
Yes it makes more sense to go without. One day Andi, one day they’ll get to you and Jim. 🙂
I figured since they have it where I’m at, the whole world should be hooked up by now.
but we’d all stop you because we aren’t willing to give up your flower photos.
And frogs and toads w/ spiders on them!
Woo-hoo! Faster photo posting! And page opening!
At least I’ll be able to check out your linkages. 🙂
Andi and I are so frelling jealous. Now you’ll be able to put up more pictures than we’ll be able to look at. We just had a phone problem and our repairer told us we might get DSL in a year … or two … I hate the phone companies, cable companies, satellite companies, and anyone else not providing me high speed internet access.
It’s not really all that … oh crap, yes it is. I’m sorry. 🙂
You can’t get satellite?
How’s the break going … Any new photos?
No photos yet. I’m in my quest for 2K miles on my bike this season. The weather and school conspired to get me off to a late start so I’m playing catch up with 90°F heat. I did a hard day today; maybe I’ll take some photos tomorrow.
Have you gotten close to this before? Or is this a new milestone?
And you better be careful riding in the heat … Make sure you’re drinking lots. 🙂
It has been the goal I set for myself each May to September. I meet it usually. Occasionally I have to ride when the weather turns cooler in October to make it. Then I switch to skating lap after lap at the ice rink.
The past two days, I’ve sucked down about a liter and a half of water on the rides and still run short.
It has been HOT!
You must have a great bike?
The bike is fine. The saddle (Brooks Pro) is great!
Some pretty inventive seats on display LOL.
I had a racing seat on my triathlon bike — that was not a comfy seat. 🙂
The old bicycling saw is that a plastic saddle will never be more comfortable than the day you buy it, but a leather saddle will never be more uncomfortable than the day you buy it.
Got some ‘boomers’ closing in, so probably have to see yawl later
Foothills Weather Cam 5:50 PMDT:
We just had a lightning and t-storm show here too.
Take care.
I thought some of you might be interested in this. Over on Unbossed, we’re having a book discussion on Friday, June 2, 6:00 p.m. Pacific/9:00 p.m. Eastern.
The book we’re discussing is A Glimpse of Iraq, by Iraqi blogger, Abu Khaleel. The book can be ordered online here, but even if you haven’t read it, please feel free to come over and discuss. All this week, Shirah is posting excerpts from the book and everyone is welcome.
Depending on the situation with the electricity, Abu Khaleel may be availabe to join the discussion, but he’ll definitely be reading the comments and possibly responding at a later time. I hope to see some of you over there. If you have any trouble signing up for commenting on Unbossed, feel free to email me for help.
cool. thanks for the heads up.
I’m all done with the dinner and I’ve got some slack time.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle all this free time. What do people do when they are not in constant motion? 🙂
How are you feeling today. I read that you got your lawn done. How ’bout George and the clippers?
I’m doing fine. I saw where you haven’t spilled anything today, but the night is still young. 🙂
George and the clipper are on hold at the moment. Basically because I can’t find them. This is really running against my slacker code. Efficiency saves time, which in turn, gives you more time to slack.
Can I rationalize or not? 🙂
I’m sure George hid them away when you weren’t aware. 🙂
Eat any ice cream today?
Since I never lose anything and know exactly where everything is, George is the only one I have to blame. 🙂
So how has your day been?
Good — lots of chocolate, including chocolate milk which I didn’t spill on myself.
Bad — fact checking hell.
Good — hi speed 🙂
I did something even crazier tonight — I was really tired coming home. I was listening to something on the radio that I wanted to hear the end of, so after pulling into the garage and shutting the door, I decided to sit there and listen. But, I fell asleep!!! And I slept for about 30 minutes!!! When I woke up I had no idea where I was b/c it was totally dark. And my hands had fallen asleep b/c I was gripping the steering wheel still … Now that’s crazy!
As long as your day ended good, that’s what counts.
You must have really been tired to have fallen asleep with your hands still on the steering wheel. You did shut off the engine before you fell asleep, didn’t ya. 🙂
FM, you are probably so slacktiverous that you haven’t even realized you got a mention on the front-page…
I did? Wow and great googly moogly.
Be back in a second.
one day you may attain the level of Stud-Like Hoss O:)
Manny I doubt I’ll ever reach that level. I’m sure few have achieved it and just as I have the ability to slack, Stud-Like Hoss might be beyond my grasp. 🙂
yourself vindicated, since it’s BooMan’s slacktitude that has prevented the New User Guide from appearing magically in the menu bar at the top right of the screen. [evil grin]
Ah yes, slacktitude does carry its heavy responsibilities. 🙂
I am so fucking guilty of slacktitude that i have no defense. It’s embarassing.
if maryb asks you to do it? 😀
Just read it and to think the world is following the path toward slackdom.
Thanks for the mention Booman. It appears my legend proceeds me. 🙂
I guess there’ll be no living with you now, will there?
Quick, widen the door of the cafe so FM’s head can fit through it!
Now Mary and CG, you could mean me? But I do think I’ll go out and buy some bigger hats. 🙂
the bigger helmet — you may be needing it.
He’s gonna need bodyguards.
Nah won’t need any helmet or body guards. I preach peace, love and a better life through slackdom. 🙂
peace, love and a better life through slackdom
preaching peace and love won’t protect you — look what happened to Jesus. Get the bodyguards. When they aren’t busy they can do the yardwork. 😉
Yard work? I didn’t think of that one. A very strong point in favor of body guards.
Oh good, I didn’t miss you tonight 🙂
Can I just say that I hate going to the grocery store and I should just stick with my delivery guy plan 😉 (Yes, I was just there.)
So why haven’t you stuck with the delivery guy plan — not enough room in the basement?
I think because the last time I ordered they sent a delivery gal and that was just not as much fun 🙁
so this is probably not the right time to say thank a feminist.
stick with the delivery guy plan. you can say that!
How was your day?
Interesting and wierd. One thing that strikes me is accessing goverment funding to address school violence under homeland security. This homeland security thing has a BIG footprint that few people know about, except that the government has it’s big footprint in it’s mouth when it comes to dealing with real disasters like Katrina. OK, more than you wanted to know! Sorry!
Aside from that, I got my own office!
What about the people? Nice? Neutral? Strange?
They seem like very nice straightforward people who are happy to have their jobs.
No that’s interesting. I’d like to hear more about the job as it progresses (unless that which will not be named should come to pass and render it moot).
… Yes I hope that nameless thing doesn’t happen, whatever it is! LOL
How was the first day on the job?
It was okay! Good news and bad news. Good news I have my own office which is a big Quality of Work Life at the moment, since I am required to perform complex tasks demanding absolute concentration and was born with the ADHD gene. But my idyllic 6 hour shift was trampeled under the wheels of a mandatory 1/2 hour lunch break and I really feel I need that 1/2 hour right now to keep me in the clear of lethal LA commuter traffic while I get my consulting business up and running. So the decision, which may not have been ideal, was to take the pay cut. On top of that they gave me a job description and a job title which was nothing like the job or I applied for, or accepted. But nothing heinous, so I guess I can live with that!
Just think of it as a stepping stone MM.
That is was and ever will be the ultimate carrot on the stick for me, FM!
Good for you MM. One day you’ll be able to totally slack. 🙂
How’d you make out today?
I guess I did okay, O. The people seem really nice there. How was your day?
Delivery guy Mary. That way you’re living up to the code of slackdom. You get the dilivery guy plus groceries. More efficiency equates to more slack time. 🙂
I think you should publish the code of slackdom.
I was thinking about it, but that sounds like work. 🙂
the golden mean of slackdom. way to go, FM!
Yes I’m surprised more people are flocking to my door to gain a better understand of the meaning of slackdom.
How’re ya doing tonight MM?
Okie dokie, FM. My son made a lovely dinner for me so I wouldn’t have to cook my first name home. How are the critters?
Doing fine. I read about your first day at work and it was really nice of your son to do that for you.
Yes, he is a doll and in every way a gift of my existence!
Well it sounds to me like he has a good mother who taught him right.
Just got a call from the Mom and will be back in a second.
Get your fresh cafe right here.