This is an update to yesterday’s diary Iraqi Massacre: It’s Not Just Haditha. Additional media reports today provide significant evidence of a military cover-up of the Haditha massacre of November 19, 2005:
Promoted by Steven D. Please continue reading this diary below the fold, for all the sickening details.
(1) A month after the massacre, the military paid compensation for each person killed. Victim compensation requires approval from the “highest authority” and is not provided unless the military is at fault.
In December 2005, the US Marines paid $2,500 for each person killed and these payments were “authorized by the battalion commander Lt. Col. Chessani and his superiors.” While it is unclear how far up in the chain of command it was necessary to proceed to obtain approval, it is “standard procedure for the military to make payments when it is at fault.” As Rep. Murtha stated, payment of compensation does not happen unless the “highest authority” is provided because it is an acceptance of responsibility, which would not have occurred if the deaths were caused by the explosive device initially claimed by the military.
It is also noteworthy that TIME posted its new-breaking story of this massacre in March 2006 after conducting a 10-week investigation. “In January, after Time presented military officials in Baghdad with the Iraqis’ accounts of the Marines’ actions, the U.S. opened its own investigation.” However, the US military had initially “refused to believe villagers who accused the Marines of murdering unarmed civilians, even when presented with credible evidence assembled by Time magazine for an article in March.” Moreover, the military was “incredibly hostile” to TIME and accused TIME of “buying into enemy propaganda, and they stuck to their original story, which is that these people were all killed by the IED [improvised explosive device].”
However, the military had already paid victim compensation months earlier and yet it was still trying to apparently encourage TIME to not report its story, playing the patriotic card that any massacre claim was “enemy propaganda” and clinging to the initial story of the IED explosion. Fortunately, TIME did not cave in.
(2) Investigators have evidence that Marines discussed cover story.
Investigators say that a “sergeant coaxed other Marines to come up with a cover story about the incident. The squad leader allegedly sought to prove his group was not at fault for the deaths. Of particular concern to the sergeant, investigators say, was the deaths of five Iraqis in a taxi. They were unarmed and killed by Marines shortly after the roadside bomb went off, investigators have found.”
(3) Prior reports from the Iraqi Ambassador of an intentional killing 5 months prior to the November 2005 Haditha massacre may have prompted military drone surveillance on the day in question and radio message traffic on that day indicates superiors knew of the number of civilians killed.
The US military had to know or reasonably suspect that Marines were killing innocent civilians in Haditha at least 5 months before this massacre in November 2005. The new Iraqi Ambassador Sumaidaie to the US presented his credentials to Bush at the White House today and then stated on CNN that the US Marines intentionally killed his 21-year old cousin in Haditha 5 months before the Haditha massacre in November 2005. The ambassador stated that his cousin, an engineering student, was killed when Marines conducted house-to-house searches. The cousin opened the door of his family home to the Marines, who shot the cousin in his father’s bedroom while his mother and siblings were in the house. At that time, Mr. Sumaidaie was ambassador to the UN and the US military conducted an investigation, which concluded that “there was no unlawful killing,” claiming his cousin was shot in self-defense. The ambassador is also “suspicious about the deaths of three other youths in Haditha shortly after that of his cousin.”
In addition, the question arises as to whether military surveillance of Haditha was conducted because of prior allegations of civilians being murdered by soldiers and/or because the area is deemed active with insurgent activity. In either event, there is video surveillance footage that shows some of the activities that day provided by an unmanned drone aircraft that circled overhead part of the day. In addition to the drone video, there are records of radio traffic conducted between the Marines in Haditha and a command center. Two of the lawyers who have discussed the case with Marines involved stated that the radio “message traffic will show officers in higher headquarters knew early on that a large number of civilians had been killed and that they did not raise alarms.” The “presence of the drone is potentially significant because such surveillance craft are in high demand in Iraq and their use is supervised by senior officers — which could indicate there was interest among higher officers about what was occurring in Haditha.”
Looks like Rep. Murtha is right when he stated the Haditha November 2005 massacre involved a cover-up and the only question now is how high up the chain of command will the investigation proceed? It was reported today that “Pentagon investigations into the shooting deaths of Iraqi civilians are focused on about a dozen enlisted Marines and do not target their commanding officers,” according to Paul Hackett (who lost a special election for Ohio House seat last year) who is a lawyer for one of the officers.
The MSM takes a lot of hits, but if it were not for TIME’s investigation and persistence, this massacre may never have been publicly revealed.
paying victim compensation, which is apparent admission of responsiblity, one month after Haditha massacre, but then denying the truth of story to TIME months later, and trying to get TIME to back off the story even though there was apparently drone video surveillance and radio message evidence as well as the prior reports of intentional killings in Haditha 5 months prior to the massacre?
Murtha is a really great hero. I saw him being interviewed tonight by Anderson Cooper, and I swear Cooper was being a complete prick. In the guise of neutrality, all he did was serve up RNC talking points, about six in a row. Murtha looked disgusted, but he stood his ground.
I was wondering tonight–do you suppose it was revelations of the horror of the Haditha massacre that tipped Murtha into going public? I’ll bet it was. He said he heard from the highest Marine levels soon after it happened. He came forward with his famous speech in December, if I remember correctly.
I’m opposed to the death penalty in all cases. But I think the punishment against the guilty soldiers should be very high, ten years at Leavenworth breaking rocks, and worse for him if there was one crazy sergeant who gave the orders.
But as you say, it’s just the worst single atrocities we know of so far, out of countless war crimes. Ever air strike is a comparable atrocity.
i would like to think that if murtha had heard about this massacre back in december, that he would have stepped forward then, because he strikes me as the type that will not put up with bs and cover-ups. so, i think that he talked about withdrawal back then because he had been speaking with the military and they told him that the troop occupation was making the insurgency worse etc. and that he only learned of this massacre recently. otherwise, he would be part of the cover-up for remaining silent for so many months and i don’t think that fits his character as loyal to military but frank honesty on how the war is being mismanaged by bush.
Murtha might have given the Marines time to get their act together before going public about the cover-up. Five months isn’t that long in government work.
Murtha’s speech was back in November, a month before the Haditha-massacre.
Murtha’s Constituents Weigh In on the War
Thanks. I’m so lazy; I could easily have checked that. The Haditha massacre was on November 19th, the same day as your quoted article, and thus a day or two after Murtha famously spoke out. So my hypothesis is wrong. Too bad. Of course, he had heard already of many horrors in all directions.
I heard Murtha say yesterday that he began pushing publicly for withdrawal a few days before Haditha, so that doesn’t appear to have been the proximate cause. Knowing about Haditha may have been something that strengthened his resolve to stand firm against so many personal attacks. Hopefully someone can look through old news and get a better timeline.
Don’t be too shocked if some of them get the death penalty. I’m preparing myself for it. The Marine Corp and the Army are two very different things in many ways.
Last night….I know, I guess I was feeling a little self abusing. His whole speal was about Murtha jumping the gun before all the facts were in. He had two talking heads agreeing with him. It’s crazy what they try to do to the American public. The facts on Haditha have been “in” for a long long long fucking time! Murtha has read the report because he can, he wants the rest of us to be able to read the report too. Scarborough needs to be on Crooks and Liars 24/7!
Hey, PD, I just checked out your site and it’s great! If you have time now and then, maybe you could post a juicy tidbit for us here in the News Bucket.
This whole Haditha thing is so disturbing. Dahr Jamail claims that Haditha type atrocities are taking place daily in Iraq. I believe it. Bush/Rumsfeld policy is directly to blame for this. For all of his supposed intellect, I don’t think Rumsfeld could think himself out of a paper bag. Our soldiers are put out there as prime targets in a 24/7 pressure cooker. There are nowhere near enough of them. Iraqis distrust them, insurgents target them and their own government ignores mental problems and forces them to go back to Iraq over and over. I don’t care how trained and tough they are, they’re also human and are cracking under the pressure. It’s only right that those responsible for this are tried and punished. The thing that makes me wild is that those up the chain of command will escape any type of responsibility and will continue their destructive policies completely unfettered.
Thanks for the kind words. We work very hard at to surf the web to find the news not reported by TV. And, if I may give a little shameless plug, we have been waiting since the day we opened, but have been informed that our new features will be online soon, which include a great search engine and user commenting capability as well as tags for each posting for both our blog and the news posts.
We have been posting at booman for 5 months, so we are somewhat new and were not aware of news bucket. See a post today on the frontpage, is that just a diary post anyone can post on hot news?
We will try to post a news bucket item now and again, but time is the biggest factor because we surf the news and try to do blog posts. But, hey, all booman folks welcome to come visit our site and read the news and get some juicy facts for your next diary!
US forces shot and killed 2 Iraqi women (one pregnant) in car that was racing to maternity hospital for failure to stop at observation post not seen by the driver, who also did not see any warnings until shots fired.
I added to this post because the primary post about how Haditha is not the only massacre talks about the issue of defining massacres. There are traditional massacres, where a number of people – in the case of Haditha, 24 people – are intentionally killed. But, what about the massacres that occur daily, when daily individual IRaqi citizens are killed in ways such as this, after US troops have been warned to be less aggressive manning checkpoints because too many innocent iraqis have been killed for failure to observe what the US considered obvious signs warning of a checkpoint ahead. If 24 people across Iraq are killed in one day in similar fashion, does the cumulative impact count as a massacre?
one thing that brings me a few seconds of relief in life right now, sharing a photo of the face of one of the human beings who attempted to cover up Haditha and encourage more Hadithas. Hell, for all I know he thought Haditha was just fucking fine and dandy! Anyhow, here is the one…….the only……Lt. Colonel Chessani! Doesn’t he look studly in his combat gear? What a soldier! What a Man, defending the innocent of the world from the wrongs of bullies…..more like FUCKING IDIOT FROM HELL!
This is one of the many reasons that you are my hero, Tracy.