Some loose ends here. I’m not selling ads this week so I’d like to gently nudge people to the Booman Tribune store where you can buy cool shirts and coffee mugs or Bootrib member books. We also have the bumper stickers. If you’d like to make a sizeable contribution, get a few color ones. Don’t worry about the weight display, it’s a glitch in the software and the bumper stickers don’t weigh 400 lbs.
Other tidbits: I’ll be in Las Vegas for Yearly Kos from Thursday June 8th to Sunday June 11th. I hope to see as many of you there as can make it. It really is going to be much more than a Kos event. MyDD and FireDogLake will have caucuses on Thursday (before my flight arrives) and Booman Tribune and My Left Wing will be throwing a small party on Friday Night at the Circus Circus, across the street from the Riviera where the Kos event is being held. Maryscott is reported to have a camera crew in tow, so you might make it into a documentary if you make it to the party.
There will also be big parties thrown by General Wesley Clark and former Governer Mark Warner (who is a very nice and funny guy). I’m guessing these will be Saturday night, but I’m not sure. Jerome a Paris is coming, and he will be giving a presentation (A Sustainable Energy-Energize America – JΓ©rΓ΄me Guillet, Mark Sumner, Adam Siegel, George Karayannis) at 1:30pm on Friday. Larry Johnson will hopefully be back from Iraq and will be part of a panel on Plamegate with Ambassador Joseph Wilson, Dan Froomkin, Jane Hamsher, Christy Hardin Smith, Marcy Wheeler, Murray Waas, at 9:30am on Friday.
After all that fun, I’ll fly back into Philly on Sunday night only to turn around and take a train down to DC for a three-day conference thrown by Take Back America 2006. You can register for that conference here. There will be even more luminaries at the DC event, including Hillary, Kerry, Feingold, and Obama. I’ll be set up in a Bloggers Blvd. and have access to all the interviews, etc. There has been some talk of a meet-up for DC area tribbers on the 13th, but I now realize there is some big blowout (free) dinner that night. So, maybe the 14th would be better. In any case, nothing has been organized yet.
Just writing about all this activity has made me tired. When I get back, I may have to consult Family Man and get back to more conventional slacktivism.
Pajamas Media linked the RFK article on the frontpage. I wonder if any of Malkin’s harpies will defile us with their presence.
it’s weird because that seems to be an Australian site, and not necessarily wingnuttish, despite its name.
BooMan, Fly safe. Enjoy and return with some gooood news.
My interest was piqued by your reference to an Australian site. Pajamas Media is most definitely American: see their about us page. The reference to your item on the Robert Kennedy story must come from a PM contributor in Sydney. Looks like a pretty progressive site to me. It does have one M Malkin listed in the contributor profiles, as Manee seems to realise.
my mistake. I didn’t look into too deeply.
a random visitor to my blog (read: troll) I can always count on Malkin being in their blogroll. I would still like someone to explain to me what a “moonbat” is, since that seems to be the most profound thing they enjoy shrieking.
From the Wikipedia entry, Moonbat:
As near as I can tell, being a moonbat doesn’t make you wrong. You could think you’re the king of the potato people and that the Iraq war is unjust, immoral and illegal, and you’d only be wrong about at most one of those things.
Damn, Yearly Kos sounds great. I wish I could be there but I knew back when it was in the planning stages that there was no way I was going to be able to go.
So knock ’em dead for me.
That’s quite a schedule coming up, Booman.

Wish I could go to YK and all the ancilliary events as well – alas, no. You guys will have to do some live or regular blogging while there. So many of the major contributors will be there (LW blogs in general); imagine the rest of us desperately refreshing the pages looking for the latest LV-gossip and content otherwise.
Store-visit finished, got no car, but those bumperstickers have other applications:
(Image posted before, but maybe worth repeating – you most definitely deserve a little rush to the store.)
thanks Ask. I bet you get great looks on the subway with that briefcase.
Sure, yes.
I notice many sideways glances trying to read it.
I wonder if anyone gets the reference to Joe Wilson, my sense is that very few even understand the expression; a few have asked.
Have fun at Yearly Kos…try to party as much as possible. I’m going to be sitting in an office on Thursday and Friday for a combined 19 hours or so. Sigh.
Also, perhaps suggest to the organizers to hold Yearly Kos back East next year…like in Philadelphia! π It’s arguably the biggest city in terms of the liberal blogosphere.
next year — centrally located for most of the country, lots of great stuff to do if you’re not politically inclined, and if Amtrak’s still around the spouse and I can recreate part of our first Big Trip as a couple (with the possible exception of snow in Salt Lake which gave us an opportunity to indulge in activities the Mormons would not have approved of… π ).
I’ll see you there BooMan. So, am I invited to the BT party?
definitely. You gotta go.
Can I come too? π
I need you to help me assess the footwear of all attending.
As you might have noticed, I’m an expert in that area…
Perhaps we can take pictures of various bloggers’ footwear and post them in a diary, and then everyone back home can try to guess whose feet are whose? That Atrios wears himself some fine sandals, you know.
I used to go to a coffee shop in Venice called Van Gogh’s Right Ear (or left ear, which one did he cut off?).
Boran2’s Big Toe sounds like a good name for a coffee shop (or a diary).
Dude, the one in Cali? Van Gogh’s Left Ear I believe.
yeah, basically at Venice Beach IIRC.
Cool, I lived there for a few months when I was 18 and ended up at the joint a couple of times. Great decor, great food. I think it was a couple of blocks north from the beach on the other side of Lincoln blvd.
btw, I’m very sorry to hear about BooMan. I hope you’re doing okay and not missing him too much. I can only imagine. My guys are with the ex and I only get to see them a few times a month… and the big guy is getting pretty old. He’s almost 13. So I’m trying to prepare myself, but it’s never an easy thing to do eh. Really sorry about Boo, but keep him in your heart and thoughts and he’ll always be with you.
yeah, 2-4 blocks from the beach. on the north end.
nice shop.
Thanks for the kind words about Boo. My cats are with the ex. I keep wanting to kidnap one of them for a weekend, but then a frequent visitor to my apartment is allergic to cats.
I do get occassional visitation rights though. As soon as they see me they each flop over and show me their bellies and compete to be the cutest. It’s pretty funny.
How about my foreskin instead, since that is already gone.
that’s mandals
What about me? Can I come? I’ll get a pedicure for the pictures.
You better step up that sandal-shopping process too, then…
<sigh> and you’ve set such a high standard …
Hay, I thought that birkenstocks were the official liberal sandal.
pictures, we need pictures. Especially of MaryScott.
I’m still a bit ticked that there is hardly any AfAm input in YearlyKos, but that’s not necessarily all the fault of the Great Orange Zone. However, the seminar on the South looks like all white folks, with hardly anything about Katrina and New Orleans and the Gulf.
As Slim Pickens said in Blazing Saddles, “I am depressed.”
Still working on the book…
and healthier… and richer, I’d be there with you at both events. Enjoy yourself and give us all the details. Let us all live vicariously thru you. And keep your eye on Jerome and Maryscott, you know what I mean. π
Speaking of living vicariously sjct – isn’t it about time for a Thursday Garden Journal? I’m in Georgia now – gazing at my red clay homestead and wondering which moving box might contain your instructions for what to do with it.
If I were younger and spryer, not to mention richer, it would be done.
Build a wooden frame, lay it on the ground, break up the hard pan beneath it and fill with store-bought bedding soil. Seriously. The other option is back-breaking churning of the clay while adding peat moss, sand, manure, and lime until it resembles bagged bedding soil.
I’ll work on putting up a Garden Journal for next Thursday to review the successes and failures I’ve had so far. Thank you for wanting to read one.
I’ve supported ykos by donating one of my paintings to the auctions here. Feel free to bid. π
Done – I just love that auction frenzy (but shouldn’t someone be plying the bidders with booze?)
Which colloquium are you going to attend?
If you mean Thursday, the one in the afternoon about moving from blogging to action, or something like that.
Hey Booman. I’m always ready to expound on the finer points of conventional slacktivism.
Hope you enjoy your time there.
After it’s all over, I may need you to slack me silly.
Now Booman everyone has the innate talent to do this.
As usual I’m very jealous of everybody meeting up.
One cool thing I’m doing right now is watching,
“Brewing” The earliest known traces of brewing; brewers attempt to concoct a beer based on DNA found in a 2,700-year-old drinking vessel.
All that beer. π
BooMan, I am staying at the Circus Circus during YearlyKos and would love to buy you a beer. What are the details on the shin dig you and MSOC are throwing?
We have a suite. Starts at 7:30. Friday June 9th.
Keep an eye here and at
Why isn’t there a booman tribune tie?..
Thursday and Friday evening with the Majority Report broadcast (not to mention downloading the MR podcasts for airport/airplane listening). Wish I hadn’t let hurt feelings dissuade me from attending — but then again, the personal is political and I should probably work on my own relationship shit before tackling the Democrats’ shit.
Any word on possible CDs with the audio of the convention presentations? MacWorld SF makes a CD of all the conference sessions available for about $150; I’d be willing to pay up to $200 for yKos presentations. Or at the very least, maybe free podcast downloads of the assorted keynotes? (Inquiring minds, yadda yadda yadda.)
Might have to take a peek over at the yKos site and see what they’re offering…
Travel safely, boss… π
Dag nab it…my ethics forced me not to attend any event that might glorify Kos. But, I’d really like to meet y’all. I might give it up, but since I filed for divorce, I am not legally allowed to leave the state.
Fuck. Oh well…have a great time and remember that many of us really wanted to hang with y’all.
Yeah, I had those same ethics too. Then I looked at the list of workshops and panels. Then I read BooMan’s post. Then a friend said, “We should go… it will be fun!”
Eh… ethics are soooo overrated.
I am looking forward to The Maryscott-Booman happening.
A happening!
Brings memories.
what if you collected and edited several essays and had them for a download for people to review. A lot of folks are coming into blogs and they are like new borns in some fashion. They have been blinded by our lack luster media to the point that they don’t even know current news, let alone news that just happened within the last couple of years. I don’t know if there is a market, but you might ask the community what topics they would like to review. And you could charge for each download.
Why don’t you just fess up that you’re taking UPS kickbacks? I know a cute chick who is going to YearlyKos. I told her that she needs to work your booth while wearing “Daisy Dukes” and a red bandana material midriff revealing top and serve Cherry Pie for a buck slice! Oh Yeah, and pigtails! I think it could have real Bootrib site money making potential!! Sorry, I can’t help it if I’m entrepreneurial!
And did this cute chick agree to do this?
Good f’ing luck with that…no banana cream pies?