Or so proclaims The Brad Blog who reports that Kennedy, an environmental lawyer who hosts a weekend radio show on Air America, Ring of Fire, has an article coming out in Rolling Stone Magazine (appearing tomorrow online, and Friday at the newsstands near you) that claims the Republican Party conspired to steal the 2004 election in Ohio:
A damning and detailed feature article, written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for Rolling Stone and documenting evidence of the theft of the 2004 Presidential Election is set to hit newstands this Friday, The BRAD BLOG can now confirm. The online version of the article will be posted tomorrow (Thursday) morning.
The article — headlined on the cover as “Did Bush Steal the 2004 Election?: How 350,000 Votes Disappeared in Ohio” — has been several months in development and will contend that a concerted effort was undertaken by high-level Republican officials to steal the Election in Ohio — and thus the country — in 2004!
Kennedy told The BRAD BLOG this morning that “the best evidence says the Republicans succeeded” in their plan.
He writes in the 10-page long article, and confirmed to us today, that evidence shows Ohio Sec. of State J. Kenneth Blackwell was “certainly in on” the scheme, and there are indications that the effort went all the way up to the White House.
Kennedy is a highly respected spokesperson for environmentalist causes, but this is the first time he’s taken a prominent position on the Topic that must not be named at a certain well known Orange colored blog. It’s a significant story in itself that he has staked his name and reputation to the position that our last Presidential election was fraudulently stolen by Republicans. I, for one, will be anxiously awaiting the opportunity to read and dissect what his article has to say on this subject tomorrow. I fully expect (as I’m sure he does) that the long knives of the Conservative Smear Machine will be in action early and often to attack his character, his sanity and his patriotism.
Nonetheless, it is extremely significant that he is taking this step now, prior to the 2006 Fall elections, and in a forum (Rolling Stone) that reaches a decidedly large and youthful audience. I wish him well, and as soon as the story is available I’ll be pouring over it with my eyes and posting my reaction here at Booman.
I can’t wait!!!!
Damn. Wow.
Hope it’s as good a piece as it sounds with notations and citations and a glossary and Blackwell on record admitting he done it or he may have to worry about getting banned.
Good catch Steven, made my day… can’t wait until tomorrow to read it. 🙂
finally! is it ok to be slightly optimistic now? and I hope this puts an end to kerry’s idea that he might run again after not fighting Ohio. didn’t he win in 2004?
Fact that he didn’t fight it is enough to never believe a word that he ever says!
indeed, especially after he set up that special fund and told his supporters (us) he’d fight any irregularities. wonder why he caved like that? did the NSA have something on him?
If Al Gore runs again, however, I’ll certainly support him.
We can agree and disagree. I am NOT a Gore fan for a combination of reasons.
yes – [more tomorrow, office closing now]
was, at least in part, money left over from the campaign. I had donated, and after Kerry betrayed us, I wrote and asked for my money back. No answer, of course.
Why he caved? My tin-foil hat tells me it’s a Skull and Bones thing. Link to CBS story on the topic
And they are the masters of unrefusable offers.
This is huge.
The idea that the election was stolen is slowly morphing from a far-out “conspiracy theory” to a mainstream belief. The evidence has been there all along, but the mainstream media (except for Keith Olbermann), has largely ignored the story, and so have most mainstream politicians, including John Kerry who collected millions of dollars in a special fund to bankroll his pledge to “count all the votes” and then conceded the election without so much as a whimper despite evidence of massive fraud in Ohio and elsewhere.
Robert Kennedy Jr. may be just the impetus required to force this onto the front pages, and to force the media to report on the Holt Amendment which the Republicans continue to keep bottled up in committee despite almost 200 co-cponsors. That amendment would require a paper record of all votes and random audits, among other things.
Now this is the type of person/candidate that I would support! Someone willing to speak up and put their ass on the line!!
Yay! Finally someone that cannot be ignored and ridiculed. This is an important name that will capture the attention of everyone.
His father would be proud. And, I’m starting to look real good in this shiny hat.
This is great.

And Rolling Stone is on a roll..
Remember the previous issue:
Remember Malcolm X’s statement regarding JFK’s murder?
“The chickens always come home to roost.”
Well, them chickens must be ENERGIZER chickens, because they just keep roosting and roosting and roosting and roosting…
So JFK’s crooked daddy made deals with at LEAST Daley in Ohio and mob connections in West Virginia to secure JFK’s nomination and election. (Other mob connections, because Daley was as mobbed up as was necessary in order to be able to continue to do business in the Chicago the Al Capone really founded.) And the Kennedy group made promises, especially about Cuba and the gambling interests that literally owned it at the time, that for any number of reasons..an innate sense of decency that both JFK and RFK shared would be one of them is my guess..the Kennedy administration would not or could not fulfill. And it all ended up with a bullet to JFK’s head in Dealy Plaza. (And quite likely RFK’s murder by a Manchurian Candidate type-trancer as well, although that’s substantially harder to prove.)
So in modern times (Say post 1900 for the sake of argument) the first stolen Presidential election was the one that JFK won.
And now JFK’s nephew…after the deaths of both his father and his uncle that were certainly to some connected with a stolen election …is pointing his finger at another one.
I have nothing against RFK Jr., and I am glad that he is lending the weight of his family’s name to this promotion of this idea and otrher progessive causes as well. I worry a little about him because when I listen to him on Air America there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with his voice, and I get the impression that he is not in very good health.
But the irony is inescapable.
What goes around really DOES come around.
And it’s roost, roost roost for the home team.
Always and everywhere.
Nothing new here…
Just the same old same old dirty politics.
In reverse.
You won’t believe me but I love you only
I’d rather be lonely than happy with somebody else (Gus Kahn)
Deep, this country.
Very deep.
You have to ask yourself…
Who’s writing this shit?
“Ya gotta believe…”(Tug McGraw)
He has the same condition as Diane Rehm at NPR. It’s called spasmodic dysphonia, “a voice disorder caused by involuntary movements of one or more muscles of the larynx or voice box. Individuals who have spasmodic dysphonia may have occasional difficulty saying a word or two or they may experience sufficient difficulty to interfere with communication. Spasmodic dysphonia causes the voice to break or to have a tight, strained or strangled quality.”
That’s one reason I doubt you’ll ever see him run for office.
I know what you are saying Steven, but IMO, that should not stop him. I mean, I wouldn’t care.
As usual, our fine doctors have a name for it.
But no idea of what causes it, how to fix it, or whether it is in reality an imbalance in other parts of the system that is causing such a disorder to manifest in the vocal area.
Plain and simple…he sounds sick to me.
Weak and sick.
THAT is why he will not be running for any offices. HE may not realize this…I don’t know. He may swallow whatever line Dr. Big Brother hands him…”Take these pills and don’t call me in the morning” is a good précis of the usual, although if you are rich enough things might be better. I don’t know about that, either. Maybe they give you MORE pills.
Nor do I know how he appears.
But voters will smell the weakness.
They will HEAR it.
Thus he is not a candidate for office.
Pros know who can get over and who can’t.
he could probably win some gerrymanded house seat like his troubled cousin Patrick.
This one is gerrymandered as hell. Lansing is one of the bluest areas in the state, Brighton is getting bluer every day, and so is Howell. (Most populated areas of the county.) Put that together w/the changes in N. Oakland county, and it would be a wash.
Can just here it now–Mike who?
hey I grew up outside Brighton. glad to hear it’s turning
blue; visited in ’92 and read that Livingston County was proud to be one of the few counties to vote for G Sr.
And you are going to love this:
Have been many anti-Rogers/anti-bush lte’s, almost always followed up by one telling the writer to move to A2!!! (Actually had two written in response to ltes that I wrote.)
In addition, there have been several others complaining that Brighton is turning into A2!
Increasing Hispanic population to the point where St.Joe’s in Howell now has a Spanish Mass!!!!
Firsthand account of a vigil in support of Cindy Sheehan in at the old courthouse in Howell.
In 2004, the Brighton Argus endorsed K/E!!]
More diverse/open re: acceptance of gays. NOT near 100%, but there was a big, BIG deal last year about it.
See what I mean?
amazing! and Brighton Argus endorsed K/E!!
thanks for the update!
And, what most people don’t get is these are all a really big deal, considering the past reputation of the area. You have to have lived here to understand the importance of that–most people don’t, they just look at the numbers and write this area off.
I used to live in Hartland in the mid-80’s–hell, that was when a car that had a Dem bumper sticker was an open invitiation for tire slashing!
Oh, I forgot–there was a big deal about an auction of KKK memorabilia at a Howell auction house. (Think that was last year.) So much hell was raised about that, the auction was CANCELLED!
Things are changing…
upset with Gore for caving on Fl, but I do think he’s got inner conviction that, say Feingold and Dean have, but most of the others lack. Very interesting to hear him talk about (at ’92 convention; also writes about it in Earth in the Balance intro) how he came to the immediacy of environmental work after his son nearly died, hit by the car. I think he came away from that with a very deep convictions that could motivate needed leadership. Too bad he couldn’t find it in ’00, but better late than never.
You know, in 2000, I was all set to vote for Gore. Then he said something re: the auto industry and those who depend on it for work that really irritated me to the point where I voted Green! (And for the life of me, I can’t remember what it was.)
Now, a bit of background about me–my late grandfather, late uncle, and late father were all involved in the organization of the UAW–namely, the Battle of the Overpass. No names that made the history books, but the fact is that if there were NOT men like that, there would be no UAW. Hardly an uncommon background for someone who grew up on the NE side of Detroit–there were many who who were seriously injured or died in that. That is the reason that I feel so strongly about Gore.
(And, IIRC, this is the second death of a member of his family that he appears to be using for his personal gain. BooMan mentioned one elsewhere–think it was his sister’s death..?)
Maybe you are right about Gore–I don’t know. All I know is that I will never support him as a candidate.
A great heritage!! I understand why you won’t vote for Gore. what I meant about Gore’s son, when he talked about his son that’s when I heard an entirely different quality of conviction in him. That conviction was all submerged in the ’00 campaign. I’m just thinking it’s probably still there, if something wakes it up he can really do something. I should research his sister though.
I am really proud of all of them. Also, I believe that is what has made me the way I am. Some feel that I am too stubborn and opinionated–my answer to that–hell with them. And now I am remembering, that was a phrase often used by my late father!
Thanks again for a pleasant memory–Dad and I were really close–and we fought like hell–over everything!! After we finished yelling at each other, everything was fine. Funny thing, the second to the last conversation that we had before he died, he apologized for all of the arguments that we had. The last time we spoke, it was another argument–he won, of course–damn if he didn’t get the last word in!!
As Gomer Pyle would say: “Surprise, Surprise, now who woulda thunk it” ; )
I hope it rips the holes in the bottom of their body, (where they keep their heads) much LARGER…
LMAO ….. ; )
If you read on the news of a drunken man dancing in the streets, it will be ME the day these criminals are finally placed where they belong…..HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWD
So RFK, Jr. joins the illustrious ranks of those who are not welcome on DailyKos and DemocraticUnderground (DU banned Bev Harris and presumably Markos of Daily Kos would ban Mark Crispin Miller and Gore Vidal because they hold to the theory that the GOP conspired to steal the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004).
Welcome to the club, Bobby!
The Great and All Powerful Kos hath decreed that George is King:
Notice to thereisnospoon and other DailyKos “cops”: don’t bother trying to argue with me. Talk to the hand.
A purge, eh?
Personally, I was all over this issue over there from the moment the irregularities began appearing on election night & I stayed on it, contributing & promoting the relevant discussions for a very long time.
I was never banned, however — just eventually left the community of my own accord, as it didn’t seem worth the effort any more.
So you see, ‘great and all powerful’ Kos is not. He missed.
Isn’t that just too much? I was always recommending the conspiracy theory diaries and I was never banned either. Like you, I just left and only xposted the Part D info on dkos in an attempt to open some eyes as to what is really going on. Remember one time, someone said Part D was great–until I mentioned the donut hole…then their tune sure changed.
And Kos missed another one too.
Personally, I’d say it’s high time dKos was rendered irrelevant.
You & I, along with many, many others, helped build the Kos community throughout the years with our continual effort, time & thought — so I feel quite justified in stating my opinion.
Belatedly, also, I thank you for your tremendous work on Part D. Glad you chose to share your work there, as well. I truly hope that at some point in the near future, Kos won’t be the place to have our voices heard (such as it is).
To my mind, it no longer deserves its distinction.
As a friend said once, “The writers make the blog.” Not whoever it is named after, but the writers.
And you are very welcome for your words re: the Part D series.
I also share your feelings re: irrelevancy of dkos.
Amen, Blogging Curmudgeon, you wrote what I was just about to write!! (I’m a blogging curmudgeon myself, btw.)
I thought the election was stolen from the very damn night of the election. That’s why I almost moved to Canada immediately thereafter (a story I’ve often told).
I was ALWAYS on the election fraud side on DKos, very actively for four months (before I got banned over a dispute on another issue).
Wouldn’t it be something if this idea slowly became the Common Wisdom??!!
Oh, and by the way, I love Al Gore. I’d have a hard time shaking John Kerry’s hand. I gave that schmuck thousands of dollars, and he just FOLDS??!! WTF??!!
I do agree it’s probably a Skull & Bones thing, as a previous poster sharply noted.
even though I was pretty active in posting about the election aftermath at DKOS in Nov and Dec 2004 (The Case against “Fucking Ohio”). I got turned off though by the ostrich-like attitude of many of the people there so I stopped posting or even reading it for about a year. I read it once in a while now, but not really actively. Maybe people’s eyes are finally starting to open there now, but the unwillingness in Nov/Dec 2004 by the FPers there (except Georgia10, who wasn’t an FPer then) to face up to the obvious facts was pretty depressing.
The e-mail I just received from Sen. Barbara Boxer mentions that she will introduce a bill when Senate reconvenes . . .
Took her long enough.
Excellent news, thanks! Sounds like the Senate version of Murtha’s proposal. With a third of the Senate up for re-election, maybe some of them will get motivated.
Boxer was on Hardball last week, and she was cool, calm, and collected. Wish I’d get a chance to vote for her for president!
Hope RFK Jr. has this sewed up tight, cause they will really come after him after this article hits the streets. I don’t know what happened in Ohio. However you have to think twice when people like John Conyers and RFK jr. are saying the election was rigged. If his story has merit, I pray that it will gain traction in the MSM (fat chance). If that does happen, the 06 elections could become even more significant/interesting than they are at this point.
Well, all this coincides with the interviews on Democracy Now posted today
Electronic Voting Machine Study Exposes Most Serious Security Flaws Ever Documented
From the transcript. Go read
Well you know, it’s not tinfoil hats anymore.
You’re good!!!! Bravo!!!!!
For extraordinary details of election fraud and how electronic voting machines are hijacking our democracy,.. visit <http://www.bradblog,com>. Stop
by for a visit,.. your knowledge and input would be appreciated.
Also too,.. Ohio Coingate,.. Tom Noe pleads guilty to improper fund raising for bu$$$h 2004 election. Devils den of corrupt politicos and fraudulent elections that put the Fascist in power.
It took the dogged research of Greg Palast and follow-up investgative reporting by others to outline how 2000 went down. It is now such conventional wisdom that even Jimmy Carter is unafraid to mention it in interviews.
It has taken dogged research of many folk to get enough information for Robert Kennedy, Jr. to go forward with this article about 2004 (I’m getting a little jaded by pre-announcements, so I hope this one is true).
What now has to happen both in both cases is somehow to get either subpoena or discovery powers to investigate this case. I dare not hold out hope that the Abramoff investigation goes down this road. But I am willing to be surprised.
Movement in these two cases is going to depend on the accumulation of evidence and not public pressure; that much has been clear since around February of 2005. So I don’t give a rat’s ass about what Kos has or has not done. We don’t need a rehashing of opinions; we need some whistleblowers to come forward. Does the Supreme Court decision this week now make sense?
And it is not only the executive branch that is in the balance on this. Substantial evidence of 2000 and 2004 wrongdoing could mean investigation, impeachment, and removal of the Supreme Court Justices and Ohio State Judges involved in suppressing the process of counting and investigation. In the case of the Supreme Court, that means the possibility of impeaching Scalia, Thomas, and Kennedy.
We need new evidence, new approaches of investigation. Instead of the same “Twas” “Twasn’t” nonsense of the past years.
What sayeth Markos now, who considered talk of Ohio fraud so wacko that he refused to front page it even once. That stance was my first indication that Kos may be Karl Rove’s most brilliant strategic frontman yet.
And it broke. my. heart.
I wonder if coverage of RFK Jr’s Rolling Stone article will get you banned at Kos…
It will be interesting to see if any diaries about it are deleted, etc.
If so, I’ll return my new copy of Markos book and send him a letter explaining why I did it.
As this story is my raison de guerre for joining. The story is actually on the recommend list on kos – I guess we have to wait for the meltdown…
Remember, Remember ’04 in November
The vote-stealing treason and plot
I see no reason why vote-stealing treason
should ever be forgot.
Guess a whole bunch of people want to get banned. So far, the Kos-anointed vigilantes have stayed away from it. I guess bashing the son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy for joining us “lunatics” who KNOW from the EVIDENCE that the 2000 and 2004 elections were grossly fraudulent is too much even for them to stomach.
My prediction? Many of the people on that diary will have revenge wreaked upon them at a later date, on a different diary, and will be trollrated out of existence on a pretext.
That’s how things work in America…I mean DailyKos…now.
I recommended that diary, and could really care less whether or not I’m banned. There is a lot of forbidden talk within the diary, but I think you are probably right that bashing the son of RFK, basically a martyr, is too much for them. We’ll see. I did notice a lot of prominent, and decidedly non-tinfoil type people also recommended.
From Bradblog
But the suspense is killing me!!! I want the damn article!!!!
As long as it takes almost two years for this shit to hit the mainstream media and get the backing of so-called moderate politicians, the Republican Party will continue to steal elections just as they stole the Presidential elections in 2000 and 2004. Both thefts have been well documented by reliable reporters from the UK and elsewhere but these revelations make not one ripple in the American media.
With electronic voting, the fuckers will do it again in 2006. In Mississippi, there are already ads hyping electronic voting machines, which will not have a back-up paper ballot. Yeah sure, we can trust the Republican Guard of Mississippi to run a fair election.
Maybe this stuff finally getting play in major media outlets will make Maoists out of all of us.