Well, um, if you aren’t doing anything. [Looks at feet.]
Okay. No. I’m not asking you out. I’m asking you to do one little thing. If you are not too busy on Friday. It is a war protest thing. And I know it will sound a little “hippie” to some of you younger folks. But it is fun. And if you aren’t doing anything to help stop the war on Friday. Then you should try this. It is easy. I swear. Meet me down under this break.
Here is the deal. It’s called Petals for Peace. My local anti-war group has been delivering single flowers to our wing-nut pro-war Rep. Mike Rogers (NeoHawk-MI) when he comes home on recess, as a way to protest the war. We’ve given him about 500 in five days.
I don’t think it is too far outside the mainstream. We’ve gotten press coverage here and here. And the UAW has jumped in with some rank-and-file support of our protest (they took up a collection and dumped about 130 flowers on the Congressmen last time — and they are in again on Friday).
Plus, we’ve made it easy to participate from anywhere (We’ve had people from France, Italy and Australia deliver flowers.)
Here is all you have to do. On Friday, between 9 a.m. EST and 5 p.m. EST deliver a flower to Rogers by one of these methods:
By phone — Call Bancroft Flowers (517-371-4120) and order a flower. They deliver. And they are cool, but no affiliation to me or the peace group.
By fax — Draw a picture of a flower with your own peace message (optional) and fax it to Rogers’ Lansing office (517-702-8642).
In person — Buy a carnation at Bancroft Flowers (1417 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing) and walk it over to Rogers’ office. His office is just one block to the west on Michigan Ave. Easy as pie.
We’ll also be out there picketing from 9 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Friday. If you are in the area. By all means, come out and say, “Hi.”
So what are you doing Friday? If it is Petals for Peace, then click on the button over there. We need more Kossacks.
Thanks. Peace. Out.
Cross posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune and My Left Wing.
I’m trying to get some attention for this topic over at Big Orange Blog in the sky. It’s the numbers man. The numbers.
Count me in.
Yeah for SusanW. You are counted.