And, Andi, Olivia, FM and anyone else I’m missing since this is a brand new café…
Just Popping in (pun intended) to post a quick pic before I have to go round up dinner. Just got in from watering, C is out spraying the newly mown yard for mosquitoes, so here’s something I took about an hour ago. Another oriental poppy that just popped today…
do the firefox right click thingie for larger…
Must have been a busy happy hour today, missed it due to work, as usual. Hope to pop in again later, if possible… Olivia, I started taking “Larger picture views” of the beds… nothing great yet but I do have ones of the newly planted veggies and my fire bed. Maybe save em for later (or not) …lol.
Time to get some dinner going here… see you all later (good night, Andi…)
This is the NW Corner “Fire bed” which is getting more blue in it now…
In this view you can see coreopsis (L), yellow butterfly bush (center), Blue Butterfly Delphinium (R), 2 hibiscus (Center right) and 3 Knifophia (poker plant) in the back left. Also some annuals and seeds are there as well. This is the bed that wore me out on Monday… if you remember me whining about it. lol
Hi, all,
I’m back home for a while now, back to the land of purty flower pictures and adorable pig-bellied frogs. Don’t take that personally.
I went to the first ever live-action katiebird presentation of Eat 4 Today at the Kansas City, Ks. main library this afternoon. She was great! Now I must go to her blog to see if she posted a picture.
Hello everyone. The sun’s starting to go down now here.
KamaKid’s play is tomorrow and Sat. nights. For those not in the know, she is in her first year (6th grade) of a performing arts charter school as an acting major. This will be their first and only production of the year (grumble). She will be playing a Latino bus driver who talks like an urban black woman. As a thoroughly white girl, this should be interesting. :>)
It would be a lot more fun if I liked the play! :>)
She does have a lot of lines. She is one of the lead roles. The play will incorporate the dance, instrumental music, and vocal majors as well. It will be great to see them all.
I’ve been following the eagles at work for awhile now, back w/ the original eagle couple w/ the faulty eggs and the old website. Carrick was featured in a CBC article. I’ve got the link on fav list, and the one day I had everyone in my cube watching them.
I’m not aware of any other links. After the CBC article the site exploded and it went viral too (like inbox to inbox) all over the world. It was really sad to see that the orig. eggs didn’t make it.
Salutations x 2 everyone… Finally back after dinner and KO, who was especially snarky and very angry tonight about the latest BO-liely escapade w/Wesley Clark. KO is one man I would never want to piss off, after seeing that little piece.
Anyway… this is another shot from tonight in the wider perspective… our humble veggie plot flanked by attentive begging dogs. The woman in the background is their fairy dogmother, who they faithfully greet anytime they’re out and she comes home… she buys treats just for them and she never fails to give them one.
That’s our neighbor who used to put fake flowers in pots in her yard, but who now plants real ones. That so-called patch of lawn is the far west end of our back yard… there’s a good 50 feet in the other direction to the back of the house, so they have enough room. hehe
Metal frame is the old swingset/jungle gym that was here when we moved in. Instead of trying to take it out (concrete blocks and all) we just use it for plant support. At the far end I planted Spanish Flag vine and on the close end is hyacinth bean vine (which of course they are small now). 10 Tomatoes on close end. 20+ peppers further back. Basil, broccoli raab interspersed at either end. And lastly, we ringed the whole veggie perimeter with 3 1/2 rows of Zinnia sseds. If this all works out, it’s gonna be great.
yo dada! Yeah, ain’t it just? See explanation in my post up a bit…
Glad to hear that KO is making the rounds so fast… I have never seen him so angry before. It took me a bit aback, though I was of course 100% behind him.
John Cameron Swayze? Heckola I don’t even remember now who he is. But most likely the ads were pre /70s, or at the latest early ’70s. I didn’t watch much TV after those years. Ain’t had one here in the country for decades. Cable in the city though, so self poison now and then there.
Yeah, I did see the suggestion for ’round hdwd closet rods’ (thanks!!) and that might well be acceptable to Ms, too, besides being sturdy enough. It would beat scrounging through the woods and then cutting and shaping, etc.
I was planning on using 5/4″ x 6″ cedar for the top of rail piece. But I could sure enhance that to a 2X6 easy enough.
Hey there wood buildin man from the north plains! Doing pretty well down here, but on the tired end as usual. Way loads of weeding to do this weekend, but an old friend from work (no longer there) is coming over for happy hour beers, so maybe I can press her into service a bit in exchange for plants I’m sending home with her, lol.
Frankly, from that one shot of your shrubbies-yet-to-bloom, you already look like your garden is pristine. That is, nearly weed free. Ours, on the other hand, looks like a rain forest. Which is about what it is after four days of heat and humidity and intermittent rain.
The cursed Cheney-lions that I thought I’d pulled out are back. Their babies are nearly knee high. Damn near like kudzu – you can just about see them growing. If we don’t get to themn this weekend, we will lose all of my wonderful daylilies, and I’ll be very upset!
Hey there Kamakhya, sorry I missed you upstream there!
Lol, that’s the first time Rolly has been mistaken for a horse, though he does have quite the impressive tail! He’s a springer spaniel farm mutt mix, but a very handsome dog, even if he is getting on in years (14 now).
Hello. I think it was just a matter of the markings and the fluffy tail and the size of the pic and such. I did the right-click thingy and realized it looks nothing like a pony. Cute dogs and a nice veggie garden to boot. I don’t suppose you ship your surplus? ;>)
That pony remark cracked me up! Thx … I’m sure they appreciate the kind compliments for being an old couple of pups. (btw, posted another, better pic of them in the dog blog tonight)
As for surplus, I just hope we have one this year. Last year was awful for peppers… it was too hot and dry and they refused to bloom or grow. I was lucky if I got about 20 jalapeños and a few odd others… the bells just refused to produce. Scaled back on the tomatoes too. However, if I do by chance have a surplus of peppers this year, I plan on making hot pepper relish out of them. I did the hot pepper jelly thing a couple of years ago and still have a lot around in jars (vacuum sealed, of course).
I’ll never forget the first time I tried to cook with Jalapenos. After rubbing my itchy eye, it must have been years before I even considered touching one again.
The flower is growing on a stem about 6″ tall, very small (about size of dime). Before it flowered I thought it was a grass-like weed of some sort. Maybe it still is. Any ideas?
Um, that looks like dianthus to me, and your description would seem to fit as well, unless I’m way off. Would you say it kind of looks like a single carnation? If so, that nails it. If not, my powers of perception have abandoned me tonight.
Sounds like dianthus, so KS and I were all over that one, lol. “Pinks,” as they used to be called back in the olden days, were actually one of Thomas Jefferson’s favorite flowers he specialized in in his garden. Why I know that particular piece of trivia, I have no idea. But I do know it’s purportedly true. 🙂
No pinks here…lots of blue, white, red and orange in the perennials and ground covers…and a few native violets and stuff the squirrels bury and forget, that I haven’t got a clue about.
Ok, then. From now on out, previously referred to “old lady flowers” are now “blue hair specials.” Please adjust your reality dial accordingly… Now back to the regularly scheduled anarchic lunacy…
I have some shaped like this in my yard, and the foliage does look a bit like grayish grass, until the blooms open. Mine are white, with centers of dark red, but the shape is much like this one.
Glad you thought so too… it would be easier to tell in daylight but I looked at the bigger version and still stick by my diagnosis of dianthus. I can see how a bit of that could get “lost” in a bigger garden and pop up again here and there. In fact, if I were to have dianthus, that’s the way I’d like it to do its thing. (I know, I’m evil… but it’s another of those “old lady” plants we tend to avoid.)
I don’t recall that, but maybe I did. I was afraid the old lady flower reference would rile ya up. Not that I think you’re an old lady… it’s that flower category of my mind that includes impatiens, dianthus, petunias and dusty miller.
Actually I wouldn’t mind a small clump of the right color dianthus somewhere, it’s just that most of the colors just leave me unimpressed. I know, chef snob will let it go now…
Hey! What’s with this “old lady thing!” My dianthus have stayed more or less where they are, nicely spreading out to engulf and kill one of the favorite spots where dandelions love to infest,along my front walk. After they bloom, they just get mowed from time to time. A no sweat plant that looks great once a year, and like slightly anemic grass the rest of the time.
Sorry KS… not directed at you or anyone here! Just my jesting ongoing snobbery thing about plants we don’t do … mostly common “bedding plants” folks call them.
Sounds like you have found an excellent use for it! If it can conquer dandelions, praise be. Don’t know if you planned it that way, but if you did, bravo, if not, you got lucky!
I’m still envious that you have “invasive” columbines in your yard… 😀
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wild Flowers…
Too bad I can’t find the three bags of blue corn chips so I can finish my bowl of hummus and hot sauce. We did house cleaning in the kitchen a few days ago! ha!
No clue where they are, and too late to call Ms NDD.
Hard to scoop the sauce with just “seeds and stems” left in the bag.
You put anything new up on your b since last night? If I go load that to see you’ll all have gone to bed by the time I return, so let me know and I can look later.
and a fond Waltons moment to you, chère O. I should probably follow suit with you and dada, as I have another boring day ahead of me in the cubicell, as the sun shines outside and the weeds I need to pull keep growing…
Catch you all on the other side of the garden fence tomorrow, most likely! Hoping to shoot some good wide pics of the north side woodland garden … it’s looking very lush now, and there are lupines coming up all over, and one beginning to bloom…
Floriferous dreams, O-livia and O-dada … Kamakhya, KS, NDD iffn’ you’re all still here!
and thanks for the added incentive to find my chips, they were on the very back side of the lazy susan. I could only just see a few inches of the tail of one.
What’s hopping?
Huge t-storms here tonite. But all is finally quiet. Thankfully the boran2 boy was not scared.
That’s good. Even as a kid, I always loved storms.
Nice froggy! One of yours?
For some reason, the toads and frogs don’t like my yard. I have to make do w/ anonymous internet toads and frogs, and Andi’s photos. 🙂
And, Andi, Olivia, FM and anyone else I’m missing since this is a brand new café…
Just Popping in (pun intended) to post a quick pic before I have to go round up dinner. Just got in from watering, C is out spraying the newly mown yard for mosquitoes, so here’s something I took about an hour ago. Another oriental poppy that just popped today…

do the firefox right click thingie for larger…
Must have been a busy happy hour today, missed it due to work, as usual. Hope to pop in again later, if possible… Olivia, I started taking “Larger picture views” of the beds… nothing great yet but I do have ones of the newly planted veggies and my fire bed. Maybe save em for later (or not) …lol.
Time to get some dinner going here… see you all later (good night, Andi…)
This is the NW Corner “Fire bed” which is getting more blue in it now…

In this view you can see coreopsis (L), yellow butterfly bush (center), Blue Butterfly Delphinium (R), 2 hibiscus (Center right) and 3 Knifophia (poker plant) in the back left. Also some annuals and seeds are there as well. This is the bed that wore me out on Monday… if you remember me whining about it. lol
See, I’m not just about the inner bits … 😉
Hi, all,
I’m back home for a while now, back to the land of purty flower pictures and adorable pig-bellied frogs. Don’t take that personally.
I went to the first ever live-action katiebird presentation of Eat 4 Today at the Kansas City, Ks. main library this afternoon. She was great! Now I must go to her blog to see if she posted a picture.
She was so worried this morning. I’m glad it went well.
That’s great news! I’ve been peeking over there and haven’t seen anything yet … 🙂
Hi, Andi and Oliva.
I hope you guys are well and sassy.
to accompany the flowers.
The ferns are wonderful!
Hello everyone. The sun’s starting to go down now here.
KamaKid’s play is tomorrow and Sat. nights. For those not in the know, she is in her first year (6th grade) of a performing arts charter school as an acting major. This will be their first and only production of the year (grumble). She will be playing a Latino bus driver who talks like an urban black woman. As a thoroughly white girl, this should be interesting. :>)
Hope everyone had a nice day.
has she got a lot of lines?
Been a while since I’ve seen a grade school or high school play. Some of them are pretty funny.
And a few years back one of the neighboring small towns had their own dinner theater, mostly adults, but some were excellent actors.
It would be a lot more fun if I liked the play! :>)
She does have a lot of lines. She is one of the lead roles. The play will incorporate the dance, instrumental music, and vocal majors as well. It will be great to see them all.
Sounds like a challenging role … 🙂
Just checked out the Bald Eagle Nest Cam from Victoria/Sydney, ca.
Mom’s back for the evening, it appears…pretty cool. Two babies in the nest…check it out.
I’ve been following the eagles at work for awhile now, back w/ the original eagle couple w/ the faulty eggs and the old website. Carrick was featured in a CBC article. I’ve got the link on fav list, and the one day I had everyone in my cube watching them.
I just got the link a couple days ago. You shoulda dropped that link in here…:{) Is this the same one you have or are there multiple hostings?
I’m not aware of any other links. After the CBC article the site exploded and it went viral too (like inbox to inbox) all over the world. It was really sad to see that the orig. eggs didn’t make it.
Peregrine Falcons, cam in Fargo
Thanks for these. My spouses third graders will love them, and so will we.
Salutations x 2 everyone… Finally back after dinner and KO, who was especially snarky and very angry tonight about the latest BO-liely escapade w/Wesley Clark. KO is one man I would never want to piss off, after seeing that little piece.

Anyway… this is another shot from tonight in the wider perspective… our humble veggie plot flanked by attentive begging dogs. The woman in the background is their fairy dogmother, who they faithfully greet anytime they’re out and she comes home… she buys treats just for them and she never fails to give them one.
Fairy dogmother LOL.
This is a great photo IVG! And this is the patch of lawn … 🙂 That looks like a fair size veggie garden IVG. What’s the metal frame for?
That’s our neighbor who used to put fake flowers in pots in her yard, but who now plants real ones. That so-called patch of lawn is the far west end of our back yard… there’s a good 50 feet in the other direction to the back of the house, so they have enough room. hehe
Metal frame is the old swingset/jungle gym that was here when we moved in. Instead of trying to take it out (concrete blocks and all) we just use it for plant support. At the far end I planted Spanish Flag vine and on the close end is hyacinth bean vine (which of course they are small now). 10 Tomatoes on close end. 20+ peppers further back. Basil, broccoli raab interspersed at either end. And lastly, we ringed the whole veggie perimeter with 3 1/2 rows of Zinnia sseds. If this all works out, it’s gonna be great.
I know you’ve talked about what you’ve planted here, but seeing it is awesome … Thanks!
w/ the ‘monkey bars’ in the garden…:{)
Saw the O’Liely bit over at C&L just a bit ago…KO ripped him pretty good. Doesn’t seem to bother him tho…what a slimy piece of work!
yo dada! Yeah, ain’t it just? See explanation in my post up a bit…
Glad to hear that KO is making the rounds so fast… I have never seen him so angry before. It took me a bit aback, though I was of course 100% behind him.
Are you still in the country?
but running out of decent bread and bagels, ha! I expect to return to the city sometime late tomorrow afternoon, or evening.
I wonder if I can find my wild flowers book around here, so see if that one might be in there.
but keeps on ticking, ha!
Finally got my ledger attached. Managed to drop it once from two scaffolds high. No damage though.
? can a get by with one post to split 10′ run of deck railing, or do I need to go to 10/3
with John Cameron Swayze…or have I completely lost it?
If your using a 2X, or bigger top rail, 1 would be fine. The long span on the lower deck w/ the stanchion in the pics is @6.5′ with a 2X6 top rail.
Did ya see the suggestion for ’round hdwd closet rods’ in lieu of the metal a day or so ago?
John Cameron Swayze? Heckola I don’t even remember now who he is. But most likely the ads were pre /70s, or at the latest early ’70s. I didn’t watch much TV after those years. Ain’t had one here in the country for decades. Cable in the city though, so self poison now and then there.
Yeah, I did see the suggestion for ’round hdwd closet rods’ (thanks!!) and that might well be acceptable to Ms, too, besides being sturdy enough. It would beat scrounging through the woods and then cutting and shaping, etc.
I was planning on using 5/4″ x 6″ cedar for the top of rail piece. But I could sure enhance that to a 2X6 easy enough.
Hey there wood buildin man from the north plains! Doing pretty well down here, but on the tired end as usual. Way loads of weeding to do this weekend, but an old friend from work (no longer there) is coming over for happy hour beers, so maybe I can press her into service a bit in exchange for plants I’m sending home with her, lol.
How’s the deck?
Frankly, from that one shot of your shrubbies-yet-to-bloom, you already look like your garden is pristine. That is, nearly weed free. Ours, on the other hand, looks like a rain forest. Which is about what it is after four days of heat and humidity and intermittent rain.
The cursed Cheney-lions that I thought I’d pulled out are back. Their babies are nearly knee high. Damn near like kudzu – you can just about see them growing. If we don’t get to themn this weekend, we will lose all of my wonderful daylilies, and I’ll be very upset!
OK, enough jealousy.. Good job weeding, IVG!
LOL…when I first saw the picture, I thought the standing canine was a miniature horse! :>)
Me, too. I was floored – a completely unexplored facet of personality there. . . it didn’t compute.
Hey there Kamakhya, sorry I missed you upstream there!
Lol, that’s the first time Rolly has been mistaken for a horse, though he does have quite the impressive tail! He’s a springer spaniel farm mutt mix, but a very handsome dog, even if he is getting on in years (14 now).
Hello. I think it was just a matter of the markings and the fluffy tail and the size of the pic and such. I did the right-click thingy and realized it looks nothing like a pony. Cute dogs and a nice veggie garden to boot. I don’t suppose you ship your surplus? ;>)
That pony remark cracked me up! Thx … I’m sure they appreciate the kind compliments for being an old couple of pups. (btw, posted another, better pic of them in the dog blog tonight)
As for surplus, I just hope we have one this year. Last year was awful for peppers… it was too hot and dry and they refused to bloom or grow. I was lucky if I got about 20 jalapeños and a few odd others… the bells just refused to produce. Scaled back on the tomatoes too. However, if I do by chance have a surplus of peppers this year, I plan on making hot pepper relish out of them. I did the hot pepper jelly thing a couple of years ago and still have a lot around in jars (vacuum sealed, of course).
I’ll never forget the first time I tried to cook with Jalapenos. After rubbing my itchy eye, it must have been years before I even considered touching one again.
Any idea what this flower is … I have no idea.
Click for larger
The flower is growing on a stem about 6″ tall, very small (about size of dime). Before it flowered I thought it was a grass-like weed of some sort. Maybe it still is. Any ideas?
Um, that looks like dianthus to me, and your description would seem to fit as well, unless I’m way off. Would you say it kind of looks like a single carnation? If so, that nails it. If not, my powers of perception have abandoned me tonight.
I’ve never seen one look so … grassy and weedish before. Growing in a big spreading clump. Multiple flowers growing on the end of single stems.
Sounds like dianthus, so KS and I were all over that one, lol. “Pinks,” as they used to be called back in the olden days, were actually one of Thomas Jefferson’s favorite flowers he specialized in in his garden. Why I know that particular piece of trivia, I have no idea. But I do know it’s purportedly true. 🙂
Never seen anything like it…neat that it just volunteered…prob. from a bird dropping I’d suspect. Are there more or just this one?
An old lady flower … bah! 🙂
today…I’m staying out of this one…:{)
… was an endearment LOL … 🙂
You aren’t growing any dianthus btw, are you? Or anything pink? 🙂
You clearly haven’t been to San Francisco lately! ;>)
No pinks here…lots of blue, white, red and orange in the perennials and ground covers…and a few native violets and stuff the squirrels bury and forget, that I haven’t got a clue about.
Especially the ‘lots of blue’ ones.
And you know, I’m not that young … I know that your definition is not the one IVG is using lol. 🙂
Ok, then. From now on out, previously referred to “old lady flowers” are now “blue hair specials.” Please adjust your reality dial accordingly… Now back to the regularly scheduled anarchic lunacy…
Hi, folks. Isn’t this a dianthus of some kind? (A pink.)
I have some shaped like this in my yard, and the foliage does look a bit like grayish grass, until the blooms open. Mine are white, with centers of dark red, but the shape is much like this one.
These are the same, aren’t they? (These are NOT mine!)
I think that’s exactly what they are. You can see the stem in that link, and that’s what they looked like.
IVG you’ll be happy to know that I got rid of large amounts of it when I was clearing out that section on the w/e … It was growing into the grass.
Glad you thought so too… it would be easier to tell in daylight but I looked at the bigger version and still stick by my diagnosis of dianthus. I can see how a bit of that could get “lost” in a bigger garden and pop up again here and there. In fact, if I were to have dianthus, that’s the way I’d like it to do its thing. (I know, I’m evil… but it’s another of those “old lady” plants we tend to avoid.)
LOL … I didn’t plant it IVG! 🙂
I don’t recall that, but maybe I did. I was afraid the old lady flower reference would rile ya up. Not that I think you’re an old lady… it’s that flower category of my mind that includes impatiens, dianthus, petunias and dusty miller.
Actually I wouldn’t mind a small clump of the right color dianthus somewhere, it’s just that most of the colors just leave me unimpressed. I know, chef snob will let it go now…
IVG you would so hate my garden … first off, it’s full of pink stuff LOL … 🙂 I’m going to have to introduce something wild, like an arum.
Hey! What’s with this “old lady thing!” My dianthus have stayed more or less where they are, nicely spreading out to engulf and kill one of the favorite spots where dandelions love to infest,along my front walk. After they bloom, they just get mowed from time to time. A no sweat plant that looks great once a year, and like slightly anemic grass the rest of the time.
Sorry KS… not directed at you or anyone here! Just my jesting ongoing snobbery thing about plants we don’t do … mostly common “bedding plants” folks call them.
Sounds like you have found an excellent use for it! If it can conquer dandelions, praise be. Don’t know if you planned it that way, but if you did, bravo, if not, you got lucky!
I’m still envious that you have “invasive” columbines in your yard… 😀
… you and your old lady plants LOL … 🙂
But I don’t have any of em, remember?
I don’t think I’ll forget that list of dreaded plants … lol 🙂
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wild Flowers…
Too bad I can’t find the three bags of blue corn chips so I can finish my bowl of hummus and hot sauce. We did house cleaning in the kitchen a few days ago! ha!
No clue where they are, and too late to call Ms NDD.
Hard to scoop the sauce with just “seeds and stems” left in the bag.
You put anything new up on your b since last night? If I go load that to see you’ll all have gone to bed by the time I return, so let me know and I can look later.
Nothing special, but nice b/c they’re the first blooms.
Is your kitchen that big that you could lose your corn chips? Can’t you just open all the cupboards and take a peek?
… I’m fading fast, and I need to get some good dreams in before it’s back to FCH.
Sleep well everyone.
and a fond Waltons moment to you, chère O. I should probably follow suit with you and dada, as I have another boring day ahead of me in the cubicell, as the sun shines outside and the weeds I need to pull keep growing…
Catch you all on the other side of the garden fence tomorrow, most likely! Hoping to shoot some good wide pics of the north side woodland garden … it’s looking very lush now, and there are lupines coming up all over, and one beginning to bloom…
Floriferous dreams, O-livia and O-dada … Kamakhya, KS, NDD iffn’ you’re all still here!
and thanks for the added incentive to find my chips, they were on the very back side of the lazy susan. I could only just see a few inches of the tail of one.
it keeps quitting…time to shut down and go to bed early.
Catch ya all on the the flip
G’Night O, IVG, NDD, K and our ever vigilant friends at EnEssAy (they stay up so we don’t have too)…sleep well.