Why do I feel comfortable `attacking’ the Dems sometimes and not Republicans? (or the Liberals or NDP up here in Canada vs. the PCs) Why am I not part of `the problem’ for doing so? Why do I not give a flying fuck if my criticism of my/ our party somehow helps a Republican get into office?
Because that’s my job as a voter. To make them (i.e. the people who are getting paid to represent me) understand my position on the issues and where I think they’ve gone horribly, horribly wrong. They don’t own my vote. I own my vote. They are supposed to work for my vote. They’re supposed to represent me. Oh, and I also own my value system. You know, the one which dictates who I feel comfortable loaning my vote to for 4 years.
The Republicans can take care of themselves, and hoo boy do they ever. How the hell do you think the country GOT so far right to begin with? Because the `base’ of the GOP wouldn’t shut the fuck up about their issues. And stayed home on election night or voted for Perot, or Buchanan, etc. And stopped fundraising for them. The party establishment got the message. And it brought them born again George W. Bush. With a smidge of warmongering Dick Cheney to represent the military-corporate-industrial complex for good measure.
The party decided to cater to their BASE and their base rewarded them. And they were clear cut about the other issues they stood for to bring the more moderates of the country along with them. They were an opposition party. Go figure. And look where it got them. All 3 branches of gov’t.
For fucks sake, seriously. How blind do the dkos kids and the like have to be to the winning tactics of the right? What’s that old adage… why re-invent the wheel? Come on now. Everyone talks about how `brilliant’ Karl Rove is and yet claim time and again that they have a better recipe than him for winning elections if only us whiny lefties would get with the program and let them run anti-choice, pro-war pseudo Democrats. Now do I think we should replicate all his tactics and start claiming Hilary has a black baby and is a traitor so we can get Gore elected in South Carolina? No. But I do think that perhaps giving voters a clear alternative to the GOP candidate might be a good place to start.
It’s so funny to hear people claim, for instance, that we on the left should not be so stupid as to let a single issue like women’s control over their own body be a determining factor in how we vote on a candidate, yet the argument FOR that particular candidate is that the other voters in that state WILL vote for, or against, the candidate based on a single issue. God damn it makes your head spin.
So no, I won’t shut up. No, I won’t throw away my convictions and values to elect someone who would take away my equal rights or continue the war in Iraq. No I won’t vote for someone who condoned torture. Or voted for Hayden. Or voted for Gonzales. Or, basically, DOES NOT represent my values. Why should I? If you’re not actually in opposition to the party in power when they’re in power, why should I trust you’d do the right thing when you are? Hell, at least I know what the GOP stands for. What was that my mom always said to me… actions speak louder than words.
Oh, and that my vote was sacred.
As is my right to free speech.
And sometimes that right to speak means telling the person I loaned my vote to that they suck at honouring it and not to expect it again unless they shape up.
Seems completely reasonable to me. But then again I’m just a girl, so what do I know.
YES YES AND YES! I am standing tall right beside you, Spider…you did one beautiful job on this one!
Standing ovation!
It’s clearly obvious that the only thing the ‘centrists’ and their supporters, AKA: dKos Kidz have taken from the republican’t playbook is a unquenchable lust for power and the hubristic belief that the ends justify the means.
There are issues that are bedrock and non-negotiable; individual freedom and choice are at the top of the list. Perhaps a refresher regarding the definition of Ethics is in order:
Well said Spidey, Kudos!
meh, I have my moments… 😉
Bedrock and non-negotiable. Exactly.
Thank you, Spider – inspiring diary. I thought I heard Sam Cooke just now. (or was it Tina Turner?)
It’s been a long, long time comin
But I know, a change is gonna come
Oh, yes it will
Then I go to my brother
I say brother, brother help me please
But he just winds up knocking me
Back down on my knees, well
There were times that I thought
I couldn’t make it alone
But now I’m able, I’m able
To carry on
Its been a long, a long time comin
But I know, a change is gonna come
Oh, yes it will
Lord, it’s been a long time comin
But I know, a change is gonna come
Damn well said, spiderleaf!
Here’s a memo to all candidates for office (particularly Bill Ritter, as I’m in CO): If you don’t trust me to make decisions about what’s going on in my body, I’m not going to trust you to make decisions about what’s going on in my government.
YES! Also well said, RH.
Excellent diary spidey.
VERY well said. It’s painfully obvious, this course that you’ve laid out, would lead to gains for the Dems, and would start to save this country from itself.
Sadly, one can only conclude that they are mostly on board with the Republican’t agenda.
Fuck the Vichy Dems.
Absolutely! I call it “Inconvenient Voice of the Voter”.
One of the worst things I have seen, since 2003, is the trimming and shaping of Greater Bloglandia into the very menial servant of the Democratic Party.
And the on-schedule caterwauling that the “left loses elections for us“. Whatta whopper!
Brava ! Brava ! Brava !
And dozens of roses.
Brava! Brava! Brava! Brava!
And dozens of roses.
And a box of chocolates.
And a foot massage.
And not only that, but running towards the center plays straight into the GOP’s hands. That lets them use negative campaigning without fear, because they know it’ll do more damage to the Democratic voting pool (which is losely attached to their candidate, and is mostly voting against the GOP candidate rather than for the Democrat) than the Republican.
I am with you all the way! I will not vote for people who do not represent at least a decent chunk of what is important to me.
So, on Tuesday, I am going to my primary vote and my choices for Senator are:
Diane Feinstein – Queen Bitch who loves money and power more than doing her job
Colleen Fernald – mother/artist/entrpreneur
Martin Luther Church – Retired Program Manager
Hmm..Colleen Fernald perhaps? Maybe I will write in Cindy Shehan (is that one e or two?)
But, it will be a cold day in hell that I will ever vote for DiFi again!
There was a time when I was so proud of my two California Senators. That was long ago.
When they both stood on the steps with their hands over their hearts reciting a loyalty oath with “under God” in it (during yet another attempt to actually separate church and state), I emailed DiFi and BB asking them who I’m supposed to vote for now.
I have sent them scores of emails over the last 5 years complaining that I VOTED FOR THEM and they are not representing me. I get form letters back.
I’ve now gone through the voter guide and no where can I find a statement for any three of these candidates. WTF? She is so entrenched that there isn’t even a pretence of choice. DiFi used to be good and I still have hope for Boxer, but DiFi is now so firmly entrenched that she doesn’t give a fig about the voters. She will just go on courting lavish campaign donations from big business while she eats bonbons in her $18,000,000 home.
I told my husband, when shrubbie was “elected,” that a woman’s right to choose was in SERIOUS jeopardy. He didn’t believe me then, but he sure as hell does now. Neither of us will shut up about it.
I live down the street from my U.S. representative (her state home, anyway) and I take every opportunity to tell her what I think when I see her in town. She seems to listen -I hope that’s the case – although she’s sided with shrubbie on things like gay marriage, and she’s a freakin’ DEM! I let her know how I felt about that one…and she still talks to me 😉
Anyway, great diary and thanks!
You have nailed it. It is OUR VOTES THAT COUNT!
WELL SAID, Spidey! My views exactly.
I cannot fathom why it is that dems and dem candidates cannot see that taking a firm stand is far better than the muddled no stand or a maybe stand they’ve been taking. Most people who voted for Bush said it was because they knew exactly what his stand on things was (although any relation to the truth of what his actual agenda was/is is purely coincidental).
If you don’t stand for anything, then I sure as hell can’t stand for you. And if you stand for “convenience” on important issues, then I sure can’t stand for you. Every poll says from 60-75% of Americans agree with the right to choice, no matter how much they may not personally believe that choosing to end pregnancy is the right answer. So Dems think they have to be anti choice. . . .interesting thought process.
Great diary spidey!!!!!
You and your diary get my vote–and judging from the recommendations, there are lots of us.
I agree. I see the Dailykos as far, far, too concentrated on electing a or some Democrats and not much at all concerned that they be Democrats‘ rather than the Karl Rove-Grover Norquist variety of Democrats.
I won’t vote for Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice–and for the same reason. And I won’t vote for John Kerry (again), or come to think of it any other millionaire or billionaire again.
Millionaires cannot possibly understand how I live or the difficulties I face–even if they hire someone to explain it to them or see it on pseudo-reality television.
What’s wrong with nominating someone like Cindy Sheehan, fo example? She has a very clear idea of what Bush’s policies are costing the nation. [I am not affiliated with her or anyone else who is involved with her.]
” …too concentrated on electing a or some Democrats elected and not much at all concerned that they be Democrats’ rather than the Karl Rove’s-‘n-Grover Norquist’s variety of Democrats. “
I wonder if folks saw the editorial in the WaPo this morning by a woman identified as Dana L. The title is What Happens When There’s No Plan B. Its about a married woman who’s doctors wouldn’t prescribe Plan B after she accidentally got pregnant and she eventually had to have an abortion.