I am personally concerned and enraged about the reports coming out of Haditha and Ishaqi regarding massacres by US troops.
What is being reported, if true, is absolutely reprehensible and heads should roll. Those responsible should face Courts Martial and, if convicted, serve appropriate prison sentences.
I have no idea of the facts of what actually transpired in the incidents being reported and my reading of the US and International press has brought me no closer to any conclusion, so like everyone else I will have to await the outcome of the official investigations by both the US Navy and the Iraqi Government.
Having said that I must point out that the members of our armed forces look very much like the rest of the population of this country and whatever percentage of Americans are idiots or criminals is probably about the same in the military.
It should surprise absolutely no one that we have some psychopaths in uniform as it should be no shock to learn that there are idiots, liars and thieves at the top of many of our public and private institutions.
If we take a moment to recall we may remember that our smirking little so called Commander in Chief sent these young troops to fight a war based on a series of distortions, misrepresentations and outright goddam lies, so when they start passing out prison time to der Volk at the bottom of the military food chain let’s not forget the Gorings and Rumsfelds, the Himmlers and Wolfowitzes, the Heydrichs and the Cheneys, right up to and including the Great Cowboy Decider himself.
Don’t forget the filthy bastards who sent these kids to war.
A sizable number of the fat, venal, ass kissing Gauleiters in the Congress should be required to face the tribunals of justice as well as the spiritual descendants of Albert Speer who run our war industry and profit so hugely from it.
These criminals are directly to blame for the death, maiming, and dislocation of every human being involved in this hideous fiasco and they should all be held accountable right along with the private soldiers alleged to be involved in these incidents.
This government, this ugly, arrogant, self righteous,neocon,chicken hawk nightmare is the worst embarrassment in American history and should be removed from office.
I urge everyone to pay close attention to these events and loudly demand that accountability for war crimes go right to the top where illegal preemptive wars based on criminal lies and motivated by a lust for power, oil and money have become American foreign policy.
Bob Higgins
Worldwide Sawdust