My folks had this funky little cabin by a small lake in eastern ND. It was about 20′ by 20′. There were basically two rooms, a small kitchen and an L-shaped room. It’s easier to go in the back door for this story.
So going in the back door the kitchen is off to the left. No door, just an open doorway. Opposite this doorway, or to the right upon entering the cabin was the master bed. (at the top of the L)
Then continuing past the master bed you come to the living room around the corner of the L. Then off to the left there’s a bunk bed.
Ohhhh, the memory… so sad… some important details are escaping me… Like who was the young lady with me that night. Well, no import for BTrs as ya wouldn’t have known her anyway. Oooops, almost had the name, but at least now I’ve got a face and a personality to go with it.
The evening started out at the dance hall on the other side of the lake. Nice pavilion. Used to roller skate there a lot as a kid.
Anyway, I remember dancing. The band took a break, so we were standing around talking. I asked my date if she’d like to go over to the cabin for a beer. But before she could answer we were interrupted and a conversion ensued with a high school classmate.
Once that finished this fine young lady comes up to me, and rather intimately places her knee gently in between my two, and says, “Are we going for that beer.”
Well, I was slow in those days, but not that slow, so of course I said, “Ah, yeah, let’s go.”
So we get over to the cabin and have ourselves a couple of beers. And then we’re getting romantic on the master bed.
But there’s this stupid bare bulb glaring on us through the kitchen doorway. You know, bare bulb, like just a bare bulb screwed into a socket with a pull string. Well, I thought this isn’t very romantic. Way too much light shining on the situation.
So being the bright fellow that I am I go in the kitchen and throw a small hand towel over the bulb. And return to the ahhh, romantic endeavor.
Well, here we are, still with our clothes on, but getting pretty, hot, you might say, when there’s a big pooofff!!! And a flash of light from the kitchen.
Well, of course, the towel is on fire, flames shooting at least two feet above the bulb.
So I think, oh fire, and throw a half full five gallon pail of water at it. Well that puts out the fire but the bulb blows up scattering glass everywhere. And by now the cabin is full of smoke. So we have to open the front and back doors, run outside and lift the wood shutters, just screen behind (no windows) so the smoke can clear out.
And all this time I’m thinking, “Well, guess that’s it for this night. No chance of resuming the romantic activities.
But miracle upon miracle, the young lady is still willing. Hmmm, now what to say. Well, let’s just say I was not disappointed.
Next time my mother’s at the cabin she’s asking, “Where’d all this broken glass come from.” Of course I tried to clean it up, but it had exploded, remember. Somehow we got enough of black soot off the yellow walls above the lamp socket so I didn’t hear anything about that.
Moral of the story: No towels over bare lamp bulbs. And never give up even when all looks lost.
even when she was in her evil devil dog from hell phase when I first got her. Her lively spirit has gotten her out of many scrapes over the years… but she really is a sweet dog even at her most annoying. Which happens multiple times a day, lol. Glad she stayed with me, after all these (going on 11) years!
I’ll only have had her 11 years come August 5. She burned through 3 other homes before she landed with me. I took a risk, it wasn’t always fun, but it is now. Pepa rocks.
Pepa was one of those dogs who just didn’t get the chance to be a good dog. It wasn’t easy getting her to where she is today, but I couldn’t give up on her, no matter how bad she got.
Just one of those things you have to realize when you taken on a terrier.
And I wouldn’t give her up for anything now. She’s the bitch of the house (after me).
She doesn’t have the mind reading capabilities that Coco did, but she is eminently practical and annoying in that degree. To which, I should probably succumb and acquiesce to her demands.
So, a fond farewell for the night to my froggy denizens..
My mom had a cat like that. Badly mistreated before she got him. She said she had a broom by the door so when she came home from work, if it attacked she could fight it off with the broom.
Took her a long time, but Palmer turned out to be the gentlest cat I’ve ever know.
I’m supposed to have a busy day tomorrow. And was intending to go to bed at 1:30AM, but then we have all this excitement here at BT. And here it’s soon 4AM, and soon sunrise in Ottowa, and the kingbirds will be singing, and so I have to hang it up for the night.
I think the “story” has sort of tapped by energy reserve for this night. Been a while since I recollected that one. You guys are pretty wacky ya know. If’n yer all half as funny in RL a meetup with this crew would be quite the blast.
LOL…I’m afraid I do have to take full responsibility, and it was a good story. I’m sure I will dredge up one now and again…but I won’t let O out of her turn! :>)
And that isn’t even the start of it, NDD. Don’t ever get me on one of my long winded stories… you’ll either like it or regret it. Make sure you’re keeping Oct 7 open.. I’m keeping my eye on that date for time off.
Thanks for the reassurance, O Wise One. It is wonderful to have such a light along the way! So easy to get lost and go astray in this harsh, confusing world, don’t you think?
Oh yes I know. Just today I was in a traffic jam downtown. Instead of the usual six, there were eight cars in front of me at the red light. It took me an entire five mintues to get through it.
During that time I gathered my thoughts to think only of naps. 🙂
Thank you MM. We all have at least one thing we’re really really good at. But I have to admit I have a god given talent which was instilled in me even before a rude awakening from the womb.
Therefore I slack without even trying, if there is such a thing. 🙂
I can’at believe you posted NDD’s story here, too! I started here, and then HAD to go back to the previous cafe to read what the fuss was about, and now I’m back and as usual, everyone is leaving.
Hmm. I’m going to have to start exercising first, and then going online. . .
I’m struggling to get back on a regular schedule. I’ve had a rare (for me) migraine for the past 3-4 days. They aren’t terribly bad, but they are wearying, and I’m up all night and sleep during the day. Not a good pattern!
I’d do better if school were still in session and I had to teach. And it’s been raining almost everyday, so I can’t go outside and garden.
I’m whining. Really, things are fine except for this small lobster claw attached to the brain.
You don’t have worry about whining to me. I get terrible horrible migraines and it’s kind of a normal thing with me. Mine will last for 2 or 3 day and then it takes me another two day after the pain/nausea/vomiting have stopped to get back to feeling normal.
People that have never had them, just don’t understand.
New and clean cafe. Lets mess it up!
actually I’m still back at the other one
Yeah I’m sort of jumping back and forth. I don’t know where to go. And – don’t say it. 🙂
OK where is everybody? I stayed up late especially so the late nighters could enjoy my words of wisdom.
Yeah Sure. 🙂
I’m still chuckling over NDD’s story. Wish I had one that good in my past, but that’s a toughie.
I know. None of mine would come close to it.
I don’t buy it for a moment.
No I’ve really led a sheltered life. 🙂
That sounds like a story.
I’m figuring on the male side a story has been put, pen to paper, so to say.
What about on the female side. 😛
I would class that as more of a horror story.
Anyway it didn’t have a happy ending like NDD’s story. 🙂
to write about. My one and only trip to Amsterdam.
that sounds like prime blog material, FM.
Here here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson.. Jesus knows you well, so yadda yadda yadda… I forget the rest of the song.
We can expect a b post on it then?
That’s a maybe. My corless keyboard just died, and I’m not used to typing on the laptop. Slow going. 🙂
I don’t buy it either! Maybe they’re just being “gentlemen” and not willing to “raise the bar” a second time in one night.
To think of anything I did, I would have to do some heavy remembering and prose only the likes of a great writer could do.
He outdid me prose wise, but we don’t need no stinking poetry…we just like stories. :>)
LOL…He’s set a new bar! I still want to cut and paste it over here! :>)
I suppose I was in my early twenties.
My folks had this funky little cabin by a small lake in eastern ND. It was about 20′ by 20′. There were basically two rooms, a small kitchen and an L-shaped room. It’s easier to go in the back door for this story.
So going in the back door the kitchen is off to the left. No door, just an open doorway. Opposite this doorway, or to the right upon entering the cabin was the master bed. (at the top of the L)
Then continuing past the master bed you come to the living room around the corner of the L. Then off to the left there’s a bunk bed.
Ohhhh, the memory… so sad… some important details are escaping me… Like who was the young lady with me that night. Well, no import for BTrs as ya wouldn’t have known her anyway. Oooops, almost had the name, but at least now I’ve got a face and a personality to go with it.
The evening started out at the dance hall on the other side of the lake. Nice pavilion. Used to roller skate there a lot as a kid.
Anyway, I remember dancing. The band took a break, so we were standing around talking. I asked my date if she’d like to go over to the cabin for a beer. But before she could answer we were interrupted and a conversion ensued with a high school classmate.
Once that finished this fine young lady comes up to me, and rather intimately places her knee gently in between my two, and says, “Are we going for that beer.”
Well, I was slow in those days, but not that slow, so of course I said, “Ah, yeah, let’s go.”
So we get over to the cabin and have ourselves a couple of beers. And then we’re getting romantic on the master bed.
But there’s this stupid bare bulb glaring on us through the kitchen doorway. You know, bare bulb, like just a bare bulb screwed into a socket with a pull string. Well, I thought this isn’t very romantic. Way too much light shining on the situation.
So being the bright fellow that I am I go in the kitchen and throw a small hand towel over the bulb. And return to the ahhh, romantic endeavor.
Well, here we are, still with our clothes on, but getting pretty, hot, you might say, when there’s a big pooofff!!! And a flash of light from the kitchen.
Well, of course, the towel is on fire, flames shooting at least two feet above the bulb.
So I think, oh fire, and throw a half full five gallon pail of water at it. Well that puts out the fire but the bulb blows up scattering glass everywhere. And by now the cabin is full of smoke. So we have to open the front and back doors, run outside and lift the wood shutters, just screen behind (no windows) so the smoke can clear out.
And all this time I’m thinking, “Well, guess that’s it for this night. No chance of resuming the romantic activities.
But miracle upon miracle, the young lady is still willing. Hmmm, now what to say. Well, let’s just say I was not disappointed.
Next time my mother’s at the cabin she’s asking, “Where’d all this broken glass come from.” Of course I tried to clean it up, but it had exploded, remember. Somehow we got enough of black soot off the yellow walls above the lamp socket so I didn’t hear anything about that.
Moral of the story: No towels over bare lamp bulbs. And never give up even when all looks lost.
WooHoo! Now our morning crew can have fun to!
ROTFLMAO!!!!! That is one fo teh funniest romantic evenings I have ever heard of.
Morning Refinish. How’re ya doing today?
Pretty good. Been doiung some designs and answering blogs. I will share the designs when the coffee cart opens.
I could talk of my late 20’s drunken debauchery, but even that was pretty boring. 🙁
here’s her Queen of Everything self from the other night..

She was a very good, if impatient, supervisor while I weeded today.
Sounds like my kind of dog. I know how the job is supposed to be done, but I’m better at telling people how to do it.
Laziness is a good thing. 🙂
She looks like a ‘happy’ dog … 🙂
You would be too if you were the queen of all you see. 🙂
even when she was in her evil devil dog from hell phase when I first got her. Her lively spirit has gotten her out of many scrapes over the years… but she really is a sweet dog even at her most annoying. Which happens multiple times a day, lol. Glad she stayed with me, after all these (going on 11) years!
That’s about how long I’ve had George and in all those years he hasn’t slowed down from yapping or whining.
She looks like a young’un … w/ lots of energy and sass.
I’ll only have had her 11 years come August 5. She burned through 3 other homes before she landed with me. I took a risk, it wasn’t always fun, but it is now. Pepa rocks.
I know you’ve mentioned this before, but knowing that about the homes is enlightening.
Pepa was one of those dogs who just didn’t get the chance to be a good dog. It wasn’t easy getting her to where she is today, but I couldn’t give up on her, no matter how bad she got.
Just one of those things you have to realize when you taken on a terrier.
And I wouldn’t give her up for anything now. She’s the bitch of the house (after me).
Yes, I can totally see how that experience would result in your close relationship now.
just came in to tell me I should get to bed soon.
She doesn’t have the mind reading capabilities that Coco did, but she is eminently practical and annoying in that degree. To which, I should probably succumb and acquiesce to her demands.
So, a fond farewell for the night to my froggy denizens..
Have a good sleep IVG. See you on the morrow.
My mom had a cat like that. Badly mistreated before she got him. She said she had a broom by the door so when she came home from work, if it attacked she could fight it off with the broom.
Took her a long time, but Palmer turned out to be the gentlest cat I’ve ever know.
what a great puppy!!!!!
I’m supposed to have a busy day tomorrow. And was intending to go to bed at 1:30AM, but then we have all this excitement here at BT. And here it’s soon 4AM, and soon sunrise in Ottowa, and the kingbirds will be singing, and so I have to hang it up for the night.
I think the “story” has sort of tapped by energy reserve for this night. Been a while since I recollected that one. You guys are pretty wacky ya know. If’n yer all half as funny in RL a meetup with this crew would be quite the blast.
night night.
Night NDD.
It was a good LOL … 🙂
Sweet dreams NDD!
Sweet dreams NDD. Thanks for sharing! If it makes you feel any better, O is next! :>)
So K started this one huh? I’m sure O had nothing to do with it. I ain’t buying it. 🙂
LOL…I’m afraid I do have to take full responsibility, and it was a good story. I’m sure I will dredge up one now and again…but I won’t let O out of her turn! :>)
Oh yeah, O, it doesn’t have to be sexual…a story is a story. :>)
Now wait a minute. You think I’m going to stay up all night to hear, “I walked out to my garden….”
As much as I love Olivia’s garden, come on. 🙂
Nah…story time is over now. O and I are both are our last legs, but next time…
Sheesh, I know O has some good stories, I just want to keep all avenues open. :>)
And that isn’t even the start of it, NDD. Don’t ever get me on one of my long winded stories… you’ll either like it or regret it. Make sure you’re keeping Oct 7 open.. I’m keeping my eye on that date for time off.
Ciao for now, Norski of the North…
I want to hear one of your long winded blogs. 🙂
And in a number of different languages to boot … 😉
well, everyone who has met me in real life says I am crazier in person. LOL
Doesn’t anybody sleep around here?
Hi MM. Sleep, what’s that. 🙂
Something much less fun or satisfying than a good nap!
The path is opening up before you grasshopper. Truer words of wisdom I don’t think have ever been spoken.
Sleep you’ve gotta have. A nap is giving yourself strickly over to slackdom. 🙂
Thanks for the reassurance, O Wise One. It is wonderful to have such a light along the way! So easy to get lost and go astray in this harsh, confusing world, don’t you think?
Oh yes I know. Just today I was in a traffic jam downtown. Instead of the usual six, there were eight cars in front of me at the red light. It took me an entire five mintues to get through it.
During that time I gathered my thoughts to think only of naps. 🙂
Excellent use of time, but smacks of multi-tasking… should I be worrled?
Worried? Never ever. If I knew I wouldn’t have gotten a ticket I would have taken a nap right then and there.
You know I have to maintain my standards of slackdom. 🙂
Fully reasurred. Just thought I should check. You are still the Sultan of Slack in my book!
Thank you MM. We all have at least one thing we’re really really good at. But I have to admit I have a god given talent which was instilled in me even before a rude awakening from the womb.
Therefore I slack without even trying, if there is such a thing. 🙂
Forgot to ask. Do you have any big plans for the day, or will it be a visit to the kingdom of slack?
Hey MM. Sleep is entirely overrated.
j/k. Actually, I will sleep soon and long…It better not be noon tommorrow before I wake!
…. or good very early morning?
Whichever it is, don’t let those bedbugs bite!
… guess I better skedaddle upstairs for some sleep.
I hope you get some yourself FM …
It’s been fun again — K, mm, NDD, IVG, and FM.
See you all later on today … 🙂
Sleep tight Olivia. See ya later.
Night all. Sleep has overcome me.
Sleep tight K. I’m feeling like John Boy all of a sudden. 🙂
and I’m gone… night, Olivia, FM, K, NDD (dada), and anyone I missed…. see you for coffee in the am.
Blip… Blip…
I can’at believe you posted NDD’s story here, too! I started here, and then HAD to go back to the previous cafe to read what the fuss was about, and now I’m back and as usual, everyone is leaving.
Hmm. I’m going to have to start exercising first, and then going online. . .
I’ll just clean up the mess quietly, including all this broken glass. . .
I’m here Kidspeak. I’ll help with the glass. Yes those late nighters do leave a mess don’t they. 🙂
Hi, FM, how are things down South?
Well I’m just waiting for the sun to rise, and the heat to become unbearable. Otherwise about the same.
How’s everything with you?
I’m struggling to get back on a regular schedule. I’ve had a rare (for me) migraine for the past 3-4 days. They aren’t terribly bad, but they are wearying, and I’m up all night and sleep during the day. Not a good pattern!
I’d do better if school were still in session and I had to teach. And it’s been raining almost everyday, so I can’t go outside and garden.
I’m whining. Really, things are fine except for this small lobster claw attached to the brain.
You don’t have worry about whining to me. I get terrible horrible migraines and it’s kind of a normal thing with me. Mine will last for 2 or 3 day and then it takes me another two day after the pain/nausea/vomiting have stopped to get back to feeling normal.
People that have never had them, just don’t understand.
I understand migranes as I have them myself but lucky they are very infrequent.
Hey all, I’ve got to get something to eat, so I’m going to make breakfast real fast. I’ll be back in a minute or two.
better make pancakes for Mom. LOL
Hi, Refinish. By the way, I like that latest T-shirt you put on Booman’s diary.
Monring!!! Thank you, It is one of the designs I did this am. I have another and will post both when teh coffee cart opens.
Well, the Gang of Four is calling. I’ve got to feed them quick, already gave Cali her shot (diabetic cat) and she has to eat.
LOL I fed the Diva Fogs a few minutes ago. LOL
Damn I need to use teh spellchecker more often. I meant the Diva Dogs.