This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Lemonade and iced tea under the window.
Chips and salsa on the tables.
Chips and salsa on the tables.
Copies of Zen and the Art of Lazing on every table
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
It skinks around here.
Howdy folks! Just made it through the comments in the last café and got whammed into another one of those time warps!
Sounds like everyone is off to a slackerly day here, damn that FM and his philosophizing!
How are you and the furry loves today?
The furry loves are out lounging and occasionally barking in the back yard, enjoying the day. I’m moving pretty slowly today, and trying to get up the energy to get back out for more weeding and seeding. It does appear I did overdo it a bit yesterday and I’m not going to do another 6 hr marathon today, I just can’t, lol.
Grilling tonight when C gets home from work, so we’ll probably have another lazy dinner on the porch tonight. Guess you haven’t gotten your herbs in yet, eh?
Let the weeds have this one day IVG … you don’t want to be in pain. {{{IVG}}}
What are you planning on grilling — are you having fun w/ the Weber? I haven’t even taken the cover off mine this year … 🙂
I’m going to go and plant in about 10 minutes. And maybe take some pictures.
We’re just having burgers, since I got a big pkg of meat last weekend and froze most of it. The Weber is great, though I have to start using the indirect method dada and DJ rave so much about.
I’m definitely going to take it easier, but what I want to get done today shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours given how much I did yesterday. I should get some pictures too! Maybe I’ll throw in some more laundry and do that first, then work my way up to real work, lol.
Good luck on the herb planting! I’m going to do some of that too, but from seeds.
I hope you’ve gotten hold of some arnica for those body aches, IVG!
HaH. The word is spreading. SLACK!
How about a nice cool dip in the pond, er drop of water?
It almost like you can see little veins running through the branches of the leaf. Well done SN.
An amoeba catching the rays … 🙂
It’s a great pic, as usual… thank god it’s not toothpaste!
or I’ll have to remind you of that peculiar smell one notices crossing the MN border into Iowa
Besides, lippy is my middle name, in case you hadn’t guessed. This is almost like the late night lounge, but with a couple of sane people around, hehe.
The drop of water seems to be moving…..
Purple coneflower
WOW SN. You have gotten so good at the marco shots.
Thanks, FM. I used to take alot of them with my old Canon AE1, and now I’m hooked again. Except for the chiggers in the pants, it’s fun!
The sunflower shot is beautifully framed.
It kind of creeps me out because the center looks like so many spider legs reaching out.
Maybe one day if I keep practicing I might can get some pictures like that. Nah. Don’t have the patience.
exactly what FM said!
And lay on those sunflower petals!!! Beautiful sharp colours SN!
then we can go look any time we like????
Very good idea. What NDD said.
how about a walk in the woods?
Is that a humanoid or a dog walking upright?
Closer CSI-style image analysis reveals the figure to be a pygmy Sasquatch.
it’s giddy — with her head turned back to see why I am being so damned slow.
I’m seeing dog legs, but I just can’t figure out the top half.
that’s her rear end you are looking at but her head is turned back to to look at me.
Ok, I got it. I thought it was her front legs and I couldn’t figure out where her head was. Low vision interp: corn husk angel walks down a woodland path.
I was wondering if you walked the same path each time? And how long is it? I need some more details for my visual imagery … 🙂
and Sniff is always who knows where.
Nope, we take different routes. There are three major ridges on the property and two big hollows and several smallers ones. I combine them in different ways. But this picture is on the main and most used ridge.
Sounds (and looks) good to me!
we used to pick chokecherries down at the bottom of the hill on the trees that run uphill to the right.
I desperately miss the ability to see for miles and miles around. I love that big sky.
love the zig zag lines of the hills matching the zig zag of the river.
I love it!
Grr, my dial up connection is unusually pokey today… guess it’s about up to my personal speed, lol.
we were fellow dial-up suffers.
Heya Andi! I’d never have guessed that was Giddy unless you’d said so… I like SN’s low vision interp, lol.
Yeah, dial up… I just signed off and back on and actually got at a higher speed now, so it’s tolerable. But I’ve got to make the move over to high speed.
And yes, Olivia… that’s why I didn’t see the evolution of dancing… video? Don’t go there unless I really want it and it can be dloaded. Flash animations, yes… hehe.
… I guess you didn’t see the evolution of dancing then.
Yes. I can even feel & hear the wind!
That is a really good pic NDD. For some reason it reminds me of out in Arkansas around the levees.
ya need a herd of Bison to complete the picture.
Back for a bit here to turn the A/C on for later. Gettin’ HOT again…85º already; nice in the shade, but…
will this do for now?
(I’ll post it some other day.)
and yes, BF it’s a rare day without some wind, and if so we call it a perfect ND day.
Someday we’ll have a meetup in ND, right?
Wow, this is quite a gallery today! We should do an FBL photo show!
This diary has the links to the individual photo fair diaries.
Left it too long: the sun has gone away … don’t have to worry about sunscreen I guess … LOL.
See you all later this evening.
Have fun, Olivia! I wish it would cloud over here for a while, lol… I’ll just wait a bit longer until the sun is gone from the front where I need to be working.
See you tonight, if I can stay awake.
See you later, O! Sorry I missed you….
I braved the fierce desert heat to get out this morning and take some flower photos at the Valencia Farmer’s Market. It was already nearly 100 degrees when I got there at 10:00 am. Don’t ask me how the poor flowers stand it, either! After about half an hour I had a migraine and was covered with sweat.
But, it was still fun!
To coin Andi’s term … Love it!
There you are, glad I didn’t quite miss you after all! Have fun planting!
My thanks for your willingness to suffer to bring us pleasure.
You inspired me with your question last night!
Wonderful picture MM. Hope the head is better.
Thanks, FM! Yes, I called my son to ask him to turn on the AC so I could come home to a cool house, then took a cold shower.
How’s the slacking going? I’m firmly committed to flack for the rest of the day… except I also bought some bouquets home so might take some more pictures inside.
Slacking is going good for me. As long as you’re doing something you enjoy that’s slacking. 🙂
Good meme, O Wise Father. Slacking is doing whatever the hell I feel like doing when I feel like doing it!
You’ve got it, I do believe you’ve got it.
Heya MM! Gorgeous shot of that (strawflower? Cactus flower?) whatever it is, hehe. Guess I should quit kvetchin about the heat since it’s nowhwere near that here (only low 80’s and low humidity). What else is on your agenda today besides lying low and keeping cool?
Mostly just laying low and keeping cool! 80 degress with humidity can sometimes be just as bad, there is no humidity here at all.
I’m not sure what kind of flower it is, maybe I’ll try to look it up.
How does the garden grow?
Trying to get up and out there to work a bit. Just wish we’d get some rain soon, as I’m tiring quickly of watering every night.
Your plan sounds like a good one! Don’t want that migraine to move in and take hold, now do we?
and run several errands. See you all in the next one.
Got to run downtown to pick up something. Check ya’ll later.
which is what I should finally do! Just put some laundry in, checked on the happy dogs outside, and think I’ll brave it for a little bit. Have scaled down planting plans today… no more digging, just planting some seeds and small annuals and then I’m calling it quits.
Catch up with you all later! Enjoy the day…
The soccer final for UEFA U21 EC Cup was played in Portugal tonight between Netherlands and Ukraine teams under 21. Both nations had never before reached the finals, the Dutch were more effective in the offense by scoring goals. The first a beauty by Huntelaar and two minutes before half time, Huntelaar converted a penalty kick for a 2-0 lead.
The Ukraine has an excellent team, had most possession of the ball but with their goal attempts, the luck was with the men of Orange from the Netherlands. An Ukrainian defender got a red card in the 75′ minute for a rough challenge on the 17 year old player Assaiti from PSV Eindhoven. The team from the Ukraine was unable to offset this setback, and the Dutch were able to reach the game end with little problems. In extra time, the fine player Nicky Hofs from Feyenoord Rotterdam made the third goal and GOLD was secured.
The Netherland's winger Romeo Castelen (Feyenoord) vies with Ukraine's Maxym Feschuk (UEFA)
The referee’s whistle shrills for full time and the Jong Oranje summon up the energy to begin their celebrations after an indefatigable performance. Two goals from Huntelaar set them on their way before the interval but they were indebted to goalkeeper Vermeer for keeping Ukraine at bay in the second half. But a goal proved elusive for Oleksiy Mykhailychenko’s team whose hopes were effectively ended when Romanchuk saw red with 13 minutes left. Hofs made it 3-0 in added time to cap off a maiden U21 triumph for the Netherlands.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Check out the media coverage of my parents’ anniversary/family reunion
LA Times
Grunion Gazette
CBS Friday TV Clip
KCAL Saturday TV Clip
THat is so cool! You parents are charming. Which one are you – Mark?
Your parents are very sweet together … Thanks for popping up the links! I imagine you’re all very tired after such a big weekend … 🙂
In today’s Giants-Mets game, we nearly saw a rare (unheard-of, actually) 5-4-7 (yes, that’s no typo, 5-4-7) double play. Mets had a runner on second with nobody out, and the batter bunted down the third base side. Giants 3B Pedro Feliz fielded the bunt and threw to first, where second baseman Ray Durham was covering. Third base was vacant with Feliz out of position to field the bunt, so the runner rounded third and came well down the line. Left fielder Jason Ellison (in for Bonds in the late innings) came racing in to cover third, took a throw across the diamond from Durham, and put the tag on the runner sliding back into the bag. Aside from the Ellison’s huge butterfly net of an outfielder’s glove, he looked like an infielder making the play. Only problem was, the umpire called the runner safe. The two kid GRs, the Giants’ announcers, and I all agreed the runner should’ve been out. Oh, well.