This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Copies of Zen and the Art of Bike Maintenance on every table
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
because it’s certainly go to be one here — sunny and 75 — and I wouldn’t want to hog it.
Good morning Andi. How are the Bike Riders of the Geezerhood doing today?
again. Shouldn’t you be thinking about a nap about now?
I would if I could, but can’t. I’ll stay up all day today because if I sleep I won’t wake up until the middle of the night and I’ll go through the same thing again.
So ya’ll got any big plans for the day, or is it just slacking today.
I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble sleeping. I hope it doesn’t continue.
Today should look pretty much like yesterday, which would make it a very nice day.
Thanks for the thought. I go through it from time to time, so it’s nothing really big.
It sounds like you’ve got a perfectly beautiful slack day planned, so……
I still think we need a booswarm in Andi&Jimland. 🙂
I knew all that napping would catch up with you eventually. LOL
Morning Miss Andi!!!!
Morning refinish. Have you got an action-packed day planned today?
LOL Just housework and designing planned for today.
Good Morning to all the froggies!!!! Been up for quite a while and have a couple of designs to share with you. All ready working on some others to uplaod later today.
Proud Yellow Dog Democrat
Proud Democrat
Proud Gay American
Appears you’ve been busy this morning.
Wait a minute, I talking Refinish, what else could you be. 🙂
LOL!!! Well, I did have my slack day last week.
Refinish I’m surprised if within a year you take one slack day.
ROTFLMAO!!! I take more than that but what I call slack days usually don’t rate as slack for other people.
Well I’ve got to get a shower, mop the kitchen, cook breakfast, give George a clipping and save the world all within one hour.
Damn, Refinish’s work ethic is rubbing off on me. This ain’t right, it just ain’t right. He’s supposed to start slacking more, instead of me working harder.
I’m gone. I’ll check back later.
Just ain’t right. 😛
ROTFLMAO!!! I seem to have that effect on people.
Where is everyone? I sleep in a little bit and everyone has left the building.
Andi, I had a dream you lived across the street from me in some Desperate Housewives type neighborhood, and I was frantically cleaning my house and I found all kinds of rare old coins. Hm, anyone?
I’m here, I’m here!
And the CBs are in, uh, rare form this morning…
The heat and humidity broke down here! How about in PA?
Dream interpretation: omg, if Andi were to live in my neighborhood I get as much money together as I could and go find a better class of place to live.
LIL! I thought the frantically cleaning the house was funny. I even took an old toothbrush and cleaned the garbage disposal. Now that is just wrong.
If you are ever around my mother, don’t ever mention the cleaning the garbage disposal part of the dream — she’ll be so distraught at having overlooked yet another place to clean for all these years.
I often have dreams about cleaning. That and my kids drowning right in front of me. Or rogue waves coming over my kids and/or house.
I wish I could dream about wild love affairs or something exciting.
I regularly have a recurring dream where I realize that I’ve registered for a class that I’ve never gone to and it’s finals — which is impressively anal-retentive considering that my last class was over 30 years ago.
How very telling about our two personalities. Maybe my dream isn’t so different from yours. I’ve been doing this mothering thing for going on 25 years and I still can’t keep them from drowning? The ultimate final exam.
I think it says that if we can’t find something real to worry about, we’ll just invent something. 😉
It did, and now we’re freezing.
I prefer freezing. You can always put on another sweatshirt but there’s just so much clothing you can take off. Sounds like a great day for a bike ride.
I’ve always thought the same. My gran used to sing this silly song when it was sweltering.
When it gets too hot for comfort
And you can’t get ice-cream cones
It ain’t no sin
To take off your skin
And dance around in your bones.
Good morning, all! FM, can you help me with the lawn today?
Out here a popular technique for people who hate taking care of lawns is to plant them with wildflowers — and they are just beautiful.
Believe me, I would if I could.
I 4-ed you on another thread. Don’t tell your wife. Actually I would have 16-ed you if I could.
Saw it, thanks for your support, SN. And I thought that I’d be blown out of the water for that comment.
THe day is young… 🙂
Boran, er, NO. 🙂
So what’s going on in the cafe?
Hey FM, how are Mom and George and CAt and Tom?
Hi SN. Everybody is doing fine.I got a lot of stuff done this am, but it looks to be a very slackerly day for the rest of it.
How’re you doing?
I spent 10 minutes on the deck watering the pots and sweeping the floor, and now I am itching all over the place again, head to foot, with no bites in sight. It drives me crazy. I don’t know if it’s in my head or what, but I refuse to spray myself with pesticides every time I want to step outside for a minute. Ick. How do you fight an enemy that you can’t see?
You go to the door and ask it politely to just leave. If it refuses to you take a antihistamine. If that doesn’t work you stay inside.
That help any? 🙂
I like the staying inside part – but cabin fever sets in big time.
What’s for dinner tonight? I’m trying to decide whether to cook or take the boys out.
What would you cook? Where would you go if ya went out.
I don’t know, that sounds like work to me just to decided. 🙂
I’m just sick of deciding what to cook. I’ve been doing it for so many years and I’m quickly running out of ideas or motivation.
I like the idea of Mexican food tonight. Or Middle Eastern food.
I know what you mean about the cooking. If I was by myself it would be no problem deciding what to cook, but there are some picky eaters here.
I’d like to go to a good Greek eatery.
I think I could eat warm pita bread and good hummus and tabouli just about every night. Except for the parsley that always gets stuck in my teeth.
Do like we all do down here and have no teeth. Just gnaw on everything. 🙂
I’d like to gnaw me some chicken-fried possum tonight —woooooo boy!
I think you decided for me what for dinner tonight. Now I’ve got to go out and search the highways. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!! remember I have heard your voice and you had to have teeth to sound that clear.
Refinish, I thought you would be pinging of the walls somewhere by now. What are you doing still at home?
LOL, I am not planning on going out today. There were two different events I could have gone to but since I have one every night leading up to and including the convention this week…. The Pride Events today are all focused on “Family” which is a great theme but I am single and no kids so don’t really want to be around a bunch of couples with screaming rug rats. LOL
Wise decision I think. 🙂
LOL I think so. I love kids as long as they are trained right and well behaved. Too many kids aren’t and I have too big a mouth and would say something. I was once told it was not place to correct a child and I responded by saying ” I wouldn’t have to if they had a parent worth a damn.” LOL
I’ve been tempted but never had the guts!
And I’ve heard your voice and you sound like a pro. Surprised the hell out of me!
Sounds like he should be on the radio.
That is my theatre training and many years of being on the front lines for political, civil rights, and AIDS Awareness. I actually hate my voice but others seem to like it. LOL FM keeps saying I should be on the radio and I actually did work on a radio show back in my teens.
Well I guess your training shows then. You sort of are on anyway with the podcasts.
True. Now if I could just get some of my listeners to record responses to the show I would be thrilled!!!! ( Hint..hint)))
I might think of recording a reply one day if you ever get comments on your page. (hint, hint). 🙂
LOL I am still working on the web pages. The designer who was supposed to do them for me flaked on me. I am not very experienced at all and I guess I will have to turn it into a blog with back up- pages for the store or a regular store front with a blog attached. I have been so busy with everything else that the web design aspects took a back seat.
I don’t see how you have time to concentrate on one thing much less all the stuff you’re doing all the time. Multi-tasker you are.
LOL It is just me.
I think nap time has caught up with me.
See ya’ll later.
sweet dreams.
Sorry — the grammar/spelling geek in me wants to change the title to “Pedalin'”…
Packing the spouse off on his own to church today…I’m going to actually get some stuff done while he’s gone! Trying to decide if I should shower first then work, or just pull on my workout clothes, get some stuff done, then shower and dress. If I do the former, it’ll at least get me partially moving, but if I do the latter, I don’t have to worry about getting all hot and sticky. ‘Tis a quandary…
Back in a bit…hopefully…
Hello? Is anyone around?
How’s it going?
Hi Olivia. I just finished one more class set of essays. Two more to go by Tuesday.
How are you doing?
… when you can see the end of the list as you’re crossing things off it …
Doing good here. Just eating some lunch and then I’m going to get outside while the sun’s out to plant my herbs.
I just planted my few herbs in pots yesterday. What are you planting?
… basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme (reg and lemon scented), parsley, lavender, chives, plus green pepper, scarlet runner bean, and zucchini squash (for the squash blossoms).
I tried a pineaplle sage this year. It smelled wonderful.
Had coffee, read the paper, walked the Bu girl…now to errands.
Have a great day, hope it’s Spring whereever you are…it’s gonna be a nice one here, methinks.
Have a good one! See ya later … 🙂
How’s it going today? To be honest, I’m dragging my ass today … LOL.
I can see I’ve met my match and then some.
On my yearly BBQ invites I always say the party goes till the kingbirds sing, ’cause they’re alway the first to cut loose in the morning, but long before actual sunrise.
I think next year I’ll just write, “…till sunrise in Ottowa” ha!
Are those Flatirons I see?
and the honda is back in front of the house but the cafe seems to be empty of anyone either peddling or pedaling anything.
Yeah, empty of anyone who has a life.
Based on my experiences, what most people call ‘having a life’ is highly overrated. I’m really quite satisfied to be one-half of the second most boring couple in the world.
WHat does that say about me if the second most boring couple just went for a bike ride while I stayed home and trimmed bushes and wrote an ad for Craigslist?
You got some sort of hierarchy where bike-riding rates higher than yard work?
I’ll tell you what. We Jews have a concept call mishpocha which refers to people to whom you are related or you might be related or you would just like to be related. So welcome to the second most boring family in the world.
I’m so honored, but I don’t have a speech prepared. If I’m in the family – are you cooking tonight? Because I really don’t feel like it.
Sure. We’re having pasta with sun dried tomatoes.
I’m boring and don’t have a life either … 🙂
To be fair, you weren’t around when I said that. I thought I was the only one. 🙂
otherwise you’d have no time for meeeeeeeeeeeee!
Hello you lovely, delightful, most unboring women.
I’m really slacking today — I think I stayed up too late last night and now it’s sunny outside and I need to plant some stuff and I can’t get up from the couch. 🙂
It’s good for you. Gets you all revved up for fact checking.
I want to run away so I don’t have to do it anymore. I can’t do it anymore …… argggghhhh … don’t make me do it.
OK. Tomorrow when you go into work, tell them FM said no more, and also tell them FM said now don’t make me come to Ottawa. That’s in South America isn’t it?
that staying up till 5 a.m. might be playing a role in this.
Was it that late, er, early this am. Olivia….. 🙂
I was hoping to stay up to say good morning to you … 🙂
Be vigilant for comments by a “daydaytop2008” who appears to be a China-based spambot. I’ve been greatly enjoying its insightful “Your [sic] right!” posts before zeroing them into oblivion.
I mentioned a couple days ago that constant fouring can become monotonous, so it’s refreshing to exercise the “super duper ultra mega troll” rating for a good cause. Join in the fun! (No doubt BooMan will zap the account shortly.)
I saw that earlier and was wondering what the it was.
A couple of its comments earlier today in other threads were very similar to what we’ve seen before: all Chinese characters, all hyperlinks to various .cn addresses. The username and “Your right!” posts strike me as odd, though, as if the spambot was designed to make us think it was an eager participant with high hopes for the 2008 election. When those spammers develop a bot that can pass the Turing test, we may be in trouble!
Actually that was the first time I had ever seen anything like that, and wouldn’t had known what it was unless I had read your post.
I guess I’m still a newbie and learning.
be right back
to the new cafe.