I spent all day at a seven-year old’s birthday pool party. It was refreshing to spend some time around people (young children) that haven’t been damaged and aliented into an appropriate cynicism. Their time will come…but it’s not here yet. Thankfully, they are not yet old enough to read crap like Byron Calame’s defense of sniffing Hillary’s panties or the DLC’s rigorous defense of Joseph Lieberman.
Reading stuff like that will take all the joy out of a birthday pool party. It’s a bottom line fact that our efforts are seen as “The Return of Liberal Fundamentalism” by our erstwhile allies on the center-left. Meanwhile, the Big Foot reporters at the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Time, and Newsweek, think it’s okay to continue to paint Hillary as a fringe liberal and her husband as a philandering political liability.
It’s enough to make someone discouraged. If anyone wonders why I spend so much time mocking Big Foot reporters, it’s because they show us so little respect. I don’t need to put up with shit like this:
MATTHEWS: Ann Coulter, you’re the first to speak tonight on the buzz. The president’s performance tonight, redolent of the best of Reagan — what do you think?
COULTER: It’s stunning. It’s amazing. I think it’s huge. I mean, he’s landing on a boat at 150 miles per hour. It’s tremendous. It’s hard to imagine any Democrat being able to do that. And it doesn’t matter if Democrats try to ridicule it. It’s stunning, and it speaks for itself.
Mission accomplshed. That exchange about says it all. It sums up both the fatuous nature of television discourse on national politics and its right-wing slant. That Ronald Reagan belongs in the pantheon of great Presidents goes unquestioned. Ann Coulter is taken seriously. George W. Bush looks fabulous in a flight-suit.
The DLC says, “We deplore this purge effort because Joe Lieberman is an outstanding and respected U.S. Senator.” Well, we deplore the lack of progressive voices in the Senate and all efforts to eliminate primary challengers to our established politicians. Where is the DLC complaining about the lack of primary challengers to Sherrod Brown and Bob Casey, Jr. Where are their complaints about the primary challenger to Lincoln Chafee? Does the DLC think Joe Lieberman should have a free ride to the nomination just because he is “outstanding and respected”, as they put it? Shouldn’t the Democrats of Connecticut make the ultimate decison? And why should they deplore whatever that decision is?
The media and the Washington establishment have no problem accepting raving wingnuts like Tom Coburn, Mike DeMint, and Peter Sessions. But, Russ Feingold is considered a radical. And rather than paint Hillary as a pro-war corporate sponsored status quo candidate, they continue to justify calling her a liberal and checking her underwear drawer. Calame says:
Learning that the Clintons spent 70 percent of their weekends together over the past 17 months was surprising and interesting to me, even though some readers criticized the paper’s tabulation effort as artificial and pointless.
Yes, it is fascinating to know that on 70% of the weekends over the last year and a half there is at least a chance Hillary got laid by her husband. I don’t think that knowledge is artificial or pointless…I think it is prurient and gross. It serves no public interest. How often has John McCain spent enough time alone in the bathroom to masturbate over the last 17 months? Anyone care to interview his friends and staffers and try to make an educated guess? Because we don’t need a another serial wanker in the White House. No sir. Not with North Korea, Iran, and the Sunni insurgency to worry about.
It’s Sunday. The Christian day of rest. I’m glad I got to spend some time away from this culture rot with some kids that are too young to be offended or disillusioned by the disgrace of it all.
DLC = Dinosaurs, Lapdogs and Cowards
How often has John McCain spent enough time alone in the bathroom to masturbate over the last 17 months?
lol and ew, but yeah.
Here, read this, Steven: Lieberman: It will make you feel better. And worse.
A democracy is only as strong as the quality of its mainstrem information (not info people get by actively seeking it out on websiste, but what they get, by the tens and tens of millions, passivly, from the radio and tv airwaves, and to a lesser extent the newspapers and their associated websites that have become a part of our nations routine). And America’s mainstream information has been poor.
the pervasive role of the media, and what to do
Readers of excellent sites such as this can effect the way that the media, overly corporatized or not, presents news, and help them do a better job — by constanty making the effective case to them. It’s not so much that they don’t want to do a good job, its that they have fallen into the pattern of not doing a good job. one of these reasons is because of constant pressure from the right, that has convinced America that the media is “liberal.” This makes it even more importantl to constantly and persuasively make the case otherwise, on non parisan websites and sources, and most importantly, to the media itself.
As for Chriss Matthews, his show has become a joke and a disgrace. These words might be a little strong to use to MSNBC, but the case needs to be made to them, BY EVERYBODY, continually, with effective, courteous logic. MSNBC is skewed to the right, and this show is supposed to “balance it.” Hardly. Even the Fact that Coulters is taken seriously, simply because she is witty and speaks well, is enough. it would be like interviewing Lenin or something. Fringe. It’s just not painted this way, because the media slants everything, and repeates the rhetoric as if it is fact, while taking fact, in order to appear “balanced,” and presents it as opinion.
Spent the day far and away from politics — listened to a bit of the Giants game, and played a bit of The Sims 2; the company that ports it over to the Mac finally got the Universal patch done so it runs native on Intel processors…it really sings now.
Question: how many Republican wives would be happy to spend 70% of their weekends together…a weekend where the husband wasn’t heading off to a business convention, or playing golf, or going into the office? And perhaps the Clintons have learned that too much togetherness can be a bad thing — couples have to have a few outside interests (and no, I don’t mean extracurricular affairs), or they stagnate. I know I do much better when I’m not around the spouse 24/7…it’s likely Hillary’s come to the same conclusion.
Hillary doesn’t fit their mold of the Adoring Spouse looking up in wonder and worship…so she’s demonized. Maybe if Laura was a little more assertive and a little less worshiping, George might have found some sort of spine…
Then there is Liddy Dole and Bob who never seem to share any time together as I’ve read. Yet articles on their being apart for long long stretches of time was painted as a couple who are dedicated and busy who manage occasionally to spend a day or two together. Ah, the wonderful press and how it likes to slant/makeup shit about politicians marriages according to their own beliefs or what they are told to write.
And as for Bob Dole, after that bastard wouldn’t even endorse his own wife when she was running for President-highest order of scumbag..at least Clinton(Bill) seems to be immensely proud and supportive of Hilary.
And Bill Clinton never endorsed Viagra. And, frankly, I think he could sell more of it than Bob Dole.
No kidding-Bob Dole+Viagra=yucky and creepy. One might wonder if Bob and Liddy spend no time together just what he needed Viagra for exactly or maybe that should be for whom?
Didn’t he also do a Pepsi commercial with Brittany Spears-or was that a very bad dream I had?
specifically, as i walking to a burger joint in santa monica/west la (the counter…best burgers in town), i passed a starbucks. a table of young people were actively discussing something in passionate tones. as i walked by, i heard them saying something about how “we had made great strides with ecological legislation” but we still needed to get more done.
the kids (to me, everyone is a kid, i’m older than dirt, or so my joints tell me every morning…and not that kind of joints, don’t i wish) were happy, excited, passionate, and involved.
being hungry, i didn’t feel like stopping to join in, but i was very glad to hear americans being involved in their country at the marketplace.
and, taking the topic more generally, one thing i’m angry about is how the other side has framed cultural debate into a “war”…a “culture war.”
they are the ones who are calling for a war…we’d be happy to discuss, talk, argue, debate, or even yell.
but they are invoking a metaphor that implies death to opponents. what other alternative is there?
and we have had war declared on us. so what can we do, except fight back? and this, this hyperbolic extreme racheting up of the debate into fighting by their side, is what makes me angry.
i’d be happy to talk with the other side, but they want to (figuratively…i hope) kill me.
Right Wing Whackjobs don’t understand what they are messin’ with. I do not believe they have the balls to face the John Brown solution.
But that is where they are headed with their arrogant, inflammatory talk.
The story continues:
Yet another aspiring criminal dirtbag fellating the bigger dirtbags for bling.
I love Booman. Many times I find myself not agreeing with you and I want to scream…then you come out with something that makes me realize we have potentially more in common than not.
My kid has taken it upon herself to speak out for gay rights in her school. She tells everyone that they should respect the person and accept that people are different.
She is even more confused over her sexuality since I made it clear that there is an infinite number of variations. But, the kids have learned that calling her gay (or me) doesn’t really have any effect, or at least the effect that they were hoping for. I can only hope that some of these kids are rethinking what their parents are telling them.
My kid also speaks out for civil rights, and for the eradication of poverty. She is rapidly learning what it means to grow up brown, black, gay, or poor.
This is why PNAC is scared. This is the next generation and they are pissed.
a very together kid — someone out there is going to be very fortunate, regardless of gender…hopefully she’ll escape most of the hangups of our generation… 🙂
(And say “Hi” for me…)
Like I said- No more comments -but- every once in a while I have to chime in. Bravo posting Boo- Bravo.
Just one poi- until the troops decide that the only way to break through the wall that the msm has built is to behave “disgracefully” every single word writen will be simply disregarded.
Whats it gonna take folks- another Kent St?
How long till November?