First Massachusetts, now maybe PA!
A democrat in the PA Senate has introduced a single payer, universal health act into the PA Senate, The Balanced and Comprehensive Health Care Reform Act. There was an article in my local paper saying that a similar bill will be introduced in the PA House soon.
Here is the Senate Bill
Here is the Bill’s Summary and description
Now I do not know if this has any chance of passing, probably not yet, but I suspect the time is fast coming when average folks will say enough is enough and start to push for such solutions, first in some states, but eventually on a national basis. It is a lot like many progressive ideas and solutions in that you know they are right, you know we are getting closer to getting the public to wake-up to this fact, but we just do not know how long the status quo greedy forces can hold on to their niche! Still, it is good to see ideas like this starting to happening in some areas!
I’ve been thinking about the universal healthcare issue quite a bit lately. What I fear is that it has become a ploy by which politicians rev up the progressive base, just as the right uses flag burning and gay bashing to fuel their base.
I hope I’m wrong, but I worry that Democratic politicians are just too beholden to the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies and the like.
It is heartening to see some states take the issue on. I believe real progress will be made only when certain segments of corporate America realize their bottom line is being hurt by the lack of single payer health care and they start muscling back against the groups listed above.
Good luck in PA. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
Wow. I wish.