Condi Rice is everywhere this morning. But, you can also see Joey Biden on Meet the Press, and Al Gore talking smack on Stephanopoulus.

George Stephanopoulos * SUNDAY EXCLUSIVE: Al Gore details “An Inconvenient Truth” and his presidential prospects for 2008
* Gore Has ‘No Plans’ to Run
* ROUNDTABLE: Fmr. Labor Secretary Robert Reich, Time Magazine’s Jay Carney, ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman and George Will
* VOICES: John Updike on the mind of a “Terrorist”
* Funnies: Ask Mexico How to Move 12 Million

Meet the Press: An exclusive interview with Sen. Joe Biden, D-DE, on Iraq, Iran & Homeland Security. Then, fmr. UN Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix on his new Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission report. And, a roundtable with John Harwood & Gwen Ifill.
Wolf Blitzer: • Condoleezza Rice: U.S. secretary of state
• Sen. George Allen, R-Virginia: Foreign Relations Committee member
• Sen. Carl Levin, D-Michigan: Armed Services Committee ranking member and Select Intelligence Committee member
• Hans Blix: Chairman of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission and former U.N. chief weapons inspector

Fox News: • Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on increasing pressure on Iran
• Cover-up in Haditha? Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Jack Reed, D-R.I., weigh in
Face the Nation: Sec/State Condoleezza Rice and Time’s Mike Duffy.