Thx… I like doing these “peeking out” of the boulder shots… and since the sedum is so pretty right now, had to get a pic of some of it… of course I have others. Can’t believe the definition I got on the silver mound though… so crisp in the big version.
I’m so sorry you are allergic to cats! Sad that you have to miss out on having wonderful cat friends! I am also somewhat allergic, but develop a tolerance after I have been around a cat for awhile.
Yes, Banjo is very cool. He loves the dog, they are so cute together! And he is totally oblivious to Shadow’s snobby moods, he could just care less! The perfect guy to have around.
Banjo looks like a short hair to me, which are the easiest ones for me to be around at least for a while. The long hairs, I walk into the room and allergies start immediately. I can usually be around short hairs for a couple of hours before I start in sneezing and all that.
Cats who like dogs or act like dogs really win me over quickly, for obvious reasons!
Well things around here are pretty banal (got that, O?) as usual… just a mellow Sunday, since I didn’t push myself too hard I hope Monday will be tolerable. Best I can hope for, lol! And I vow to weed at least 45 min after work every night this week..
Don’t do it! Weeds grow in grass too and then you have to mow and fertilize and reseed and then, if it ever stops raining where you are, you will have to dump gallons and gallons of water!
Besides, grass just doesn’t make for great photos!
That is a pic of just one of the several rose bushes that require daily deadheading. That many flowers every day. I have 7! of this variety. The other 40 or so are as prolific (so not daily blooming). This bush is the first — the others are covered w/ buds and soon they’ll all be going.
When I saw it this morning I thought nice, but oh boy I can’t keep up.
to come around a couple times a week and help you out.
A long time friend of mine in Ca. had to get someone to assist her, as she couldn’t keep up for health reasons, and her gardens have never looked better.
Holy jeebus dripping off a deep fried stick! That’s an awful lot of roses!!! 47 roses?? I may be daft about the delphiniums, but wow. I’m glad that the one little rose we have (one of those varieties that only gets about 12-14″ tall) pretty much deadheads itself. That much you have would have me climbing the walls. Which makes me think of Carolyn Burnham in American Beauty with her matching sequiturs, apron and clogs…
That was not an aspersion cast, just a random thought.
Never heard that before … LOL. Yes, I told you I was having a moment. I was standing in front of the garden, covered in dirt after just planting more(!) stuff like a crazy person, and I felt like I was slowing being eaten by it. Yes, I’m daft.
Actually I just made that one up… a cleaner version than what I might have really said… But that still is a huge amount of roses. Maybe some day I’ll get into roses but they just seem like so much work for so little pay off for the fancy kinds. We’d love to have a deep red climbing rose though… C is in search of one called “Apothecary Rose” which I think is close to a wild one.
Here’s a kicker… though the wild rose is our state flower, supposedly (according to MooMoo Cow, which is a dubious source) it’s illegal to plant one in your yard. I figure you can just plant a hybrid climbing one, let it go long enough and it will revert… we had that happen at our house when I was a kid. My folks hated that one, and I loved it… go figure.
True, I have a smaller version I use for dandelions and such… you still have to pick up or rake em up though. And with all the crabgrass we have, I doubt that would work for that… it’s nasty stuff… I’m sure you know it. Oh and jeebus, I think I’ve pulled about my 10,000th datura seedling and there are still more trying to grow! Grrr… I regret we let that big purple one bloom 2 yrs ago cuz I’m still paying for it!
subsequently, most of my ‘weeding’ is thistles and whatnot, dandelions in the spring…just drag a 5 gal bucket around, and I’ve gotten pretty good with the ‘long weeder technique’…:{) My biggest chore is pruning…I have to do a little every week…and watering.
Think we’ve got the thistles under control now… but for those sunny, poorish soil conditions you may have there, I still recommend moss rose or perhaps one of the prolific thymes… there’s a red variety we’re itching to get going around here… But if you’re sun impaired, we’ll have to go to a different well.
diff, thymes and can’t make them survive…also lots of shade…soil’s surprisingly good…course I brought in 20 yds of peat/manure/top soil when the house was built, plus horse manure and never raking leaves…:{)
Hmm… will have to get thinking about finding shade tolerant ground covers then… I don’t think I could exist without some full sun here… it would make veggie growing and most of our flowers very unhappy not to have the sun…
No matter, follow Pangloss’ dictum Il faut cultiver son jardin!
Yes, weekend pretty good, except for the punishing heat. We had the AC on for 12 hours today! But… it’s supposed to start cooling off and maybe get back to normal by the end of the week.
How about you? Did it rain all weekend? Did you get any planting done?
Thx dada! I thought for sure I’d bookmarked that but couldn’t find it anywhere. You’ve saved Olivia from ruse links, hehe. Sort of like this midwest weather report that I read a bit ago.
Oh probably. She enjoys throwing peanuts out for the squirrels when he have peanuts around, although I’m not sure I want to do things that would encourage the squirrels to lose their fear of humans.
On the other hand, the idea of a squirrel marionette does have certain charms. I’m still mad at the little buggers for digging up our garden because they don’t have the candlepower to remember where they last left their nuts.
I’m with you Omir… we loathe the nasty tree rats around here… they never fail to dig in the garden, especially where something’s just been planted! Proof of their lame brained-ness is that I’ve already dug up 2 walnut trees this weekend from where the little buggers forgot their nuts. Grrr… I’m happy when one of the dogs almost nails one… or better yet, when I see a very flat one playing road pizza around town…
This guys does the digging in my yard. The neighbour lady feeds him peanuts. Yes, that’s right — she feeds him. And then he comes over here and hides them.
Here’s one I took of Queen Pepa on her throne this afternoon…
This is her favorite summer spot inside for surveying her domain from within the Cabana Room Lounge ….
as you can see here and with Coco (who you saw a while back during the dogs dying phase, which made me so sad). Pepa is smooth fox terrier and something else… she’s bigger and stockier than the breed standard, but perfect to me. Rescue League told me her mother was a Brittany Spaniel, yeah right…. didn’t believe that for an instant.
So easy to catch her in this pose on the porch… since she surveils everything there… squinnies (chipmunks to some), birds and anything else that might wander by. You can see her through the window in that pic of the north side I posted in the earlier café… just do the right click thingie in firefox and look closely, you’ll see her. Olivia spotted her right away, hehe.
Thanks for the translation, I would have never guessed in a million years what a squinny was! I will check out the other pic, though I don’t have right-click capability on my iBook. Oh, yes. I know there is some fancy little old thing you can do to substitute for a right click, but do I have to learn something new now, Mommy? LOL!
There is nothing greater than a great dog! I have never had a great dog, which is my fault, since I’m not such a great dog “guardian.” I’ve been watching the Dog Whisperer, he is such a totallly cool guy, I absolutely love him and I love the way he communicates with dogs and helps people understand how to have better relationships with their pets.
Thanks to watching his show, I’ve tried to be a better “alpha dog” with Muffy…. Here’s Muffy and Banjo again…
We bought her at a pet store, so she was a puppy mill puppy and she had PTSD when we got her, since she cringes and pees everytime you try to pet her and yelps at any sudden movement as if someone has just kicked her. Of course she is better, she is five years old now, but she still has the vestiges of what ever early trauma she suffered in her puppy mill situation.
and his approach is so sensible. Notice that the first thing he ever does is take the dog for a walk… that is leadership, par excellence. Just go for the “calm submissive” state he talks about… break that fixation and get them to pay attention to you, that’s what it’s all about I think. We try to use some of his methods as well, but our dogs are so old and used to us they seem to instantly understand anyway. And Pepa is such a smart lil bitch she thinks she knows more than I do, lol. She may be right in the long run….
Night, o-livia! Sorry to hear it’s going on for a few more weeks! I feel your pain! Here’s another ‘arty’ one of the sedum to send you off properly (if you’re still here!)
See you in cubihell today later!
Here’s some new greenery to go with the nice, clean, well-lighted place…

Rt click, view, woo hoo
An artsy shot … 🙂
Thx… I like doing these “peeking out” of the boulder shots… and since the sedum is so pretty right now, had to get a pic of some of it… of course I have others. Can’t believe the definition I got on the silver mound though… so crisp in the big version.
And here he is again….
(I just dropped by your b and left a comment!)
Hey MM, saw you pop in at the end of the last café… did you drag dada along with you?
Your kitty Banjo really appeals to me… no small deal with me, mr sneezy around cats!
I’m so sorry you are allergic to cats! Sad that you have to miss out on having wonderful cat friends! I am also somewhat allergic, but develop a tolerance after I have been around a cat for awhile.
Yes, Banjo is very cool. He loves the dog, they are so cute together! And he is totally oblivious to Shadow’s snobby moods, he could just care less! The perfect guy to have around.
How are things in your neck of the woods?
Banjo looks like a short hair to me, which are the easiest ones for me to be around at least for a while. The long hairs, I walk into the room and allergies start immediately. I can usually be around short hairs for a couple of hours before I start in sneezing and all that.
Cats who like dogs or act like dogs really win me over quickly, for obvious reasons!
Well things around here are pretty banal (got that, O?) as usual… just a mellow Sunday, since I didn’t push myself too hard I hope Monday will be tolerable. Best I can hope for, lol! And I vow to weed at least 45 min after work every night this week..
… and I thought about tilling the garden over and planting grass. I was having a moment.
Don’t do it! Weeds grow in grass too and then you have to mow and fertilize and reseed and then, if it ever stops raining where you are, you will have to dump gallons and gallons of water!
Besides, grass just doesn’t make for great photos!
We all hate it, hon! But would you rather see flowers or spend your time pushing a heavy thing with a whirling sharp blade around?
As much as I hate it, I’ll take the weeding. Since we’re trying to eliminate as much grass as possible in the front… the dogs will always have theirs!
That is a pic of just one of the several rose bushes that require daily deadheading. That many flowers every day. I have 7! of this variety. The other 40 or so are as prolific (so not daily blooming). This bush is the first — the others are covered w/ buds and soon they’ll all be going.
When I saw it this morning I thought nice, but oh boy I can’t keep up.
to come around a couple times a week and help you out.
A long time friend of mine in Ca. had to get someone to assist her, as she couldn’t keep up for health reasons, and her gardens have never looked better.
I didn’t work last summer so could spend the time. Not so this year.
Holy jeebus dripping off a deep fried stick! That’s an awful lot of roses!!! 47 roses?? I may be daft about the delphiniums, but wow. I’m glad that the one little rose we have (one of those varieties that only gets about 12-14″ tall) pretty much deadheads itself. That much you have would have me climbing the walls. Which makes me think of Carolyn Burnham in American Beauty with her matching sequiturs, apron and clogs…
That was not an aspersion cast, just a random thought.
Never heard that before … LOL. Yes, I told you I was having a moment. I was standing in front of the garden, covered in dirt after just planting more(!) stuff like a crazy person, and I felt like I was slowing being eaten by it. Yes, I’m daft.
Actually I just made that one up… a cleaner version than what I might have really said… But that still is a huge amount of roses. Maybe some day I’ll get into roses but they just seem like so much work for so little pay off for the fancy kinds. We’d love to have a deep red climbing rose though… C is in search of one called “Apothecary Rose” which I think is close to a wild one.
Here’s a kicker… though the wild rose is our state flower, supposedly (according to MooMoo Cow, which is a dubious source) it’s illegal to plant one in your yard. I figure you can just plant a hybrid climbing one, let it go long enough and it will revert… we had that happen at our house when I was a kid. My folks hated that one, and I loved it… go figure.
Gorgeous rose bush, but I see what you mean!
You need to get one of these…long handled weeder…it’ll save your knees a lot of stress…trust me.
True, I have a smaller version I use for dandelions and such… you still have to pick up or rake em up though. And with all the crabgrass we have, I doubt that would work for that… it’s nasty stuff… I’m sure you know it. Oh and jeebus, I think I’ve pulled about my 10,000th datura seedling and there are still more trying to grow! Grrr… I regret we let that big purple one bloom 2 yrs ago cuz I’m still paying for it!
subsequently, most of my ‘weeding’ is thistles and whatnot, dandelions in the spring…just drag a 5 gal bucket around, and I’ve gotten pretty good with the ‘long weeder technique’…:{) My biggest chore is pruning…I have to do a little every week…and watering.
Think we’ve got the thistles under control now… but for those sunny, poorish soil conditions you may have there, I still recommend moss rose or perhaps one of the prolific thymes… there’s a red variety we’re itching to get going around here… But if you’re sun impaired, we’ll have to go to a different well.
diff, thymes and can’t make them survive…also lots of shade…soil’s surprisingly good…course I brought in 20 yds of peat/manure/top soil when the house was built, plus horse manure and never raking leaves…:{)
Hmm… will have to get thinking about finding shade tolerant ground covers then… I don’t think I could exist without some full sun here… it would make veggie growing and most of our flowers very unhappy not to have the sun…
No matter, follow Pangloss’ dictum Il faut cultiver son jardin!
whirled peas, man.
Love Banjo’s colouring.
How’s it going mm? Did you have good w/e?
(Just saw it … thx!)
Yes, weekend pretty good, except for the punishing heat. We had the AC on for 12 hours today! But… it’s supposed to start cooling off and maybe get back to normal by the end of the week.
How about you? Did it rain all weekend? Did you get any planting done?
It rained saturday, but not today. Herbs are all in the ground now. Just need to plant seeds.
It must be so lovely at your place, O! I wish I could see it.
back by popular demand…HERE
Good deed done for the year…:{)
It gives me a good excuse when I BWD… thanks for the tip!
Thx dada! I thought for sure I’d bookmarked that but couldn’t find it anywhere. You’ve saved Olivia from ruse links, hehe. Sort of like this midwest weather report that I read a bit ago.
Yet one more way Nature shows us that some people have seriously too much time on their hands.
but I’d bet $$$ that your granddaughter would get a kick out of going to park and doin’ it…so long as no squirrels were harmed in the process…:{)
Oh probably. She enjoys throwing peanuts out for the squirrels when he have peanuts around, although I’m not sure I want to do things that would encourage the squirrels to lose their fear of humans.
On the other hand, the idea of a squirrel marionette does have certain charms. I’m still mad at the little buggers for digging up our garden because they don’t have the candlepower to remember where they last left their nuts.
I’m with you Omir… we loathe the nasty tree rats around here… they never fail to dig in the garden, especially where something’s just been planted! Proof of their lame brained-ness is that I’ve already dug up 2 walnut trees this weekend from where the little buggers forgot their nuts. Grrr… I’m happy when one of the dogs almost nails one… or better yet, when I see a very flat one playing road pizza around town…
This guys does the digging in my yard. The neighbour lady feeds him peanuts. Yes, that’s right — she feeds him. And then he comes over here and hides them.
Here’s one I took of Queen Pepa on her throne this afternoon…

This is her favorite summer spot inside for surveying her domain from within the Cabana Room Lounge ….
I love her face/black fur and body/white fur. I’m sure you’ve mentioned this before, but what is her pedigree?
as you can see here and with Coco (who you saw a while back during the dogs dying phase, which made me so sad). Pepa is smooth fox terrier and something else… she’s bigger and stockier than the breed standard, but perfect to me. Rescue League told me her mother was a Brittany Spaniel, yeah right…. didn’t believe that for an instant.
I wonder what she’s looking at? Something to eat?
So easy to catch her in this pose on the porch… since she surveils everything there… squinnies (chipmunks to some), birds and anything else that might wander by. You can see her through the window in that pic of the north side I posted in the earlier café… just do the right click thingie in firefox and look closely, you’ll see her. Olivia spotted her right away, hehe.
Thanks for the translation, I would have never guessed in a million years what a squinny was! I will check out the other pic, though I don’t have right-click capability on my iBook. Oh, yes. I know there is some fancy little old thing you can do to substitute for a right click, but do I have to learn something new now, Mommy? LOL!
There is nothing greater than a great dog! I have never had a great dog, which is my fault, since I’m not such a great dog “guardian.” I’ve been watching the Dog Whisperer, he is such a totallly cool guy, I absolutely love him and I love the way he communicates with dogs and helps people understand how to have better relationships with their pets.
Thanks to watching his show, I’ve tried to be a better “alpha dog” with Muffy…. Here’s Muffy and Banjo again…
We bought her at a pet store, so she was a puppy mill puppy and she had PTSD when we got her, since she cringes and pees everytime you try to pet her and yelps at any sudden movement as if someone has just kicked her. Of course she is better, she is five years old now, but she still has the vestiges of what ever early trauma she suffered in her puppy mill situation.
and his approach is so sensible. Notice that the first thing he ever does is take the dog for a walk… that is leadership, par excellence. Just go for the “calm submissive” state he talks about… break that fixation and get them to pay attention to you, that’s what it’s all about I think. We try to use some of his methods as well, but our dogs are so old and used to us they seem to instantly understand anyway. And Pepa is such a smart lil bitch she thinks she knows more than I do, lol. She may be right in the long run….
I’ve got to prepare myself to enter FCH once more (1 wk down, 2 more to go … ugh.)
Good luck for the next week as well, mm! And dada and IVG, hope you’re feeling better …
Sweet dreams!
Night, o-livia! Sorry to hear it’s going on for a few more weeks! I feel your pain! Here’s another ‘arty’ one of the sedum to send you off properly (if you’re still here!)

See you in cubihell today later!
Think I’ll follow you out the door…pulled a Manny and drank a whole bottle of wine b4, during and after dinner and getting verrrry sleepy.
Everybody have a good sleep and a good monday…catch ya on the flip.
IVG, MM, Omir, if you’re still there, be sure and keep the EnEssAy lads amused…:{)
Night all.
or making fiends since no one seemed to grab on to that one earlier, hehe.
I’m about ready to follow you two others out myself, but can handle about 14.356843 minutes more.
Moss rose is your new mantra….
Me too!
G’night O, IVG, and dada and anyone else who is still around! See you in the morning light!