Rarin’ to Go!

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Sleeping bags available for people already needing naps
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
Morning Miss Andi!!!! I do love that picture of Sniff. He just looks so happy.
Of course, he’s happy — he get to fart around all day and take naps whenever he wants. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!! and he ahs a great owner also. Today will be a busy day. Work this am, a Williamosn county delegate meeting tonight and then laundry so I can start getting ready for the convention later this week.
Save up your energy for your meetings and house chores — take it easy at work.
Going to go take the dogs for a walk.
Have a good day.
Good morning,
Sorry if this spoils anyone’s breakfast, but I thought it was funny.
Ever see an asshole talk?
Don’t worry. It’s not as bad as you might think :o)
Pretty funny. Good to see you in the cafe this morning, super!
I feel the need to email it immediately to my spouse who will share it immediately with all soldiers upset about the Malmedy incidents and guess what…. a bunch of soldiers watching this will be overcome with hysteria!
Good morning all.
Had a relaxing weekend, finally saw the asklets again.
Saw “An Inconvenient Truth” last night with curly; viewing should be compulsory.
Good morning, ask! Glad to hear you had a good weekend and saw the kids. I hope that means everything has worked itself out.
Thanks, CG. At least, there is some progress – still some wrinkles to iron out. But we should be all go for meet-up in two weeks.
I’m very glad to hear that you are back in contact with your kids. I hope the rest of the process goes well.
Just wanted to publish photographic proof that my son is in possession of actual textbooks (for the first time all year) even if it is the last official day of school and he is turning in the books from first semester to avoid a fine. That is all.
Those nature boys are so handsome. And thanks for reminding me that we have to remove the books from the cubbies to go back this week too!
Isn’t it like 85 hours and counting now? 🙂
I think it’s officially down to 83.5 hours…
do you have left till you are ‘schoolwork’ free?
Hey, don’t be bursting my bubble yet…I have about 10 days left on that score for the boys, and 3 weeks for myself…
just figuring out when to start the countdown. What’s the actual date of your “Escape Day”?
I have an online final exam the last weekend of June.
torpedo-proof volvo. What a safe nature boy he is.
And cool too – it’s purple. What teenage boy wouldn’t want a purple station wagon as his first car?
Does it have the extra seats in the way back? I’m jealous.
No extra seats. And no AC either although we didn’t know that until it got up to 90 a few weeks ago. Now he’s a sweaty teenager driving a purple station wagon. At least his music is cool though.
I’m sure he is beyond grateful that you didn’t give him the minivan and get yourself a new car.
Don’t think I didn’t try.
Nice color, but where’s the surfboard? :o)
Here’s my son’s Jeep. I painted it a 2006 Saab color that I came across. He loves it. The roof and lower sides are painted satin black. I airbrushed the stars on the back because they have something to do with his band, even though I think it looks kinda Kossian ;o)
That is very neat. I’ll bet you could even make a 10 year old volvo wagon look cool. I love that green.
Oh, that is schweeeet!
Very cool!
“Wow, holy shit, that’s cool! That’s exactly the color of a green iPod mini!”
Honey, you know a man’s got it goin’ on when he looks like a rock star even while toting textbooks.
Howdy, folks. Good to see y’all here & doing well.
I just adore that image of Sniff, Andi. Love it.
It’s a beautiful day here in the lush, green Catskills: gentle breezes, plenty of sunshine & mercury in the low 70s. I’m very pleased.
First on the agenda: a typically lackadaisical breakfast, another cup of coffee (not served by any individual who might wish to persuade me in any way) & then, on to the project of living.
Just a quick glad to see ya note here… sounds like your weather has improved, and that you’re carrying on with the big project! Have a great day and hope to see you later on…
Thanks, IVG. Hope your day goes well also. I’ll pray for rain for you.
I hope you’re feeling better!
LOL on the coffee bit … 🙂
Hi there, Miss O. Hope you’re having a good day today.
Yes, I’m feeling better, thank you. The coffee always helps, of course. I can presently remain upright for extended periods.
… I don’t have a high caffeine tolerance: with only one cup a day if I missed a day I’d get really bad headaches. But I really miss it … I miss the routine of grinding and brewing and the smell … 🙂
Well I suppose I should toddle off the the fact-checking room … aka h*** … LOL … 🙂
Have a good day ww!
I wish you the same, dear Miss O. Hope to see you as you emerge once again from the firey pit.
Morning folks… another Monday… grrr…. I need another weekend to recover from my weekend. But at least lots more got weeded, into the ground and supposedly we have a 70% chance of rain tonight, so I’m hoping it will pan out this time! We need it and I’m tired of watering!
Hope everyone’s off to a good start and that the week goes well for ya.
I wish I had Sniff’s (or Pepa’s) energy to go! See you folks later!
I’m with you in spirit … definitely not raring and not ready but going yes … I hope you get the rain as well — your body needs a rest! 🙂
Morning everyone. Is everybody happy in the cafe?
Hope you have a great day … I won’t, so you have to for me okay? LOL 🙂
I’ll be thinking of you checking those facts. 🙂
Slack when possible.
Good morning to you, o Wise Wondrous Elder of Slackerly Weather Wizardry.
How goes it by you?
I’m doing fine WW, just overslept today.
Are you feeling any better?
Yes, I am — just dealing with the vestiges of illness now. Thank you for asking.
‘Course, I’d feel even better if the kitten hadn’t fallen on my head at 6 am today. I’m rather glad he did, though — watching the sun rise over the mountain in the cool morning air was a lovely experience. We’ve gotten a very nice break from the heat & temperatures are closer to where they should be.
Hope it isn’t too warm down your way.
If it gets to warm, I just stay inside.
I always did like seeing the sun rise. When I wake up and it’s already light, I feel like I’ve missed something.
You take care of yourself.
Thanks, FM. You do as well.
I was tempted to grab the camera & capture today’s sunrise to share with y’all — but I didn’t want to interupt myself.
you just napped off-schedule.
I think you’re right. I trying to get back onto the right nap schedule, but haven’t gotten it yet.
I guess I have to keep napping unitl I find the right schedule. 🙂
Glad to hear your feeling better.
I’m also glad you enjoy the picture of Sniff. For me, it’s one of those pictures that can give me a bit of a lift no matter how I’m feeling.
Hey there, Andi! I’m very glad I’m still slackin’ so I could catch you today.
I feel absolutely the same way about your puppy pics. The next best thing to having real life pups (with or without sled attached).
How was your walk?
The next best thing to having real life pups
what WW said
Hola, maryb! How are you?
Having a hard time concentrating today. Hence the delurking during business hours.
I can’t seem to get my mind quite in gear today either (see kitten/head post above).
Glad I’ve had the chance to see you & say hello, though.
I did mine last week.
I’m drafting a document that is long but not particularly complicated (because I’ve done it so often). For a difficult client. Who will change his mind about everything once he sees it. I think that’s why I’m resisting concentrating on it.
ok this belonged below CG’s comment. not sure how that happened.
of comment displacement
I did part of mine last week, but then slacked off before finishing the rest. Now I’m getting ugly emails from the accounting folks at my primary client…
Heh. I have to do my hours today…so I’m looking for any excuse or distraction from that harsh fact.
Hey there, CG — would it help if I asked about the current status of the NE meetup? I’ve definitely dropped out of the loop lately. Far as I know, it’s come & gone.
I do believe the plan is to meet up at the Clearwater Festival on Saturday June 17th. Is that do-able for you?
I’m thinking that I’ll be able to pin boran2 down on the details in Vegas, if not before that (are you listening, boran?)…
Thanks very much for the info, CG! Do hope it pans out.
Unfortunately, I’m not likely to be available, as I’m in the middle of relocation & horribly behind schedule. Mid-month will be pressure time.
Was the Sopranos a little bit of a let down last night? Nobody died…….I thought they would finished the season by at least offing someone!
I was definitely less than impressed.
since pictures don’t shed and never ask to go out.
I feel the same way about all your puppy pics, though this one of Sniff is particularly
Dogs are just great creatures & seeing them in action is a reminder to me that we’re never far from nature, regardless of environment.
The walk was very fine. It was a gorgeous morning, cool and quiet with soft sunrise light.
Maybe when you get settled in at your new place, you can think about getting one or two dogs to warm your feet on cold nights.
So glad we’ve both gotten a break from the heat — for now.
Indeed, I don’t think it’d be a bad idea to gather some pups into our rather isolated home — once we’ve constructed something a bit roomier than what I’ve planned for now.
Look at me saying ‘we’ regarding construction — like I’m expecting the cats to help out with hammers & stuff.
is a very important aspect of house building. When we built our place, BJ (smart and ornery and mouser extraordinaire beagle) oversaw everything we did and I’m sure we would have never got the place finished without her watchful eye.
An excellent point & I’m sure you’re completely right.
These felines are quite adept at letting me know when I’m not paying proper attention to crucial matters, so I’m in very good hands (or paws).
I think I’ll go and take another nap.
Everybody have a good day in the pond.
Some flowers from the Farmer’s Market to decorate the table.
Really nice composition
What’s kind of flower is the center one?
Ready for another week of work?
Not sure what kind of flower, but think it might be some kind of chrysanthemum.
Yup, feeling pretty ready except I’m not getting ready, which is what I should be doing right now instead of organizing my photo files and fooling around in the FBL!
How’s your work week looking?
Hi Andi!
Looks like a “spider mum” to me… a variety of chrysanthemum, as MM noted. Now back to work here…
Beautiful shot, mythmother — such pretty, vibrant flowers!
Another image — like Andi’s up top — that brings cheer to my heart: pictures of pure life!
Thanks WW! I hope you have a beautiful weather week up and coming!
up and semi-running.