Thank God “I”  was born into a Good Christian Home, to Heterosexual Parents.

Whereas my poor grand daughter was born a year ago, to homosexual parents.
By the time I’d reached her age,  my father was long gone, having found a woman he liked better than my Mom, to have other babies he must have liked better than he liked me.

This almost destroyed my poor Mom, who then went on to marry abusive husband number two, and then abusive husband number three, thus assuring we both would never run out of abusive men who really enjoyed having a small target to abuse in whatever manner they chose, as well as her.

But at least “I” was a mother AND and not one, but three Good Christian fathers.

Now this poor little baby girl, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly so fortunate. She is doomed to live smack in the center of a whole VILLAGE of men and women, both gay and straight.

She just has two very mature, very powerful mothers who waited to bring her into the world, until they knew they could take excellent care of a little one.

She will have to endure living in the center of  a huge circle of gay and straight grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and close family friends, men and women, who are ALL devoted to having a roll in her life.  Fact is, we practically have to stand in line to have quality time with this poor little baby girl.

She will be baptized next Sunday in the open and affirming Christian church she attends every Sunday with her Moms.  We’re worried that we all will take up so much of the space there won’t be room for regular churchgoers. Poor, poor  lil’ Ivy.

Now here’s a question for YOU,  “Mr” Bush , and your wonderful, god chosen base, on this bright and beautiful Gay Bashing Monday:

Which of the two children described above had/has the best chance of growing up whole and healthy human beings who are productive tax paying American Citizens?  

(And which set of adults involved will most certainly vote in November, against your kind?)

I will not be watching your Rose Garden speech today, supporting more hatred of gay people for selfish, political reasons, not caring one damned bit who you may be harming by fanning these kinds of hate filled flames.

You, and your precious “base”, are small, ugly human beings who don’t have the first CLUE what a real Anmerican is, or a REAL Chirstian either.

And you are going DOWN.