My name is Barry Welsh and I am the Democratic Party Congressional Candidate in Indiana’s 6th District.  I am running at Mike Pence, chair of the Republican Study Committee, and rising star in the Neo-Con movement.

This weekend was the Indiana State Party Convention.  More on that below.

After the convention, Indy DFA and the Indiana Progressives PAC held a meet and greet/fundraiser for our campaign.  We formally launched our campaign proudly at the Indiana Progressives Meetup several months ago, and the progressive movement here in Indiana has been super to our campaign.  I have to say thank you, again, to all of those wonderful, passionate, concerned citizens.  We might have raised enough for me to make a brief appearance at Yearly Kos!

The Indy DFA, lead by Sandy Hawks, and the Indiana Progressive PAC, which unites all of the progressive groups in the state, are growing in numbers and influence, and I am honored that they are helping with our efforts along with focusing on taking back Indiana’s State House of Representatives, and making in roads in Indiana’s State Senate.

Some inside info from the convention.

I was privileged to have the opportunity to speak at the Indiana Democratic African American Caucus, The Women’s Caucus, The Stonewall Democrat Caucus, and The Labor Caucus.  I also gave an extended address to our District Caucus.

I had the opportunity to have some extended conversations with fellow Congressional candidates and those that contested them in the primaries.

Brad Ellsworth in Indiana’s 8th is a great guy!  He looks like a matinee idol, and was very down to earth with me, and asked my opinions and recommendations, since I have ran a multi county campaign before.  We will be talking quite a bit over the next few months, and hope to be sworn in together in January of 2007.

Gretchen Clearwater, the progressive challenger to Baron Hill in the primary in the 9th, will be a voice that will be heard from for a long time to come.  Gretchen is intelligent and passionate, and a good communicator.  She was up against Baron Hill, and he is a superb politician, but she will be back.  It was nice to talk with her in person.

Baron Hill didn’t hesitate to give me some advice, and to give me some inside info on our opponent, Mike Pence.  

Baron and Brad will both be elected to Congress in November, they have strong district leadership, and of course are targeted races.

Joe Donnely who is running in the 2nd against Chocola is a good man, and we will do some cross campaigning as our districts share some counties.  He will be a good representative and I hope he is elected.

Our two sitting Congressional representatives, the Honorable Julia Carson, and the Honorable Pete Visclosky were noticeably absent, as was our Senator Bayh.

Band of Brothers member and Fighting Dem Rick Cornstubble, who lost in the primaries to Dave Saunders, was at the convention and is a tireless worker for public education.  
Dave Saunders from the 4th and Tom Hayhurst the candidate from the 3rd, were not at the convention.

As for us?  Our people powered campaign made an impact at the Convention.

We are still on the outside looking in, and we are a threat to business as usual, but everyone knows we are expanding, we are focused, we are serious, and we generated a buzz.   That was thanks to Ben, Art, Elaine, Alex, Pete, Mark, Thomas, Cliff, Fred, my wife Sherri, and all of the team that is this campaign.  I am just the candidate.  

Speaking of Candidates, no one was named to challenge Senator Lugar in November, but the Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Auditor candidates were slated.  The Secretary of State Candidate is from our district and we have made arrangements to campaign together.

In 2008, we will choose a new Governor to replace Mitch Daniels and I am going to be working to make sure that person is State Senator Vi Simpson.  She is fabulous, and will be a great Governor.  She has not announced yet, so if you know her, give her the needed encouragement.

Friends, this week in Congress there are going to be several proposals to try to deflect attention away from the wreckless path the administration and those in lockstep with it, have placed our nation upon.   Do not allow that to happen.  Stand up and call BS when it is BS, and never ever stop fighting to take our nation back.
There is too much at stake for us not to give everything we can for the future of this Country.

Thank you to everyone reading this, and a special thank you once again to all of you that are actively helping our campaign.  Your efforts and donations are not wasted, nor are they in vain.

I have to remind myself at times that my efforts aren’t being wasted either!  It is frustrating and discouraging at times, but knowing that you are giving a voice to people who would not otherwise have one, really does make it all worthwhile.

Game on!

Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Democratic Party Congressional Candidate