For practically the first time in my life, I have–if only for the moment–completely lost my compass. I feel as though I were floating adrift and without a sail on a windless sea. My sense of orientation is gone, and I feel rhetorically as if I couldn’t punch my way out of a paper bag at this point. I know that my right wing opponents are still in the boxing ring, but I’m too dizzy to even keep my own balance, much less find them in the ring and land those rhetorical uppercuts they so richly deserve.
Why? Because, for the first time, I feel myself utterly unprepared. To understand what I mean, we need to go all the way back to the days of Cicero…
“Ad Utrumque Paratus”
This beautiful Latin phrase is, to me, the very essence of life: it is the key to the arts of debate. It is the key to to art of life. And it is the key to an open mind.
The usual translation of this phrase is “prepared for the worst”; unfortunately, this only captures the barest outline of the multiple meanings and beauties of this phrase.
The literal meaning of the phrase is “Prepared for Either (Something)”. It is in the vagaries of that “(Something)” that the multi-faceted meanings lie: it can mean to be prepared for either eventuality–i.e., for the worst; it can mean “prepared for either idea”–i.e., the maintenance of an open mind.
But most importantly–and the meaning Cicero intended–it means to be “prepared for either ARGUMENT.” And herein lies the key–for it is in this way that I am no longer prepared; it is in this way that I have lost my compass.
You see, in traditional debate class, one is given a topic for argumentation to prepare for; but the trick is that, until you walk into the room, you have no idea which side of the argument you will be forced to debate. Thus it was that, in a political science debate class at university, I argued (for the purposes of debate) for the notion of invading Iran–even before we had finished toppling Saddam.
The reason for doing this is simple: one cannot begin to argue effectively for any side of a given debate without internalizing and knowing the best possible arguments of the other side like the back of your hand.
In debate, knowledge is power. If the other guy (or girl) can spring on you facts or–worse still–arguments that you had not considered before and that you were unable to address, you are almost guaranteed to lose the debate. As Sun Tzu remarked,
“The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.”
The KEY to winning an argument to have already, within your argument, have intrinsically countered your opponents best possible counterarguments.
And this, ultimately, is why I am lost.
Before I talk about any political issue, I first run through my head what the greatest minds and loudest voices of current conservative thought would say about it: I ask myself what George Will would tell me; what Christopher Buckley would say; what the philosopher Hume would expound; even what Ann Coulter might say [shudder]. And if I could think of an argument that any of these would promote that I couldn’t implicitly and instantaneously refute, then I would revise my thinking and strengthen my logic.
But I can’t do that anymore. I can’t do that because I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE THINKING ANYMORE.
Partly, I guess, because they themselves have given up even arguing their case.
When corporate profits are at all time highs, but still and yet ordianary Americans get the shaft, they have NO response.
When it becomes clear that our forces in Iraq are so counterproductive at this point that they are murdering civilians, they have NO response.
When it is patently obvious that one can have a progressive society without Patriot Acts and still stop terrorist attacks–and that perhaps we’re shoring up the wrong border in our immigration debates–they have NO response.
Instead, we get this: the President pushing a “Gay Marriage Amendment.”
Instead, we get the leaders of the right blogosphere saying that we should invade Iran–and if say they won’t sell us oil anymore, it doesn’t matter, because that’s only an issue if we lose.
Instead, months after the facts were obviously laid out on the Haditha killings, Fox News is asking if the media rushed to judgment. And doing a story on environmentalists supposedly calling livestock farms Superfund sites because of manure.
Instead, George Will is focused on why the House version of the immigration bill is better than the Senate’s, and how wonderful it is that Alito has replaced O’Connor, so that America can make it harder for whistleblowers.
At this point, everything is a distraction for them. They don’t argue the issues–they just try to come up with the next plen-T-Plaint blinking light to distract the American people.
How the hell do you prepare for that?
I literally have no idea what they’re going to come with next.
I have no idea what they’re going to say next.
And for the first time, I have no idea how I would even argue their position on any issue–because I have no idea what their position even IS.
Or, in other words, What Are These People Even Thinking?
There is, however, a bright silver lining to this cloud: we may not be able to anticipate their arguments, but for the first time–WE have the opportunity to take stronger and clearer positions of strength on any issue than they do.
For the first time in a long time, WE have the opportunity to be the part of unity.
For the first time in a long time, WE have the opportunity to stand tall, and be the ones punching at a shifty, moving target, rather than vice versa.
It’s true that we have no idea what shit they’re going to pull next–but, compass or no compass, if we stand our ground, it won’t really matter.
Because I’m not sure even THEY know what they’re thinking at this point.
available in orange.
you’re right. It is becoming harder to know how to counter the right. And cornered animals are both dangerous and unpredictable.
but the nice thing is, they’re cowering and unpredictable, and we’re actually standing tall.
Who knew?
I do not know about the cowering.
What I read? In their actions? In their statements? In the way that they stand and look into the camera as they bleat their latest demonization lines?
“Immigrants and queers? They ALL gotta go!!! And them damned Uranians, too.”
They are still supremely confident.
Confident in their continuing ability to create “new realities” that will distract the populace from the results of the previous new realities. They are PERFECTLY predictable. Like the steroided-out Barry Bonds (The perfect sports analogue of BushCo. BondCo/Balco.), they WILL hit another home run and they WILL slip out from underneath prosecution once again.
And you know what?
On the evidence of the last 6 to 8 years?
They have every REASON to be confident.
On the evidence.
They control the media, and the media control the populace.
End of story.
And…hopefully…THIS TIME…learn.
From the wonderful Joe Bageant regarding the so-called left in America.
This paragraph ought to be required memorization for everyone who calls himself a “liberal” or “progressive” (Or whatever other blog term is currently fashionable this week on the left) in America.
Standing tall?
Not fucking YET!!!
Want more?
Even if you don’t.
What I’m saying is that until we get a real left in this country, one capable of creating change through radical action, one willing to risk everything for what they believe, we should not be talking about what our pseudo-left should be doing. Our pseudo-left is doing exactly what it should be doing: posturing, bickering amid itself and boring the hell out of the rest of America.
Standing tall my ass.
Whimpering and groveling for media scraps. For false news stories about how Rove is going down.
One of a long LINE of new realities that go right back to Unca Bill and the little blue dress.
Win in November?
I’ll believe it when I see it.
No, I take that back.
I’ll believe it AFTER I see it, and after I have it proven to me by the direct and forceful actions of the new majority…if it ever happens, of course…to bring these criminals to a just end that cannot be pardoned out the way Unca Bill pardoned out the PREVIOUS Ratpub criminals who came right back and bit him on his big, fat, hairy, naked, sexually obsessive ass just as soon as they could.
I’ll believe it when Joe Biden is not seriously spoken of as potential Presidential timber.
He is not even presidential PLYWOOD.
I’ll believe it when the Dems get so rid of Joe Lieberman that he has to join the Daughters of The American Revolution to get a speaking gig and some free rubber chicken to eat along with his new age Jim Crow.
I’ll believe it when I see Dick Cheney’s name at the top of a prosecutorial bill of goods for treasonous activities against the state.
High treason.
Punishable by high death.
THEN I’ll believe it.
Dick Cheney and Saddam Hussein in matching electronic love seats.
Until then…what are YOU thinking?
if the Dems are standing tall, why would anyone around here advocate that we all become a bunch of pragmatic abortion surrender monkeys?
The sound of Dems taking a stand.
Now a diary.
Like it or not.
steady voice, hand, and mind…. and they gravitate toward that promise of safety hoping that the ones appearing so have a vast knowledge, wisdom, experience and success in living to back it all up with that the masses can tap into! The energy of the populace shifts to those described above and no matter what sort of theatrics the goofy shape shifters attempt at this point it is all for nothing because the masses do not trust them with their safety. More shape shifting will not heal the rift of fear that the masses have legitimately acquired and when people legitimately acquired something good luck in taking it away from them!
It’s time to stop countering the right and deliver the left’s message in simple, straightforward, and consistent terms.
Even people with attention deficit disorder (and who else can that <32% be?) can’t stay focused on heads that pop out of this hole. . then that one. . .then the other. . .then that one. . .like prairie dogs. It may be fun to watch for a little while, but soon you get dizzy and nauseated, and all you want to do is bash the nasty nattering noggins.
Even those <32%-ers will eventually recognize what the rest of us have seen for some time — that when you don’t pack a punch, all that’s left for you to do is keep dancing.
Spoonie, I read your posts at David Van Os filibusters, and they are always well received. And I now find myself at a loss for words when I talk to the folks who are still drinkin’ Kool-aid. I am literally speechless. I can talk to delusional mentally ill and track their conversation pretty well, even when I don’t know their history; but I am literally driven speechless by the True Believers. Maybe we are going to wake up one day in the next few months and find that they all left for some island nation after stuffing their numbered accounts, and we will be left cleaning up the toxins they have left us – the hate, the lies, the distrust, the actual poisons, the lives of the soldiers with no faces (whom I see every time I go to the commissary at Ft. Sam Houston), and every other thing they have poisoned. I live in a perpetual state of waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it always does, every day.
As to your point…
The last para holds the key. Fuck what ‘they’ think. Time for us to come out telling what we think and how ‘they’ ‘have no plan’ because ‘they’ don’t.
And they never have.
And everybody knows they don’t.
It’s our turn!
So speak out.
Their position is that rich men should make more money. A lot more money, with emphasis on the short term.
people with power approaching ‘absoluteness’ don’t need rationality — they can do what they want regardless.
On the other hand, their loss of rationality is a symptom of their tenuous grip on the power they hold. They are bloated and sloshy and about to fall on their faces.
Rather than trying to engage rightists (as I used to occasionally do), or even trying to engage their arguments, maybe the appropriate thing to do is trumpet how irrational they are — irrationality and fear — that’s what characterizes American “conservatives” at this particular point in history — pathetic people who don’t deserve to live in a democracy.
No need to directly counter them. The side in power has to defend its positions. The side out of power has to keep the side in power on the defensive, an increasingly easier task.
I see the gay marriage type speech by Bush as his personal desperate attempt to regain some footing among his conservative base–just like during the 2004 election–but this time his base is all he has left and they arent too happy with him either.
Look at the conservatives running away from him in congress. Not passing his bills, challenging his consistent abuse of presidential power(finally), getting the AG fired.
I dont think you have to debate these people. I think you might find a lot of common ground (maybe for different reasons)in displeasure with Bush.
You might just politely hold the door open for them.
And ask them to stay home in November…
In the real world, action is power.
Then step aside.
I know what you mean. I’m a counterpuncher, I like to beat their best stuff. Lately, I’ve been struggling to find any opposition worthy of pummeling.
Tony Snow is such a bumbler he makes McClellen look articulate. Karl Zinsmeister, the new domestic policy advisor, is such a sorry ass he has to rewrite a profile from a Syracuse, New York weekly to find anything nice said about him, and he is getting sued for it. What aggravates me is how could we have lost to these idiots!!!???
how could we have lost to these idiots!!!???
You need to re-ask this as a honest question.
Because we did lose. And they were no more competent then than they are now.
Then you can consider the matter of how power actually flows, is actually distributed, in a Propaganda State.
To start, you get a hint: What is professional wrestling, and why do people watch it?