Utopia, n.,, An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects.
The world has never seen what a liberal one looks like.
The world has never seen what can happen when the Common Good is emphasized over the Power of Elites, while maintaining a capitalist system and freedom of innovation.
The world has never seen what can happen when racism is completely eliminated.
the world has never seen what can happen when the stain of religious intolerance has been wiped clean.
The world has never seen what can happen when military is only used to keep the peace and prevent brutality, instead of to prop up evil dictators and corporatist regimes.
The world has never seen what can happen when government is completely transparent.
The world has never seen these things because it requires people to appeal to the better angels of their nature–and because our basest instincts are easy to appeal to for political gain by corrupt elites.
The world HAS seen, however, what “Conservative” Utopia looks like. We don’t have to guess about that.
The world has seen what a nation looks like where:
the government does not regulate business;
where the government’s primary responsibility is enforcement of public morality;
where local control is prioritized over federal control;
where taxes are virtually nonexistent;
where every citizen not only has the right to, but DOES carry a gun–in public;
where military spending is over 90% of the budget;
where the only social safety net is through religious organizations;
where the nation’s leaders claim authority straight from God, and rely solely on religious doctrine for their legal authority;
where women’s obligation is to bear children and be subservient to their husbands, with no access to abortion;
where public education does not exist, and is restricted solely to private and homeschool–usually religious;
where foreigners are viewed with deep suspicion;
where all other priorities are sacrificed at the altar of military victory;
where “indecent art” is not tolerated by the government;
and where “pre-emptive strikes” are not only tolerated, but encouraged.
We have already SEEN what that looks like. We don’t have to guess.
It looks like AFGHANISTAN, PRE-9/11. It looks like THIS.
So next time a “Conservative” like Ann Coulter tells you to just pack up and leave the country if you don’t like the way George Bush does things, tell him or her this: I’m not leaving. You already HAVE a country to go to that believes in your ideology. Go there. I’m still trying to create one that believes in mine–and so was Thomas Jefferson.
Tell them, in other words, to go to hell. Because their hell already exists on earth.
also available in orange.
Your diary’s a bit long-winded. It’s a one-sentence diary: “Republicans are bad and Ann Coulter is a hateful, evil person.”
I guess we could add a second sentence: “Afghanistan was a bad place under the Taliban.” and double the length of the diary, but it’s still got not much more substance than a Sta-Puff marshmallow.
Actually, Afghanistan IS a bad place NOW, and the American-led occupation of the country has been a disaster (the Taliban is resurgent), but let’s not clutter up a DailyKos-esque diary with inconvenient facts.
So…we needed a frontpage story to tell us that Republicans are bad, Ann Coulter’s hateful, and Afghanistan’s a mess? I guess if someone had spent the past five years incommunicado on the Moon, your diary might be helpful, but it provided absolutely no useful information.
Your diary has no reason to exist. If it were a television show, it’d be cancelled.
Now don’t hold back so much. Tell us how you really feel.
I know, I know–thereisnospoon is a frontpager and therefore immune to criticism. Except I never signed that codicil.
This diary has the substance of a marshmallow, Booman.
What does it tell us that we didn’t already know? What new insight does it provide?
Or are you seeing something I’m missing?
I’m taking Bill Maher’s advice. In a recent interview, he said that he wished guests on his program were “more provocative”, and he chalked up the dearth of provocative opinions to fear.
don’t be an idiot. You can’t rip anyone’s diaries in that tone here. What would give you the impression that you could?
I’ve been here a long time Mr/Ms Curmudgeon, and this is the first time I’ve seen anyone act like a prick.
Perhaps you should try out for a guest spot on Bill Maher’s show, or remember your mother’s lessons when you go out in public. Goodbye.
This is something I’ve been pondering for a while and find it a valid point. I think if we could get republicans and democrats to describe their Utopias then we’d finally have a chance at making one.
It’s that “vision thing”.
If I had to content myself with stalking another progressive’s posts because of some sort of personal vendetta, I would consider my life somehow incomplete.
…it requires people to appeal to the better angels of their nature–and because our basest instincts are easy to appeal to for political gain…
I would probably have said greed, since “political gain” is really just another suit in Greed’s closet, but the idea expressed is, at least my interpretation, between the lines, we have now reached the point, as a species, where we either give those “better angels” a shot and check greed, understanding that we cannot eliminate it, but we can check it – either we do that, or we concede that we have, as a set of societies, decided that we do not wish the continuance of human life on earth.
Another note–would it be less “daily-kos-esque” if spoon had said “Afghanistan post US-invasion as well as pre-9/11”? Or are you just looking for an excuse to be nasty?
Well Said!
Whew!! Thanks for enlightening us with humor and wit! So THIS country is now a Conservative Utopia???
Gee – And I thought we had descended to the 7th level of Dante’s Inferno.
Just click on Inferno and scroll down to Level 7 then click the picture to enlarge
Are the seemingly realities parallels in alternate universes??
Powerful read – thank you very much.