The big news is the new flier for next weeks Live edition of Eat4Today:
There were four of us at the session last week, which was a nice number for my first chance to lead a discussion group. If you find yourself in the Kansas City area next week, I’d love it if you could join us.
And I continue to be excited about finding The Hacker’s Diet. It’s just in time to help me through the next phase of The Commitment. The Hacker’s Diet is the creation of John Walker (one of the programmers who created AutoCAD) and he approaches Weight Management as a problem solving exercise. Much like debugging a program.
If any of this sounds interesting to you or you have something you’d like to share yourself, please stop by
I can’t wait to read The Hacker’s Diet. It sounds fun, fascinating, and. . .maybe?. . .helpful. And good on you, kb, for taking this live in your workplace. I love the poster, btw.
Thanks kansas!! It’s been an enlightening experience. And fun.
Hi kansas,
Thanks for breaking the ice — I think you’ll enjoy The Hacker’s Diet. He has a fun way of presenting his material. I really like the idea of the Broken Eat Watch.
Hey katieb, that Hacker’s Diet as kansas says sounds interesting. And sounds like you are doing well. I got a nice surprise yesterday(on the dreaded 666(ha) day in that I found I’d lost 4 more pounds. I’m doing this very very slowly but surely it seems.
I figured I’d want to have a food plan I could live with so I don’t count calories at all nor have I given up bread/potatoes/pasta etc. The only thing I’ve specifically done is to watch the amount of fat content in food-such as my beloved candy bars-that I now only eat about every few weeks. And I’m still trying to eat oat bran every few days.
Hi, choc. Congrats on the four pounds, which is no small thing for any of us. I’m doing well on katiebird’s plan of not eating between meals and not taking seconds. My clothes fit better after a couple of weeks of that.
the computer game addiction?
Oh, yeah! I’m so over it I’ve forgotten it! E4T got me over being addicted to playing that game. Of course now I’m addicted to Soduko, but you’ll get it away from me when James Dobson enters a Buddhist monastery. Anyway, I don’t play Soduko nearly as much. Honest.
Sudoku, I meant. I can play it, I just can’t spell it.
it explained to me over the past weekend, as an accounting-type person I get more than enough numbers during the workday so I’ll stick to my rubics cube. (incidentally, still haven’t figured it out in however many years)
Glad you were able to kick the gaming habit!
hi kansas-with this last 4 I’ve lost that makes it about 15/16 pounds so far. I think my ‘plan’ wouldn’t really work for anyone else-I don’t eat all day unless it’s the oatbran and I don’t get around to that until sometimes 4 in the afternoon. Don’t eat dinner until ten at night half the time then my snacking while reading around one in the morning. Pretty much what most plans will tell you not to do but it’s working for me so that’s all that counts.
I’m convinced that the fiber in my diet is helping..the oat bran/bought whole wheat pasta/eating tons of vegetables that have fiber and fruit also…and lots of beans.
And I did find one exersize I can do without doing any damage to nerve damaged parts.
Actually, it sounds like a lovely way to lose weight!
And, obvioiusly, it’s working for you.
eating breakfast has been the single most important thing for me, I’ve never been a morning person, but my energy levels pick up after a bowl of granola cereal. mmmmmm
I think it’s good to allow yourself some treats every once in awhile, it kills the urge to binge and go crazy imo.
Congratulations kbird!
Keeping myself in control of eating what I am supposed to is the most helpful thing I have taken from kbird’s philosophy. Have a planned amount of a planned dessert as a planned part of a meal, for example, as opposed to allowing a craving for sweets to take you over and cause you to have an unplanned episode of non-control.
And compromise. Today, there are lots of options to help you do this, no sugar added ice cream, low carb ice cream, if that is your passion, there are oil sprays that you can use instead of big spoons of butter for sauteing, breads that are low calorie, low carb, I even found a sugar free one!
Thanks Ductape!
Hey Manny-thanks. Trying to lose weight is something almost everyone on the planet can relate to at some time in their lives that’s for sure. And I find it particularly annoying as I was always one of those people who were skinny and never had to watch what I ate.
My weight gain is combination of medications that caused weight gain and also almost never leaving my apartment/not being able to exersize just started adding the weight. Which I then compounded by being bummed out about that and started eating lots more junk than I ever had before which of course added more weight..had a nice little vicious circle going there.
(Hi Manny!!)
HI!!! Another thunderstorm is rolling through the city, will be back on later after it passes
We’ve got one lurking on the edge of town too. I wonder if we get yours when your done? (actually I think we do)
Hi chocolate ink! How often do you weigh yourself? 4 pounds sounds like a big drop, but if it’s once every week or two it’s not too much.
It must have felt really good to see that.
Hey katie, I don’t even have a scale so I weigh myself maybe once a month at my sisters. So it was about a month ago and I was pleasantly surprised really cause I had slacked off a bit I thought and was expecting either a gain of a pound or two or at least staying the same. So I am really happy. A pound a week is a nice slow steady effect where I’m definitely not starving myself that’s for sure. I am actually eating more than I did before, I’ve just incorporated lots more vegetables and fruit than before as the main change.