Recent Posts
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
- Day 36: German Conservatives Win, Denounce American Conservatives
The long road trip is over — let’s start drinking!
I’ll have my usual Excedrin Slushy. Ugh, migraine coming on.
Oooh, sorry to hear that, SN. Hope it stops soon.
Did I see you’re going to be in Seattle?
Not that I know of. 🙂
Oops, sorry! It was Cali Scribe. I don’t know how I got mixed up. Must be heat-stroke.
I just took some anti-headache drugs. I feel a bit better. But, rattled by it.
Stanley’s on again. But we can keep it muted, if that’ll help SN.
Can one of you Vegasians do me a favor? $10 on Black 6? TIA.
are you serious?
I can getcha back when you’re in DC next week. Thanks, Chief!
What’s TIA?
I’m happy to put a tenner on six black for you.
I think it means thanks in advance.
oh. duh. at least I don’t have to consult to roulette rule book.
Just another TLA : Thanks In Advance.
Give me a holler if there are going to be any pints hoisted around the conference next week. (I’m back to work, so can’t attend.)
sure thing. I don’t have your number though. Maybe you can email me it…
Hi Booman, I wish I was going to be there for your party. It sounds like fun.
me too. I wish more people were coming. Including you.
We’ll all be there in spirit, and with eyes glued to the net, c-span, and the Air America video streams (or maybe that’s just me). I hope you have a great time!
P.S. Ask Jerome G. when I’m getting my chocolate shoes.
If I can get my health back on track next year, I’ll be at next year’s party. I promise.
And keep in mind we’ve got the Grandmother of All Parties to look forward to here in DC, come January 2009.
How ya been otherwise, k-bird? Long time, no swap-comments.
What do you think? Do they have any hope at all …
But there’s always hope!
Did you enjoy your bday? Are you recovered today? 🙂
Sadly, the camera-phone images of me with my “devil horns headband” on last night have not appeared. Yep, some friends really ran with the whole 06/06/06 thing. Thankfully, a couple rounds of mojitos, while greatly aiding the festive spirit of the evening, did not make for a rough morning.
How’re tricks Up There?
Okay up here … actually pretty good b/c hockey’s on … 🙂 (It makes everything better lol.)
Happy belated b-day and many wonderful returns.
The good wishes of so many whom I haven’t met were heart-warming (and humbling).
Olivia, how long have you been dragging Stanley around? You must be getting really toned.
Definitely good for the biceps … 😉
Have you seen Blogging the FIFA World Cup?
Thx for the linkage — I’ll probably follow along once Stanley has been awarded. Do you follow it kb?
No, I’m sports impaired. I just happened to stumble across this on another blog and thought about you lugging that trophy around. I picture you strapping it across your back with gigantic belts.
… if I tried walking down the street w/ the SC up here. 🙂
enlightenment is attainable…
And where is that clicker, Izzy? O won’t de-lurk w/out Stanley. Can’t we get an RSS feed or somethin’…
Clicker? You mean something’s required of me? Hang on, I’m sure it’s around here someplace…
I just used a broom handle. Think the knob’s broken, tho. Hope no one wanted to watch anything else, ever again.
How ya doing? 🙂
before I did…Doing? Depends on the topic…had a shit day; an associate and I made the ‘short list’ for a project, and had the final interview this PM…let’s just say, some of my brethren’s Professional Ethics are MIA…very, extremely, not a snowballs’ chance in hell we’ll get the project……………I kinda got offended and let them know why…politely, of course…:{)
How’re you? Got that ‘short timers’, downhill attitude workin’ on the FCH?
Good on ya, I say.
Thanks Bro Fel…my assoc. felt the same way…although he remained in the background.
You’re only as good as your last project, and although this could have been a nice one in terms of visibility, it’s for the best, IMPO. If the attitudes we saw today are any indication of the direction this will go, it bodes ill for whoever does it.
Ya gotta stand by your principles, though. Especially when you’re attaching your name to a project (which is similar to what I’m doing, eh?) That’s a difficult situation, though … Hope you didn’t have to put in too much up front work/time for the project proposal …?
I’m okay. I followed your advice today — breaking the time into short chunks and lots of walks AND! I even went outside for an hour at lunch by the river (in the shade of course) … 🙂
Do Trappists make beer, I wonder?
the Europeans, but the Kentuckian Trappists make a mean bourbon fudge.
… I gotta make a quick run to Kentucky. Back in a sec.
Hi everybody! In less than 24 hours, I’ll be on my way to Vegas…and I am so looking forward to excaping the other inhabitants of Chez Cabin…human, canine, and avian.
I didn’t know you were going, CG! I hope you have a blast. And that you set some dyno under Reid, Pelosi, & Co.
What she said, with bells on.
Thanks kansas and KMc!
Have a great time! Be safe! Stay away from the slots!
I think I’m going to be spending some time at the craps tables.
Slot machines are for grannies. 🙂
Now I’m starting to think we should have an East Coast meet-up in Atlantic City. Baccarat, anyone?
If one were a little too literal, they might conclude that you’ve moved the chickens inside the cabin.
Nope, they’re still in the guest house. 🙂
I see you and Ductape are now an item…
Ah…the rumor mill…
Fatwa is a little old for me. I would like to curl up with him and watch the Oscars though.
I think I’ve narrowed it down — it’s either maryb or armando, right?
does Armando have cool Chuck Taylor’s?
I can’t picture him in Chucks.
a code phrase for ‘pink pantsuit’?
Someone needs to Photochop that immediately.
who you’ve been hanging out with after DL on Tuesdays. I guess your state does needs two residing Senators to balance the universe since Ricky lives in Virginia.
Wish I could be in Vegas (got married there 26 year ago) but don’t have the “luxury” to attend what promises to be a stellar event at the moment. I don’t even know how anyone would have characterized such a meet-up five years ago.
Power to the Progressive Netroots!
So here is an image from my $5,000 work break. I hope I’m making good use of it. Flowers are happening on the back streets of Panorama City.
That’s really lush and pretty. Like a bride’s bouquet.
There seem to be some amazing gardeners in this vicinity. These bushes had not been pruned back for a while!
How ya doing?
I was thinking of you this afternoon on my flower hunting expedition. Did your day go well?
I think it’s great that you do that on your lunch hour — the current pix up at my b were taken at lunch the other day in a community garden/park next to my work. So you’ve influenced me! 🙂
Today was okay. Not the best, but not the worst either if you no what I mean …
Yes, I do know! I don’t feel much like eating at lunch, so a walk with my digital is ideal, even if only for 1/2 hour, there are lots of flowers withing walking distance!
Will check out the b…..
Somebody who’s actually making it to the euroboowing party, please lift one for me. One what? You might ask. Depends, who’s paying the bar tab?
In the meantime, I think I’ll go for a nice cold hard lemonade since those are on hand.
you realize you’re not like all the other children. I sent a note off to my writers group today:
In order to make things a little cleaner on the nobody-uses-thunder-but-Zeus front I’ve changed the rent-a-clops’ pistol from a standard revolver to a gyrojet.
And one of them emailed back to point out that no one but an F&SF author would have written that sentence. That’s when I realized that out of context it’s not only gibberish, but lock him up and throw away the key gibberish.
My ears were burning about an hour ago… 😉
WOW — Keith had his second rant in less than a week…this one on Ann Coulter’s remarks about the 9/11 widows who “seem to be enjoying their husband’s deaths”, and her screed on “The Church of Liberalism” in general. I was barely able to finish my dinner…what a disgusting woman (and yes, I think she is a woman, perhaps one with a major thyroid disorder).
Have to go to the in-laws’ for strawberry pie; we’re doing an early birthday/Father’s Day celebration since we’ll be on the ship on the actual day(s) involved. We’ll pick up Dad-in-law’s present somewhere on vacation; he’s a fan of smoked salmon. Also planning on picking up some earrings for Mom-in-law (I looooove shopping for earrings), and probably get bro-in-law a t-shirt over at the Experience Music Project in Seattle (he’s an unreconstructed rocker with a special fondness for Hendrix).
Need to prepare the Father’s Day card and hit the road…make sure you catch the “Countdown” repeat if at all possible (Keith’s rant is item #2, about 40 minutes or so into the show)…
I heard that KO was going to go off on her, but I didn’t catch it.
FWIW, it looks like C&L is working on getting the video up. It should be here eventually.
Oh, ej, my hero. It’s up now and thank goodness, because I’ve been watching the Indians online and forgot all about Countdown.
That was pretty awesome. Although part of me thinks that we’re just falling into her hands by giving her the publicity.
I think she’s genuinely surprised that people are incensed about what she said. You know what really pisses me off? What about the 9/11 widows who came out for Bush before the election? Were they harpies that were enjoying their husband’s deaths also?
I love that while she’s spewing all that hatred and wearing a minidress at 7 in the morning, she’s got a crucifix between her boobs. What would Jesus do?
I keep forgetting it isn’t Friday night. ‘Cause I’m off for the next 4 days!!
I keep forgetting too, because today was the last day of school for my kids. Woo hoo! Summer!
You are so lucky! We have the rest of this week, and half days for MTW of next week. Ick.
Hi Cabin Girl!
Hi katiebird! I’m sorry your long weekend isn’t exactly going to be fun-filled. 🙁
I’ll have a cosmo in Vegas for you, though…
OOO do! Please. I’m just glad I was smart enough not to sign up to go. Imagine how horrible it would be to CANCEL a trip to YDK for yucky stuff like this?
That would be awful. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Not that you’re going to actually be there the rest of this week! Have fun in Vegas, CG!
I will…I can’t wait to go!
Jealousy Abounds. I hit my wall today at work and went on a personal strike for the latter part of the afternoon. I think my boss is peeved that I’ve been checking outta there right at five o’clock, but OH WELL! Gotta stay healthy emotionally too, ya know.
Any big plans for your extended weekend?
I don’t know if this will make you feel better or make you sick just thinking of it, but I’m having a colonoscopy. So, it won’t be all fun and games!
is the part of the plot where I remember FamilyMan’s sageful teachings and back away slowly.
(((kb))) I hope you’ll be surrounded by people all weekend who will pamper you and treat you like a Queen!
Thanks for reminding me. I do too. 🙂
I’ll tell mister what you said…
katiebird, at least make him buy you dinner first.
Before a colonoscopy?
And you’re right. You’ve got to stay healthy emotionally. Absolutely, I’m glad you’re listening to all the signals.
5-0? I’m turning on Futurama.
Hi BrotherFeldspar! I haven’t seen you for ages! How’s things?
Hey k-bird! Things are good — gotta a little lull this week, so I’ve been making a nuisance of myself around the café as in days of old.
So … when’re we dusting off those photofair templates, huh?
Another photofair would be so cool.
PhotoFair. I’m guessing that the 2nd Weekend of October would be good. That’s the weekend we had it last year. And if we planned on it now, we could do the publicity right.
Also, it looks like the database has been cleared out, so I can’t verify the exact date, but isn’t next week the anniversary of The FroggyBottom Cafe? Are we having a party?
Oh, and I’ll be trying that Hacker’s Diet you linked to earlier. Thanks for that!
Stop by Eat4Today (my blog) and let us know how it goes. I’d love to see you there.
Maybe home ice will turn things around.
The 24/7 Cafe is open!