Blue Skies Smiling At Me

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Nah, probably not.
Good morning, everyone.
Monring Miss Andi!!!!! Thank you for your wonderful response yesterday. I saw it at work but was unable to respond. I am off work till Tuesday of next week to get ready and attend the Texas State Convention. I am really excited and think it will be a blast. I will be taking the laptop and blogging from the convention.
I hope you’ll also do a diary about the state convention. It’s always interesting to get a first-hand look at the political process.
I plan to. I am thinking this will be a great learning experience for me. I have worked on many campaigns and on civil rights issues but have never been involved at the party level. I am not satisfied with the party or it’s direction so I decided to get involved and try and make a change from with in.
I’ve got to either wake up more or slow down when I read. I thought you said you were going to take your lampshade instead of your laptop. Hope you get candidates who give the Repugs hell.
Good morning Andi and refinish.
Rise. Done
Shine? Not so much.
Hope the day goes well for you.
Morning Miss Olivia!!!!
I’ll echo Andi — I’d love to read a diary about your experiences w/ the state convention. And now that I’ve got hi speed I can listen to your podcasts!
Great!!! I am really going to have a great time.
Morning Ask!!!!
Good morning Andi, Refinish, Ask, and Olivia.
You mean I’m up before you … lol. How are doing today?
I’m feeling real blah today. Sneezing and coughing.
Other than that a great day so far. π
… or is it allergies. Hope it’s not a cold.
It’s a cold. Hopefully it will pass on through pretty fast.
Good morning, FM.
Hectic day ahead, cannot join in your slacking.
But do not let that stop you.
Morning Ask. You know the rule.
Slack when possible.
Howdy familyMan
Morning Refinish. I see you’ve got a lot going on the next couple of day. Need I say it – Pictures. π
the camera and memory card and battery charger are packed also. LOL
Thank you all for your kind birthday wishes yesterday. Forgive me if I was unable to respond to any of you directly — I was somewhat occupied in the evening. π
Coffee, and lots of it, shall be the order of the morning.
Good morning Bro F. Hope you day was good yesterday.
I was bummin yesterday so stayed out of the cafe and now I’ve gone and missed your bday! Belated Happy Birthday Brother!
Happy Birthday late!!!!
It is a drizzly morning so I went off in the woods with Andi and the dogs. We found a tulip tree flower growing low enough that we could photograph it. Usually they are 60-80 feet up in the crown of the tree. Tulip poplars are members of the magnolia family.
That’s a great picture Jim. The marco shots are coming out wonderful.
Thank you, but you’re not seeing the 15 others that didn’t make the grade.
That’s what I love about digital. I think if it was still film I wouldn’t be taking as many pictures as I do.
Gorgeous photo,esp. that red glowing. Does have a bit of a Little Shop of Horrors look to it, though. I hope you didn’t get your noses too close to it.
I’ve been meaning to tell you what a fun moment I got from reading the line in Virgin of Small Plains when Rex calls Sarah a ‘hot chick’ and recalling the cafe when we discussed if a kid in 1986 would say that and Lil went and checked the OED.
Oh and Chicago, October 7.
I’m so glad you reminded me of that, Andi. I had forgotten, ungrateful wretch that I am. Lil, wherever you are–where is Library L’il?–thank you again.
Chicago, October 7. Hmm, sounds vaguely familiar.
Passive aggressive research at its finest.
speaking of which — let’s say that the trip to Chicago costs you 18 hours of writing time (you little workaholic). That’s 1080 minutes which can be absorbed by working an extra 10 minutes during each of the 122 days until October 7. Nothing to it. We’ll see you there.
Jim, keep that calculator away from your wife!
she’ll crack π
I bow to your incredible memory for cafe trivia. You are the goddess of all froggy bottom knowledge.
it’s my gift — useless information sticks with me like wet toilet paper.
Sniff, Sniff, Andi have you seen Sniff?
I just got this! Boy, am I slow this morning.
Oh, dear, did widdle Sniff get too close to the bad bad plant? Have you heard it burp? (Where do you think Burpee Seeds got its name, heh heh heh?)
he’s indigestible.
Sniffcam (06/07/2006 12:01 p.m. EST):

whew, I was anxious.
to delurk for the second day in a row.
Tell Sniff to get that futon good and hairy for me. π
Amazingly enough, we have sheets without any dog hair on them. In fact, that may be the only thing in the house without dog hair.
Until you asked, I didn’t know.
Now I do. It has a very light rose-like scent.
I miss smelling flowers. My allergies are so bad right now here in BAMA I don’t put my nose anyplace accept on my face right now. In Colorado (where I had nothing more than a ragweed thing going on that I could detect) I used to smell everything and never seemed to have to pay for it.
Whew! It didn’t eat your nose.
Reminds me of a pineapple — that middle bit. I’ve never seen a tulip tree flower before. It’s amazing how different all the pieces are — i.e., not harmonious shape, texture, and colour-wise. What lens did you use for this one?
105 mm macro.
The green part in the center, once fertilized, dries out, opens up and then becomes maple-like helicopters about 3 cm in length.
Well I’m going to try and get some stuff done. I’ll see everyone later.
Have a good day in the pond.
“going to try to get some stuff done.”
I ran that through Babblefish and it was translated to: “going to take a nap.”
Quick, go work on your book – you are clearly in the zone.
Meanwhile, I will trudge off to go code which translated to ‘bleech’.
How about if I shine but don’t rise? Hmm, maybe not. The images it brings to mind are a little disturbing. Guess I’ll have to do both.
Today’s tea: Strong Assam. Yes, that’s actually what it’s called. Sounds perfect for this fuzzy headed morning. Supposed to be very dark and strong with malt undertones. Man, one of the few things I really regret about living in the boonies is that I’m an hour from the Tea Source, so I can’t just stop in each morning and sample my fantasy tea.
Quick TV interview report: I had a great time.
I got there a little early and hung out with the techies, one of whom is an old family friend, and chatted with the guest from the previous segment. He was the director(?) of FAIR Wisconsin, the organization that’s fighting our very own state level #%$@&%* anti-gay marriage hate amendment. Also, a science museum official and married to the former babysitter of one of Dr.Mc’s good friends from high school. Always nice to be in a room full of smart liberals.
Once my interviewer showed up we plunged into the thing and I had a blast. I love talking about writing. They’re going to give me a copy of the interview which I can use however I want. I’m thinking I’ll see if I can’t get it set up as video podcast. I found out a little bit more about the show too. It’s apparently franchised all over western Wisconsin, so it might actually move enough books to make a genuine sales impact. That would be cool.
Gotta run now, I need to finish a chapter today ~2,200 words, but I’ll stop back through occasionally.
Have a wonderful day everybody.
Cool, Kelly! And a wonderful day to you, too.
So good to hear that you enjoyed yourself! If you do get a link, be sure to let us know. Good luck word-smithing today!
And almost ready…
Spouse has follow-up with doctor today, then heading to the REI in San Carlos to see if they have anything he likes in the way of new daypacks, and I’m still looking for the GorillaPod flexible tripod. Then home to try and finish laundry before heading to the folks’ for strawberry pie — early birthday/Father’s Day celebration since we’ll be on the ship for the actual dates.
Kelly — your post reminds me I need to make up my mind which teas I’m bringing along for the Seattle leg of the trip; our hotel room has a full kitchen so I figure I can heat up some hot water and have my herbal and decaf teas in the evenings…
Got to hop in the shower…back later…
Yes, I rose, but I refuse to shine! (apologies to Tennessee Williams are in order) Sounds like this attitude is going around, so I’m glad to be in good company round here… I think I may have to break my 1 cup o’coffee rule here today at work after staying up too late again last night.
So here goes, see if I can remember to greet everyone I read up thread there… Andi, Jim, RF, O-Livia, Kansas, KMc, FM, MT, Brother F, and now whoever I forgot! As you can see, these morning memory exercises don’t always work so well…
Hope everyone has a great day, I’ll be muddling my way through this one after meeting yet another impossible deadline yesterday … we’ll see how it goes.
See you folks later in the day.
Hey there Ask!! Sorry I missed ya in my memory exercise there… hope things are going swimmingly for you too today!
And O and the Fs and kansas and BF and KMc and FT and MT et al!
Here are some geraniums from yesterday’s lunch walk. Later riser here, since another bad night of tossing and turning. Sometimes makes me wish I had learned to sleep!
Beautiful tree tulip with a faint smell of rose, JimF!
Nifty shadows.
Have a good day in no-FBC land.
It was a little overcast, which was good. How are things in your gorgeous neck of the woods?
We’re having sun, rain, sun, storms, sun (and all between 7:00 and noon). As long as it says in the 70s, low 80s like it has, I’m happy.
What do you have planned for today’s lunch break?
Sounds like perfect weather to me! It’s cooled off quite a bit here, too, thank God, especially since I don’t have AC in my office yet.
I think I’ll go out and see if I can catch some flowers on the $5000 1/2 hour lunch break… I don’t know if you saw the roses on the white fence I posted last night. It’s so pretty but I couldn’t quite capture it…..
Well, best get ready for work…. I saw your first comment this morning, I was unable to get back to sleep but chatting with someone who had already started their day seemed kinda wierd….
See you at happy hour!
You take such lovely pix mm … ethereal … π
I’m taking a FCH break … Just stocked up on chocolate milk, and for today: sea salt and balsamic vinegar potato chips … mmmmmmmm … π
Hope you’re having a stress free day in cubeland. See ya later!
I’m currently taking a brief writing break for a popsickle and a soda. 900 words down, 1,300 to go.
but those chips sound a wee bit… well… I’ll take my jalapeno ones and leave the vinegar to you. Never been real fond of those, so they’re all yours!
Stress free for the most part (got an email from client who got the report and the were very laudatory, whew!), but rather boring. Such is my life here… work to death for a while, then a couple of down days that make tedium sound like a good thing.
Hang in there! See you later, as well.
yesterday. They are four months old now. It is too hot to fly them so they are just hanging around here until it gets cooler. One of them was being such a stinker yesterday……..she is very smart and athletic and she kept breaking out of the puppy pen. In frustration I put her in time out in a kennel by herself. I let her out last night and I thought she was sick. I was just about to take her to the vet, but she didn’t have any symptoms of illness other than this horrible listless behavior, laying around all limp noodle like. I gave her a warm warm bath and she snuggled on the couch with me all night. This morning she is fine…….I guess her time out caused Doggy Depression, I had never seen such a case of it. She was the biggest snottiest little pill sometimes until yesterday.
When I was traveling a lot, one of our dogs would get listless and mopey as soon as I pulled out the suitcase. It was tough to watch.
Pepa is exactly the same way… when I was travelling too much for work, every time she saw that suitcase come out, she got all mopey, pissy and sad (all at the same time, no less). She knew what it meant and had to express her opinion on the matter!
Of course, the upside was being showered with all the i’ve-missed-you-desperately love when you return.
I know that well, too! What we call the “spin and squeal” dancing and shrieking routine that Pepa does. Rolly, on the other hand, usually just stands there wagging and smiling, since he’s a bit less effusive …
Rise and shine? What are you trying to do to me, Andi?
I wouldn’t have bothered to put it up until after lunch. π
Kind AND considerate!
A year ago pie,
Tight ropes crossed by one and all.
Ripples never cease.
Is there a Hallmark card for this anniversary? π
There are some names there that I haven’t seen in awhile.
have to stamp it with ‘Return to Sender’
Pie war refugee
Can it only be a year?
Seems like yesterday
I came over then. Forgot what my user number is. Here, let me check . . .
Kind of a newbie here on FBC. π
Isn’t that weird? It feels like a whole lifetime ago when I was up all night with smoke pouring out of the keyboard, my fingers flying, flames shooting out of them, and my husband kept coming into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and standing there in his underwear telling me that he thought that maybe I had lost my mind.
The new cafe is open and we’re going on a road trip — Vegas, Baby!