Crossposted from my blog.
Since there is a five-minutes recess in the threat-making against Iran, the fulminating fascist John Bolton gets off by threatening the United Nations, FOX News reports:

“To have the deputy secretary-general criticize the United States in such a manner can only do grave harm to the United Nations,” Bolton said. “Even though the target of the speech was the United States, the victim, I fear, will be the United Nations.”
Uh-oh. Is another tall building in NY about to turn into debris? Or merely lose ten stories? Clearly something earth-shattering has occurred:
The. Worst. Mistake. By a senior UN official. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall! In other words, a very very very grave mistake — worse than the Oil-for-Food scandal, and the surrender of Srebrenica to General Mladic, and the failure to investigate the sexual abuse by UN Peacekeepers of impoverished Congolese kids.
That must have been some speech.
So what dynamite did it contain? An unconditional endorsement of bin Laden? A call to assassinate Bush? Or perhaps it was personal; say, an unfavorable comparison of Bolton’s moustache to Nietzsche’s, or of his harassment skills to those of his old buddy Clarence Thomas?
No. No, it was something else:
He lamented that the good works of the U.N. are largely lost because “much of the public discourse that reaches the U.S. heartland has been largely abandoned to its loudest detractors such as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.”
And the absolute lowest blow, we are told, was this:
Bolton said Malloch Brown’s “condescending, patronizing tone about the American people” was the worst part about the speech.
“Fundamentally and very sadly, this was a criticism of the American people, not the American government, by an international civil servant,” Bolton said. “It’s just illegitimate.”
A reference to ‘Middle America’ was a graver mistake than Srebrenica and puts the future of the UN at risk.
I am sure this makes perfect sense — if you just happen to be psychotic like, say, John Bolton.
talk about overreaction. Is this some kind of dim-witted “strategy” or is the guy losing it? WHo could take this seriously? Or is he just counting on the fact that most people will only hear his comments, not the actual words of the offending official?
Maybe if the next UN oficial criticizes the Dear Leader or talks about Texas, Bolton will have a stroke…
I thought it was kind of ridiculous when UN Emergency Aid Coordinator Jan Egeland was slammed as anti-American for criticizing Western — not specifically US — early response to the tsunami. Apparently, this is orders of magnitude worse.
Yep I think Bolton’s strategerizing. The administration is pushing their old favorites again this election year – gay marriage, flag burning and UN bashing.
I mean, seriously. The guy is a lame duck. A recess appointment. He’s a blast of hot air with a mustache. He represents a government that’s increasingly isolated. What I don’t understand about the United Nations could fill a shipping container, but I honestly don’t understand why anybody would give any heed at all to anything he says at this point. In fact if I were the other four permanent members of the Security Council I think I’d start rotating vetos among the four ambassadors every time a security council resolution was proposed by Bolton, just to see if we could get the veins in his forehead to explode.
Maybe that’s it. It’s all entertainment value, and they’ve got a pool going to see which one of them can send him over the edge.
Like your analysis Omir. Wish it were true!!
I think the tables will turn quickly on this one.
A grave mistake by Bolton to try to make cheap political points for the domestic base. It will turn off those that are already reluctant in their support of the US; Bolton’s future at the UN will be more difficult.
He might be psychotic, but he’s also dangerous and inflammatory. And he works for a very, very dangerous man. People like him aren’t appointed during a recess for no reason. Bush wanted this guy so bad because he’s the perfect front man at the UN for the most belligerant country the world has ever seen, and he’s carrying out his mandate well.
he’s the perfect front man at the UN for the most belligerant country the world has ever seen…
Couldn’t agree more. The problem is that however successful this strategy might be for the present, Bush and probably Bolton will be gone in 2.5 years (if not before) and the US and the rest of the world will have to live long afterwards with the consequences of their bull-in-china-shop approach. It’s a great strategy so long as you are the only bull in the universe. But that is not going to last forever…
I think he is in the vanguard for the larger PNAC plan. They’ll be gone in 2.5 years but who were they planning to hand the baton to? There’s a reason he’s trying to blow up the UN from the inside out, and it must have to do with clearing the path to empire of all the inconvenient obstacles.
He’s certainly doing his very best to continue to show the world that there is definitely something to that Ugly(re mustache)and now Incredibly Arrogantly Stupid American meme.
So allrighty then Big Bad John does that mean you will not criticize other countries or the UN? Bad form and all that you know-must work together, what’s that you say–it’s your god given right as a Merican to spout bullshit that everyone is supposed to believe absolutely cuz well cuz your a Merican dammit..ok BBJohn got it. I do love the smell of napalm I mean diplomacy-Big Bad John style- in the morning don’t you?
This is hilariously funny given some of the horrific things Bolton has said about the UN over the years. The guy is insane.
Bolton really is a drip, isn’t he?
Annan backs deputy’s call for greater US engagement with UN
More on response to Bolton:
Tough Love from Mark Malloch Brown
Boltonj has 2 main assignments from BushCo.
One is to destroy the effectiveness of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty so the US has a pretext for developing more nuke weapons and using them in upcoming conflicts of their own creation.
Two is to render the UN powerless and irrelevant, to make it incapable of any meaningful action independent of US approval.
The fact that Bolton should be wearing a straitjacket and be detained in a secure location so as not to be able to inflict harm on civilized humans should be obvious to the media, and they should be saying so. But of course, the media still treats the lunatic harpy Coulter as a rational, legitimate pundit with a relevant perspective, so I guess they won’t be challenging Bolton’s sanity anytome soon.