Are you in Las Vegas this coming Friday night?  If so, Governor Warner is hosting a party for the blogosphere at Yearly Kos. It starts 2 hours  after the Booman/MyLeftWing/European Tribune party so please come on over for at least a  little while — it’ll be a great chance to grill Mark Warner on any positions you differ on.  If you are attending YearlyKos, you’re invited. To put your name on the elevator list, go and sign up at the Forward Together website.

Unless his flunkies screw up, you’ll also have credentials in your registration package, but just to make sure you don’t miss the open bar, the free food, and the free rides (they have crazy rollercoaster rides atop the 100+ floor Stratosphere), get on the list.

Here’s the details:

Blogosphere at the Stratosphere Party

Hosted by Gov. Warner

Friday, June 9th


Stratosphere Casino Hotel Tower

Also, Governor Warner is speaking on Saturday at 12:30 for all attendees with Q & A’s following… See you at the top of the Stratosphere Friday night.