I’m actually packing clothes around the shoes I’m bringing. For sure I’m bringing a pair of chocolate brown slides and a pair of aqua colored flat sandals with some glittering stuff on them. I’m also going to bring a pair of black sandals or slides I just haven’t picked yet. Don’t tell me I need more than three pairs of shoes for 2 1/2 days 🙂
I couldn’t be the only person at YKos without my laptop. Even though I hate lugging laptops around.
Besides, what happens when I want to talk to the person sitting next to me and he or she gives me a look of panic when I actually communicate by moving my lips rather than my fingers? When in rome …
Well, the odds aren’t very good, but I never say never. That would be really fun — I’ve never really been east of Denver, except for in passing, and I’d love to meet you and everyone. If you ever make it out Seattle way, we’ll have to get together!
I’m sure you’ll have a great time in Vegas — how’s the packing going?
I don’t think so. That last one didn’t work out so well. With great power comes great responsibility and all that. Right this minute I’m actually WORKING to put together a shoe blog for tomorrow.
At least for another day or so before I head off to the Great North Wet… 😉 (Actually weather in Seattle’s supposed to be pretty decent; chance of showers on Monday and Wednesday, but partly sunny the rest of the time.)
Damn — got to get moving but my butt’s glued to the desk chair…I only planned to sit down long enough to do the newspaper holds, honest… lol (At least I got one suitcase packed today, stuff like underwear and nightwear…)
Going to try and get moving to get a bit done before bedtime…have a good one folks…
That’s right! You’re the one coming to Seattle — I accused Second Nature of it the other day.
Will you be here for long? We’ve had a few days of really nice, sunny weather, but it was overcast today and quite chilly. When you’re packing, remember it’s all about layers.
Whew…I’d hate to be the only one who missed the party. :>)
To be honest, if I had any idea how big and extensive it was going to be, I would have made the time, money and effort. But, I just dismissed it cause it was a Kos thing. But, I would have loved to meet alot of the people here, including BooMan.
You must check out the link below… this story was #1 of KO’s Top 3 news stories of today… I’m still laughing, since it’s across town on the East side! Des Moines Flood Basin
Heyas there Izzy, O-Livia, Mary, Kamakhya and anyone I missed speeding through those comments to post this….
I hate to admit that the worst person in the world on KO tonight was also from Iowa… Spencer, up north. Mother arrested on meth charges calls 18 yr old son on her one call from jail … says ‘you need to raise some bail money, sell that pot I have stashed in the refrigerator.’ Um, she was listened to, and son arrested for possession, both now in jail! Oh, the ignominy!!
Nope, no rain yet. Supposed to get (70% chance, however they determine that) storms tomorrow night, which will probably happen since a lot of my delphiniums are just starting to bloom and will get blown down or something. We need the rain desperately though… going on 3 wks here dry.
And finally, as C said… ‘Well, now we’re the city with a penis!’ Not so sure how that reflects on us but hey…
First w/ the penis and then w/ the dope-duo … I suppose there could be worse things … at least you can say you’re the city w/ the biggest one around … 😉
Anyway, had to share… too bad Cali isn’t still here since she watches KO religiously too… I cringe when we pop up occasionally there.
On the good side though… all this watering appears to be paying off, since I see lots of seedlings coming up (stuff I planted!) and today I saw the first Zebrina Mallow bloom on some plants I rescued from the weeds last weekend!
Zebrina is supposed to be an annual but behaves like a perennial here, and there are quite a few more than there used to be. It’s like a small hollyhock (duh, mallow)but blooms all up the stalk of the plant… it’s got a purple flower with veiny ‘zebra’ stripes in it… neat stuff we planted from seeds a few years ago. I’ll try to get a picture of it and the delphiniums before they get knocked over by a storm… I’ve got some cool ones blooming now and the rest all have spikes up… and the Blue Butterfly in the back opened up its first flower today.
Sounds rather neat — looking forward to seeing both that and your favoured delphiniums … 🙂 Do you ever cut any of your flowers and bring them inside?
It is very much like a small hollyhock (smaller than prairie mallow) and you know I love the mallows with all my hibiscus, lol.
As for cutting… with my delphiniums, I cut them only if they are blown over or something, as they don’t last long indoors. Now, the zinnias, on the other hand, those things last for upwards of a week indoors and cutting them only promotes more blooms, so you see more of those inside. I guess you could say that my ‘pets’ stay outside if at all possible. And I want to collect seeds from some of them, though I always cut my delphiums back after the first bloom so I get more in the fall if the season plays out properly…
The last few days I’ve been taking tupperware containers full of roses into the office, and today I took daylililes, peonies, and catnip. (What a weird bouquet eh?)
I think I’m going to retire early tonight. Been a long dramatic week and more FCH to come tomorrow.
It was nice to see you pop in tonight — I hope the 70% is right and you get your rain. Give Pepa and Rolly a squeeze for me … 🙂
Yup, I need to get retired myself here real quick. You sure have a lot to share there… our garden is much more humble than perhaps you imagine… but we cut very little. The Liatris, though, are gearing up for some stelllar shows soon though…
Hope you survive FCH tomorrow… looks like I’ll most likely have a boring day tomorrow, but then, crises always seem to happen around 3:00 pm on Fridays, so who knows?
Hope to have pics this weekend, but if the rain forecasts hold up… not sure, but I won’t be complaining since even the bee balm and the coneflowers were wilting the other night! Perkier now since I watered though…
but haven’t watched Keith yet…nagging spouse to get laundry going for the umpteenth time (fortunately we have one laundry room that’s open 24/7 because it’s next to the pool and not too near any of the apartment buildings). Once he gets it going, we’ll watch most of “Countdown” till it’s time for him to stick the clothes in the dryer. We were intending to be in bed early tonight…but the best laid plans, yadda yadda yadda. 🙂
(Actually I’m doing okay in the packing department; got my small suitcase packed, and just about ready to tackle the big one tomorrow once the laundry’s done since some of what I’m taking is being washed.)
Well if nothing else, click on the link I posted when I came in… you’ll get a laugh I guarantee. But like I said earlier, I cringe when KO singles us out for some goofy thing like that.
Hope you two have a great time on your trip!! I’m sure you both need and deserve a good break away from it all…
New clean cafe. Come on in.
I’m heading off to bed. Everyone have a good night.
Goodnight, FM, and sweet dreams!
Goodnight FM.
… now the important thing — what shoes are you taking?
I’m actually packing clothes around the shoes I’m bringing. For sure I’m bringing a pair of chocolate brown slides and a pair of aqua colored flat sandals with some glittering stuff on them. I’m also going to bring a pair of black sandals or slides I just haven’t picked yet. Don’t tell me I need more than three pairs of shoes for 2 1/2 days 🙂
No… no, that should be fine. I suppose. Although sandals don’t really count, do they?
And they don’t take up much room in a suitcase. I’ll be fine.
Okay, fine! I have to admit you can’t really go wrong with sandals in Vegas. And as long as you’re building your wardrobe around the shoes, I approve.
So what about the laptop? Can we be expecting liveblogging?
I couldn’t be the only person at YKos without my laptop. Even though I hate lugging laptops around.
Besides, what happens when I want to talk to the person sitting next to me and he or she gives me a look of panic when I actually communicate by moving my lips rather than my fingers? When in rome …
For some reason I feel relieved!
It would be fun to meet you in person. Any chance you can come to Chicago in October?
Well, the odds aren’t very good, but I never say never. That would be really fun — I’ve never really been east of Denver, except for in passing, and I’d love to meet you and everyone. If you ever make it out Seattle way, we’ll have to get together!
I’m sure you’ll have a great time in Vegas — how’s the packing going?
And maybe you’ll come. Olivia’s going to be there you know 🙂
I think I’m finished packing but I’m making a list to see if I missed anything. (I know, I know. Most people make the list first …)
No need to make excuses to me — I’ve never successfully made a list in my life.
Good to hear you’re all ready. I hope you have good travels and a great time!
BTW are you planning on staging any coups here or on ET while everyone is gone?
I don’t think so. That last one didn’t work out so well. With great power comes great responsibility and all that. Right this minute I’m actually WORKING to put together a shoe blog for tomorrow.
Meant to send sooner but too much crises du jour… 🙂
Hey maryb … did you see this pic tonight?
Hi Olivia! How are you?
Oh what a cute picture!
Hi O! tomorrow’s Friday. Your week’s almost over!
Hi all. I was just thinking that I’ve got to be the only person not going to DKos and then I joined this thread and saw Izzy is staying! :>)
Oh, you’re definitely not alone! I’ve been making a complete pest of myself about it.
At least for another day or so before I head off to the Great North Wet… 😉 (Actually weather in Seattle’s supposed to be pretty decent; chance of showers on Monday and Wednesday, but partly sunny the rest of the time.)
Damn — got to get moving but my butt’s glued to the desk chair…I only planned to sit down long enough to do the newspaper holds, honest… lol (At least I got one suitcase packed today, stuff like underwear and nightwear…)
Going to try and get moving to get a bit done before bedtime…have a good one folks…
That’s right! You’re the one coming to Seattle — I accused Second Nature of it the other day.
Will you be here for long? We’ve had a few days of really nice, sunny weather, but it was overcast today and quite chilly. When you’re packing, remember it’s all about layers.
Whew…I’d hate to be the only one who missed the party. :>)
To be honest, if I had any idea how big and extensive it was going to be, I would have made the time, money and effort. But, I just dismissed it cause it was a Kos thing. But, I would have loved to meet alot of the people here, including BooMan.
You must check out the link below… this story was #1 of KO’s Top 3 news stories of today… I’m still laughing, since it’s across town on the East side!
Des Moines Flood Basin
Heyas there Izzy, O-Livia, Mary, Kamakhya and anyone I missed speeding through those comments to post this….
That’s not a joke right?
This is a legit page from the DSM Register today! Click it and laugh.
That’s crazy — they had to know what they were doing when they planned that … 🙂
How are you doing? Still no rain?
I hate to admit that the worst person in the world on KO tonight was also from Iowa… Spencer, up north. Mother arrested on meth charges calls 18 yr old son on her one call from jail … says ‘you need to raise some bail money, sell that pot I have stashed in the refrigerator.’ Um, she was listened to, and son arrested for possession, both now in jail! Oh, the ignominy!!
Nope, no rain yet. Supposed to get (70% chance, however they determine that) storms tomorrow night, which will probably happen since a lot of my delphiniums are just starting to bloom and will get blown down or something. We need the rain desperately though… going on 3 wks here dry.
And finally, as C said… ‘Well, now we’re the city with a penis!’ Not so sure how that reflects on us but hey…
First w/ the penis and then w/ the dope-duo … I suppose there could be worse things … at least you can say you’re the city w/ the biggest one around … 😉
Anyway, had to share… too bad Cali isn’t still here since she watches KO religiously too… I cringe when we pop up occasionally there.
On the good side though… all this watering appears to be paying off, since I see lots of seedlings coming up (stuff I planted!) and today I saw the first Zebrina Mallow bloom on some plants I rescued from the weeds last weekend!
Never heard of Zebrina mallow — is that like regular mallow?
Zebrina is supposed to be an annual but behaves like a perennial here, and there are quite a few more than there used to be. It’s like a small hollyhock (duh, mallow)but blooms all up the stalk of the plant… it’s got a purple flower with veiny ‘zebra’ stripes in it… neat stuff we planted from seeds a few years ago. I’ll try to get a picture of it and the delphiniums before they get knocked over by a storm… I’ve got some cool ones blooming now and the rest all have spikes up… and the Blue Butterfly in the back opened up its first flower today.
June is for Delphiniums!
Sounds rather neat — looking forward to seeing both that and your favoured delphiniums … 🙂 Do you ever cut any of your flowers and bring them inside?
It is very much like a small hollyhock (smaller than prairie mallow) and you know I love the mallows with all my hibiscus, lol.
As for cutting… with my delphiniums, I cut them only if they are blown over or something, as they don’t last long indoors. Now, the zinnias, on the other hand, those things last for upwards of a week indoors and cutting them only promotes more blooms, so you see more of those inside. I guess you could say that my ‘pets’ stay outside if at all possible. And I want to collect seeds from some of them, though I always cut my delphiums back after the first bloom so I get more in the fall if the season plays out properly…
The last few days I’ve been taking tupperware containers full of roses into the office, and today I took daylililes, peonies, and catnip. (What a weird bouquet eh?)
I think I’m going to retire early tonight. Been a long dramatic week and more FCH to come tomorrow.
It was nice to see you pop in tonight — I hope the 70% is right and you get your rain. Give Pepa and Rolly a squeeze for me … 🙂
And I just realized that it’s Friday!
Yup, I need to get retired myself here real quick. You sure have a lot to share there… our garden is much more humble than perhaps you imagine… but we cut very little. The Liatris, though, are gearing up for some stelllar shows soon though…
Hope you survive FCH tomorrow… looks like I’ll most likely have a boring day tomorrow, but then, crises always seem to happen around 3:00 pm on Fridays, so who knows?
Hope to have pics this weekend, but if the rain forecasts hold up… not sure, but I won’t be complaining since even the bee balm and the coneflowers were wilting the other night! Perkier now since I watered though…
… hope tomorrow (or today) goes fast so you can get home to you furry loves and your garden … 🙂
And it’s really not a lot here — just those damned roses … 😉
Good night!
Night there, eh, Olivia? Glad we only have that one little rose here… too much other stuff to worry about!
I still have chocolate at my desk, so holler loud if there’s a problem for you today!
I’m outta here myself! Hoping for rain…….
but haven’t watched Keith yet…nagging spouse to get laundry going for the umpteenth time (fortunately we have one laundry room that’s open 24/7 because it’s next to the pool and not too near any of the apartment buildings). Once he gets it going, we’ll watch most of “Countdown” till it’s time for him to stick the clothes in the dryer. We were intending to be in bed early tonight…but the best laid plans, yadda yadda yadda. 🙂
(Actually I’m doing okay in the packing department; got my small suitcase packed, and just about ready to tackle the big one tomorrow once the laundry’s done since some of what I’m taking is being washed.)
Now it’s the anticipation that’s getting to me…
Well if nothing else, click on the link I posted when I came in… you’ll get a laugh I guarantee. But like I said earlier, I cringe when KO singles us out for some goofy thing like that.
Hope you two have a great time on your trip!! I’m sure you both need and deserve a good break away from it all…
Hey, IVG — how ya doing? Thanks for the link!
when Keith had this on tonight… good thing I had taped it while I was out watering so C could see it. Ah, our fair city!
and he had two comments:
Geez…and I thought I had a warped sense of humor…looks like his is coming back just in time for vacation… 😉
Heh… glad you two got a kick out of it… when you see KO do it, you’ll get an extra laugh.
Enjoy the cruise you two! But hope you don’t get stranded on the islets of Langerhaans… lol.
KO was great tonight, as always…. but his smackdown of Ann Coulter last night was even better……