Those who have followed the goings on, in the region of the Middle East, have followed the Rise of a Brutal but little known Regional Extremist named al-Zarqawi, as well as other Muslim Fundamentalists. The following short interview is with just one, of many experts on the region, who understand the Policies of the Politics and the Propaganda. Listen carefully and research for a better understanding yourselves.
You can listen to this Report, and a few more, at the site.

The Rise and Fall of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
All Things Considered, June 8, 2006 · Who was Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi — and what does his death mean for al-Qaida in Iraq?
For detailed answers to those questions, Robert Siegel talks with Loretta Napoleoni, author of Insurgent Iraq: Al-Zarqawi and al-Qaida’s New Generation and Terror Inc.: Tracing the Money Behind Global Terrorism.
According to Napoleoni, the Jordanian gained international attention when Colin Powell mentioned his name before a U.N. Assembly in 2003. At the time he was not a member of al-Qaeda, but it was enough to inflate his image and role. Zarqawi’s role eventually grew, as he became the most wanted militant in Iraq. At the time of his death, there was a $25 million bounty for Zarqawi’s capture or killing.

The short interview below preceeded the above on the 6-8-06 ‘All Things Considered’ NPR show. It is an interesting report of what just one young man has been doing since 9/11, becoming another expert Analyst of the Region and the Jihadists of same, and what may come about with Zarqawi’s death as to Criminal Terrorists Actions and who may become the next boggieman of the Washington Cabal!

Young Analyst Tracks Traffic on Jihadist Web Sites
by Mary Louise Kelly
All Things Considered, June 8, 2006 · Word of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s death spread rapidly among his followers. By early Thursday, Internet chat rooms frequented by Islamist extremists were buzzing. Among those reading along was a young American by the name of Evan Kohlmann, who has become a sought-after expert on the sites.
The 27-year-old has risen to become one of the most widely-quoted terrorism analysts in the world. He spends his days tracking extremist Web sites — often penetrating ones that U.S. officials can’t crack. Kohlmann monitors blogs that cover subjects ranging from which suicide vest works best to how to mix homemade ricin poison. His expertise has made him a sought-after witness in government trials, and in the press.

After listening to the report above,The Rise and Fall of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the first part of this ‘PBS NewsHour Report’, below,  is a perfect example of the Spin put on the al-Zarqawi Building Stardom and Bigger than Life Reputation of this Brutal but Smalltime Regional Criminal, probably causing his Much More Brutal Actions carried out in the Guerilla/Insurgent Iraq War. The Marketing of his Reputation, giving Rise to the Fear Factor Worldwide, gave the War Mongering Washington Cabal just what they wanted! Who will be the Next bogeyman they Create, searching for Support, Lost, of their Totally Destructive Behavior!!

You can Listen Here

Or listen and read transcript here:U.S., Iraqi Leaders Hail al-Zarqawi Death
 With news of al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s death in a U.S. air strike Wednesday, President Bush called his death a victory in the war on terror and an opportunity for Iraq to “turn the tide” against the insurgency.