In a seeming coincidence, the City of Las Vegas has just announced that, in addition to being site of the first annual Yearly Kos Festival, the self styled City of Sin has also been awarded exclusive rights to host the 10th Annual Hooters Swimsuit Pageant, apparently for the 10th year in a row.

According to the Hard Rock Hotel Sports Book, Maryscott O’Connor has been installed as the early 6-9 betting favorite to sweep all awards at both the Kos Festival and the Hooter’s Pageant.

It was not immediately known whether Ms. O’Connor’s film-crew-in-tow will be allowed into the swimsuit competition. However, according to the producers of the highly popular “Liberals Gone Wild” series, videos of both events will soon be available on all major late night cable TV outlets for only $6.66.

All proceeds from sales of the videos will be donated to help fund John Kerry in the principled, valiant struggle to change his own mind about supporting the War in Iraq.

Stay tuned to this diary for further reports…You will NOT see this story anywhere else, not on FNC, CNN, AP or OUI.

Bet on it.

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