Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Napping
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Clean cafe open. If your not in Vegas, you better be here. Much nicer surroundings.
What, are you going to call roll?
Hi Brother F. No roll call, but I figures it a much nicer place to be than Vegas.
No argument here! What I’d like is a shot of each of those beers mixed into one pint. <smack smack>
Anything ya want Bro.F. If you don’t see it, in our virtual back room I’m sure we have it.
I took pictures of some ringneck snakes (little guys that are only about 6″-10″ long) and was going to post them but I decided I couldn’t do that to you on a day when you had to go to the dentist.
You are a kind soul Andi. But let me get this straight.
You actually got close enough to snakes to take pictures?
I just don’t know about that.
except for the poisonous kind. And ringneck are itty, bitty guys.
A snake, is a snake, is a snake. The end. π
They really aren’t very impressive.
Heck Andi, don’t worry about me. Go ahead and post them.
Whenever I scroll by them, I’ll just turn my head. π
… of course I wanna see them. π Can you give a link so that we don’t scare FM away?
I want a drink. But I have to wait until tomorrow night. (sigh)
Hi KB. It’s virtual, anything you want.
How’re you doing today?
I’m OK. I’m doing the prep for that procedure I mentioned in the cafe last night (I don’t want to depress the cafe for mentioning it at the top of the page)
And a healthcare blog linked to my Hacker’s Diet stories. So I’m hoping I’ll be an overnight success (I’m kidding. The blog that linked to me doesn’t get very many more visitors than me.)
How are you — recovered from the dentist yet?
KB anything you ever would put in here would never depress the cafe.
Still pretty dead from the dentist, but it was only a filling, so I’m not expecting any pain, I hope. π
Have you had a colonoscopy before? I had one a few years back and the prep for the procedure was really the only bad part.
I agree with you Andi. The procedure itself is nothing.
It’s just drinking the stuff the night before and the, ahem, effects.
Yes, this will be my third. I had the second just two years ago. But, I’m probably going to have to have surgery (I’ll talk about THAT some other day) and as a part of that, they want to do this. And it turns out, insurance won’t do the colonoscopy and the surgery within 24 hours of each other. So, I’ve got to go through the whole prep/fear thing twice.
I’m waiting to do the surgery until after my examination by the uro-gynocologist. Because if it turns out I have to have surgery to take care of that pelvic floor problem, they can do it all at once.
but combining everything sounds like a good idea — get it all over with.
I’m off to the recycling center. If you’re still in the cafe when I get back, I owe you a great, big bunch of commiseration.
Have fun at the recycling center. I’m pretty sure I’ll be here.
I’ll be here too.
The feeling is starting to come back and no pain from the dentist so far. Ya Hoo. π
I was wondering how you made out … π
This time wasn’t bad at all. Hopefully the next appointment will be the same. π
but the house and environs looks considerably less cluttered with all the cardboard, bottles, cans, and glass gone.
Is your daughter home from school or did she stay in St. Louis?
I envy you (tonight, in more ways than one). Yes she’s home, graduated and in her own apartment. All pretty much as soon as she got back in town.
Yay, Happy Hour!
Happy to leave the cubicle.
See you all later, heading home.
Hi ask/Bye ask. Plent here for ya if you drop back in.
Happy Hour! Woohoo!
Time to leave the cubicle!
See you at the bar.
Heeeelllloooo Omir. How’s the day gone?
Pretty good. I wish I’d gotten a little more attention for my impeachment diary, though. I’ve had Sunday Griots that drew more comments.
Of course I posted them during the slowest time of the slowest day of the week so they’d get more attention from the people who were there, but still.
How are you doing?
I’m fine. As soon as I saw it I went over and rec’d it, both here and there.
I wish it had gotten more notice too. It’s one of those diaries that make sense.
Maybe it’ll make the late night diary rescue over on Big Orange. It’s still on the list here, which is one of the things I like about BT. The good diaries tend to stay around for a while.
Yeah I see you’re right up there on the Recommended Diaries.
I checked out that place, netvibes, you gave for RSS feeds the other day. I went ahead and sign up, it pretty cool.
I like it a lot. I’ve got about ten blogs’ headlines on display, plus four news feeds, and I’d do more if I could find the RSS feeds for the sites in question.
Hi Olivia. How was Fact Checking Hell today? Did you od on chocolate?
It was hell. G-o-i-n-g s-o s-l-o-w-l-y … Can one od on chocolate? I don’t think that’s possible lol! I’ve got chocolate ice cream on the menu for later tonight. π
The other night I saw on TV a show about the history of chocolate. Guess who I thought of. π
Did you watch any of it? Find out any interesting tidbits?
I think the biggest surprise was seeing it used in foods you would never think of in conjuction with chocolate.
Such as pan fried scallops. The chef that made them said it was his biggest seller. Go figure. π
Sounds like the ruination of good chocolate to me … I like to keep it pure. But, then if I had to eat scallops I suppose they’d go down better covered in chocolate … π
So I guess you’re a, ah, er chocolate snob. π
You have to admit there is good choc and bad choc … that’s not snobby … π
I agree with you on the chocolate. I also can’t imagine it on scallops.
But remember I told you I saw on the news where they were saying chocolate is the cure all for everything. It even raises the IQ.
So that’s why I’m eating double the amt of choc these last two weeks — not only is it a comfort food, but it’s keeping my brains in shape. π
Works for me. π
In fact all this talk of choc: I’m going to get my ice cream now. π
O — added your link to my bookmarks this afternoon. Gotta photog question for ya: Is your 50mm a prime?
50mm 1:2.8 DG Macro D.
It is my favourite lens and I pretty much use it exclusively (and note that I’ve only had it since April lol so I’m no pro here). It requires me to get really up close to the action, as it were, which is what I love about taking photos. I also have a 105mm and a 17-70mm. I find it hard to focus w/ the 105mm and you need a lot of light, and the 17-70 I use for non-flower type stuff (which means not a whole hell of a lot ;).
What kind of camera/lens are you using?
Thanks for the bkmark link! If Blogger ever gets figured out I hope you’ll leave a comment too … π
I’ve got the D70, purchased 2 years ago. The kit 18-70 lens has done me very well, and I picked up the 70-300ED lens over a year ago. But a good fast standard lens would be a godsend. I’ve been eyeing the 50mm f/1.4 and the 50mm f/1.8 (and wondering why one costs more than twice as much as the other). I’ve had poor experiences w/ 3rd-party lenses before, so I think I’ll be sticking with Nikkors from now on.
It’s a shame I haven’t been able to spare the time lately to taking pictures. The cherry blossoms in late March were the last time I really had the opportunity to devote to photography. <sigh> And now there’s talk of putting the photofair on again, thanks to me & my big mouth! π
I think that the smaller the f number (aperture?) the more expensive … I’m sure JimF could explain this or dada … definitely not me. I’m barely holding my own here …
I didn’t realize you had a d70. That’s what JimF has as well. And one thing I did notice is that the Nikkor lenses feel better — smoother etc.
I remember those last photos you shared — I still have the tulip one and use it as my wallpaper from time to time!
So yeah … what’s up w/ the photofair — you and kb signing up for Pt2?
Well if you look in one of the threads from last night, you’ll se that k-bird and I are hiding behind the couch in order to avoid the responsibility for doing the photofair again. And I didn’t do a fraction of the work she & Andi did!
As for the lenses, yeah the 1.4 is much more expensive, but I can’t understand why such a small difference in max aperture causes such a large difference in price. (I think basically I’m looking for someone to say “Go for the cheap one, BF, it’s almost as good.”). I also wonder what effect the 1.5x crop factor will have, other than give it the FOV of a 75mm. But perhaps this discussion might be better suited for rather than BMT….
It would be worth checking out photo quality between them if you could.
(And if you guys are seriously considering PFpt2, I’d be willing to help out.)
but the nomenclature is backwards…the larger the f-stop is the less light gets in…the smaller more light…sort of a confusing dichotomy. The 1.4 lets in more light than the 1.8, so in essence is a ‘faster’ lens…the cost differential is due to the glass in the lenses.
Lenses which have wide maximum apertures and let in lots of light are called fast lenses. Lenses which let in comparatively less light at their maximum apertures are called slow lenses.
See here for a Tedious Explanation of the f/stop, scroll down about half way for discussion re: lenses.
My experience w/ fast lenses [canon 50mm/f1.2] is that they are sharper, and give better depth of field across the whole range of f/stops.
Hope this helps…it’s probably TMI.
And Thanks for that link!
easily wiled…:{)
How ya doin’ O?
I finally got water again, but there’s still a big hole in the street. Actually, it’s quite nice as there’s zero traffic…makes an amazing difference.
With luck, they won’t have to shut it off to finish tomorrow.
You can’t resist a damsel in photodistress? π
Doing good — got my choc ice cream.
That’s good about the water … and I guess the traffic too. Isn’t traffic getting better now that summer is here — you were saying before that summer is lighter d/t college …?
but I like this picture because the little white worm looks like the beastie that burst out of john hurt in alien.
But where are the ring neck snakes, you know the cute harmless itty bitty ones? (Oh and great flower shot! I like the worm too, and also really like the composition of the way those two flowers go together.)
Cool picture and very non-threatening worm. π
<{sotto voce}> So where does she get that beastie bursting out of john hurt in alien thing? <{end sotto voce}>
I was sort of wondering that myself. π
The way it’s curved and the shape of the it look like it to me. Hey, it’s my imagination and my picture, it can look like whatever I want. π
Just wanted to get on that bus with you! LOL
<aside to mm> i don’t see it either </aside>
<aside to BrotherFeldspar> she says it’s just her imagination, but in at good way…<end aside to BrotherFeldspar>
<aside> maybe we should humor her, in that case </aside>
Oh yeah!!! I see it now! It looks exactly like the larval creature in Alien! Good call, Andi!
I’ve always found it very wise to humor Andi.
Not that anyone has every had to, but just in case it were to ever happen, just to humor her, just in case.
I’ll add it to my BMT checklist:
There are other items I’m missing.
Don’t know BF. I’m still calling myself a newbie, so I finding out as I go.
I have found having a helmet to put on in the cafe helps sometimes. π
I know how we can humor her best — let’s all chip in a thousand bucks and send it to her.
That doesn’t come under the heading of humor, more the heading of crazy. But anything to humor Andi. Be expecting an envelope tomorrow.
I want to be humoured too!!!
To late. New cafe opened. You missed your chance. π
This is awesome — I love the perspective! And the water on the petals and the worm! And the open flower and closed flower … and the bokeh or the background is so smooth … Did you have to do WBP* to get this shot?
(*wet belly photography/JimF)
wet knee photography
wet dog photography (which is what happens when you do wkp and the dogs want to help you get the shot).
I always just look at it as playing in the mud. π
It’s amazing how you can manage to get such great pix w/ all your helpers around. π
Just to show how little they are.

TO LATE. Holy Geeze those things are huge!
Family Man, that’s a pin…not a nail.
That’s not a pin or a nail. It’s one of those gaint spikes. I know, you can’t fool me. π
blue tailed skinks and now these guys…is that an Indiana thing?
to be stuck in a red state.
So did you just happen to have that nail handy? That was nice of you: making sure FM could see how small they really are.
You should pop these in keres’ dog and critter blog.
that exposed the snakes is in the dog blogging.
(lurking) And not feeling so good. I might post again, but might not.
I hope you get to feeling better KB.
Feel better, k-bird! We’re all with you.
but I know that isn’t too likely for the rest of this evening. Maybe you can distract yourself with a book.
Luckily when we were out buying the stuff we had to buy I discovered a new Jayne Ann Krentz novel. One of the Harmony ones. So in between the nausea, I am happily distracted.
Hope everything comes out okay. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I definitely have heard that the prep is the worst part. Luckily I’m FAR too young to have to worry about routine colonoscopies – for many many more years. Yeah, right.
Thanks, SN — (sniff)
Sorry you’re not feeling well tonight and that you have to go through this … I hope it’s not too uncomfortable … {{{kb}}}
{{olivia}} Thanks.
(I guess I’m leaving again for a while) (sniff)
I think I’ll go over and open up a 24/7 since it’s getting close to my bedtime.
Be back in a minute.
Froggy Bottom 24/7 Cafe Here