This is the Spontaneous Uprising diary (it says so in the title.)
As BooMan is doing Important BooMan Stuff in Los Vegas. Hob-knobbing with political leaders, the Movers, the Shakers ——
I thought that sect had, more-or-less, died out?
It’s a gift to be simple,
It’s a gift to be free,
It’s a gift to run around naked
and make whoopie in June.
H’mmm. Somehow I don’t think that’s right.
I think:
is a really Great Leader and a man that has the whole world in his heart when he makes decisions.
And he:
is kind, generous, and deeply concerned with the ability of the French people to achieve Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité in their daily lives and, indeed, across France.
And what can be said about …
What a man. Strong in his opinions. A fighter for Truth and Justice. Able to make the hard decisions yet a true compassion and understanding for the British people united under the Queen (God Bless ‘er!)
And as they stand …
(Ok, sit)
united these three Great Leaders of the three Greatest Powers of Western (and therefore the Greatest) Civilization will take us by the hand and lead us into the future.
Oh …
Yeah …
What’s her name ….
She’s OK, by me, too.
[The preceeding was an unpaid political announcement showing that even lefties of the libertarian persuasion can be bought. More complete and total bullshit can be purchased by sums of money mailed to the writer at this blog address.]
I would like to add the 2004 Merlot from Leaping Horse Vineyards, Lodi California, U.S. of A., is absolutely pointless. No flavour, no bouquet (nose,) no complexity, no ‘There/There.’ In fact no nothing.
Except for a sugary sweetness that lingers – for far too long – in the mouth.
Oh. And an annoying dryness.
It’s one and only redeeming feature is the alcohol content about which I care not a whit as I am neither pregnant – too bad, I could sell me to the circus – or do I plan on operating heavy machinery in the very near future.
[This diary has been cross-posted to Euro-Trib. I should have noted that in the diary but I didn’t. Sue me. This diary will self-destruct in 1 day. No limited warranty is offered as no warranty is made. This diary gets 1,000 mpg city/20,000 miles highway. Your Mileage May Vary. My user number is lower than your user number so pffffftttt! – I’m important and you’re not.]
those damn triple-digit users, they think they know everything.
where’ve you been AT? Offline or lurking graciously?
Lurking while reality seriously interferes with my blogging.
But since you have a userid in the double digits I hereby grovel at your feet.
How you doin’, Man?
especially since it’ll be Friday in less than two hours. Work has been hell so in ultimate passive-aggressive form I’ve been ignoring my piles of work for the past couple of days and spent more time online. heehee.
Always good to see you around, especially if it involves groveling at my feet ;o)
Work may be hell but that’s why you get the big bucks, eh?
it gives me time to hang out by the beach down the street.
No. No. No!
Get With The Program!
It’s “Ad-hoc research on anthropological activities in the ocean/land interface zone with particular emphasis on the effects of water/saline atmosphere and solar thermo-radiation on subjective workplace productivity metrics.”
the funding for that brand of research was cut for the Tucson sector in the last round of congressional negotiations. 😉
I will sue you, but before I do, you must promise that I will win enough to take one or two days off.
he may be a front-pager but he’s still a relative newbie…cute panda pics and all… 😉
(And I got all you folks beat, so there!)
I’m assuming Chris is a he…modify pronouns to “she” if necessary…
(Damn, I’m tired…)
“He” works better than “she” in my case, but thanks for being open minded. This gave me the best uncontrolled giggle of the night, and in a very good way too. Thanks.
I look at FP’ers only to mock & scorn. They have to toe the line otherwise they are cast into the outer darkness where there is only a wailing and gnashing to teeth.
Besides, it’s not really how small your userid number is; it’s what you do with it that counts.
Ah, you are doing well, young grasshopper. Although it would help if you included a tasty breakfast item. All stick, no carrot just doesn’t work out that well.
Screw ’em.
Use them and cast them aside when you’ve drained the last quivering erg of life from their bodies.
A brutal system but it’s a Republican Adminsration.
(Hey, Izzy)
Izzy and AT now I found you out. So this is were you are having the little revolt.
I don’t have to toe any line. I have too much shit going on in my life to waste a second worrying about how to toe the line. Mock and scorn me please, but not because I toe any line, but because my positions or my writing suck. Nail me on the stuff I deserve to be nailed on. I’m still trying to get my head around this “oh fuck, people read this site” to worry about what the hell Booman thinks I ought to write. He makes it pretty easy on me by asking me to do the stuff I’ve been doing for a year or so now on my own site, and offers no editorial input. I know your comment was meant as a joke, but I’ve been getting hammered lately for showing up out of the blue and having a high user ID, so you’ll understand of it’s a bigger deal to me than it would be to a sane person. Anyway, whether you think my stuff is good or for shit, please take it as coming from me, because it is. In my opinion, life is too short to shill for anybody else’s opinion, and if I’m ever asked to do that by this or any site, you’ll stop seeing me. Life is too short and the salary is for shit.
I just reread what I wrote and I feel really stupid. This was way too funky a reply to your comment. Sorry. Sometimes I just let some of the weird shit floating around my fairly vacant skull to creep out into a shitty defensive comment. I’d blame it on the booze, but that’s the easy way out. I meant no harm.
What’s that old Taoist slogan? “Shit happens.”
Hence, no worries.
Ya got any jazz vids lined up for Sunday?
Yeah, I’ll probably have something. A lot of the clips I wanted to play have been deleted by You Tube, so it’s getting harder to find stuff show. I could avoid the videos altogether, but I think they make it more interesting for people who aren’t all that tuned into jazz.
You might – maybe, perhaps – be able to get enough for a Super-Sized value meal at McDonalds.
Why do you think I’m whoring propagandistic persfilage?
I could get by on a McDonald s value meal for a bit if I had to. I don’t think McDonald s runs any restaurants in my neighborhood, so I’ll probably need a better, more convenient offer. I’m willing to settle for a BLT without the tomatoes and a cheap beer in a plastic cup. Take it up with your counsel and we’ll hammer out the details.