I’m a bit busy this week, so I’m posting pictures I took a few years ago.
These are Australian Dingos. They live at a breeding reserve in Victoria, run by the kind of fellow you’d expect to have made his life’s passion the rescue of pure-bred Dingos.
Dingos arrived in Australia about four thousand years ago. It’s supposed that they were brought as a part of a load of a trade-goods that polynesians bartered with Aboriginal Australians.
Other than man (and native rats and mice), the Dingo was the first placential mammal to enter Australia. One presumes the consequences for the native fauna were nearly as disasterous as when humans first arrived.
But nature adapts, and they now have their place in the Australian bush.
Hi keres. How’re things going?
We don’t get nearly enough Bu around here d … 🙂
Olivia: Your Climbing Hydrangea is Really Beautiful!
Or dais for the lord of all he surveys.
Sniff is thinking “to howl or not to howl, that is the question.”
He looks exactly like he’s surveying his domain lol!
his domain.
That is so funny … what a cutie!
She’s another of my sister’s kittens. A weird name for a cat, but her mother’s name is Mrs. Robinson, so I guess it makes sense if you get really meta with your cat names.
That was before he was neutered. Now I think of him as “Monster in a Scoop.”

Here he is looking for my high-school friend. She was visiting during his adoption and left the day he went to the vet. He has good memories of her. But the scene I encountered when I came in from watering the lawn. I opened the bathroom door to find the floor littered in green fluff that he tore from his little bed which was upside down. His water was spilt, newspapers wet, feces by the toilet, and he was chewing the tubing that he tore out of his Buster collar When I thought of all the perfect dog comments I laughed out loud.
He also started thundering down the hall, running amok into rooms where he would come to a dead stop and lie down. He is barely 10 pounds but he can thunder. (I have tenants downstairs.)He refuses to go for walks, just lies down on the grass, or runs amok then lies down.
Of course I know that he is suffering so I am kind to him. He is not taking this neutering lying down. Well, actually he is on my lap now, the collar is off, he won. But I have to watch him. Sigh, a good night’s sleep would be nice.
He is getting a little better each day, like he actually stood up when I took him outside at 5:00 am this morning.
is he, sybil? If he came from a shelter and wasn’t used to alot of other dogs, or if he was in an abusive house prior to that, it’s possible that he has a tough time adjusting to big changes. Poor guy, I think I would probably tear up a couple of rooms if I was neutered too. 🙂
and 9-1/2 pounds of hell-fire. lol.
Oh, he was actually ‘perfect’ before the neutering. Quiet and really good. His mother is a pure-bred Yorkie, father unknown, so he was a reject from a breeder, well-cared for but not pampered. He came directly from a good foster-home for Animals for Life.
I will know that he is feeling better when he starts playing with his stuffed monkey.