In an interview published in TIME Magazine. All I can say is what a sickening waste of newsprint:

[Coulter, in response to question from John Cloud, TIME reporter, acting as her interviewer:]

Harpies and witches is what I think they are, which is why I used those words. And I must say, I certainly have spotlighted the issue with my alleged “name-calling.” The entire country is now riveted on the left’s device of using victims to advance their half-baked, unsaleable ideas. From now on, every time the left showcases another sobbing, hysterical woman as their spokesperson, people will say — “gosh she looks like she’s having a good time.” So I’d say my “name calling” has been a smashing success. And by the way, I’ve got a few more names in my bag.

Keith Olbermann had it right when he labeled her shameless and soulless. The question I have is why does TIME continue to offer Coulter a platform in which to spew her peculiar brand of venomous hatred? Is her verbal vomit against the women who lost their husbands on 9/11 really all that newsworthy? Is TIME really that hard up for circulation that they have to destroy their journalistic reputation on behalf of someone so vile and repellent?

FOX News I can understand, though you have to think that even they must be getting tired of her routine by now. But why mainstream news outlets like TIME and The Today Show on NBC feel obligated to promote her message of hate, bigotry and violence is beyond me. I guess they don’t think she’s ready for her McCarthy/Murrow moment just yet. I am, however.