In an interview published in TIME Magazine. All I can say is what a sickening waste of newsprint:
[Coulter, in response to question from John Cloud, TIME reporter, acting as her interviewer:]
Harpies and witches is what I think they are, which is why I used those words. And I must say, I certainly have spotlighted the issue with my alleged “name-calling.” The entire country is now riveted on the left’s device of using victims to advance their half-baked, unsaleable ideas. From now on, every time the left showcases another sobbing, hysterical woman as their spokesperson, people will say — “gosh she looks like she’s having a good time.” So I’d say my “name calling” has been a smashing success. And by the way, I’ve got a few more names in my bag.
Keith Olbermann had it right when he labeled her shameless and soulless. The question I have is why does TIME continue to offer Coulter a platform in which to spew her peculiar brand of venomous hatred? Is her verbal vomit against the women who lost their husbands on 9/11 really all that newsworthy? Is TIME really that hard up for circulation that they have to destroy their journalistic reputation on behalf of someone so vile and repellent?
FOX News I can understand, though you have to think that even they must be getting tired of her routine by now. But why mainstream news outlets like TIME and The Today Show on NBC feel obligated to promote her message of hate, bigotry and violence is beyond me. I guess they don’t think she’s ready for her McCarthy/Murrow moment just yet. I am, however.
If Time continues to publish trash like Ann Coulter’s, they may need to add a disclaimer like Jerry Springer’s “Wasting Technology Since 1991”
…why does TIME continue to offer Coulter a platform…
Because it gets Time attention. (and $)
Blood money, imo
the Empire. Coulter is on the front lines of the Overton Window strategy of moving the country rightward. They don’t care how outrageous their message. It’s just part of a strategy to get what they want, devised in one of their tax-dodging stink tanks. Numbing the populace to cruel language and outrageous behavior breaks down civil society, which makes it easier for them to get away with their sinister machinations.
Well, read a comment from a Time exec (sorry, no link) who said, basically, “Coulter sells”. If the 380,000 hits I got googling “ann coulter”+”time magaazine” are any indication, he’s right. But you know, every single time she utters such nonsense, her bullshit is spread far and wide in blockquotes in the “progressive blogosphere”.
She’s made her nut slamming the left, and waiting for the predictable reaction. If you want to get rid of her, quit quoting her.
stop giving the attention whore attention.
And bury her/it UNDER Jimmy Hoffa.
The focus shouldn’t be on her; any publicity you give, no matter how awesome you think your rebuttal is, is a no-win situation. The focus should be on the shameless so-called liberal media outlets like Time and NBC to even give her McVeighish views a platform.
I’m more than happy to have her continue to spew hate and bigotry the way she does. And I want the average American to hear her and come to the realization that this is what the “right” symbolizes. I want to handcuff Ann Coulter to every Republican and make him/her denouce or support her publicly, the way the pundits do with all of the fringe lefties like Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and Harry Belafonte. Ask every single Republican who comes on Meet the Press or Hardball why Ann Coulter is so angry and does she speak for them.
I believe in the free marketplace of ideas and if this crap sells than so be it. I hate it that Britney Spears and Americal Idol are so popular, but the free marketplace of ideas does not give a damn what I think.
All one can do is hope that overexposure becomes her downfall. She’s going to have to be like that and be old one day. Who will listen to her crap then?
Imagine Whatever Happened to Sweet Baby Jane with Ann Coulter and Karen Hughes in the starring roles.
I refused to renew my subscription last year after they had that soulless and shrill money grubbing bitch on their cover. A female rush limbaugh complete with her very own adam’s apple.
And if as far as giving her any air time…if I needed another reason to hate Lou ‘secure the borders’ Dobbs, he had her on his show yesterday. I didn’t/couldn’t bear to turn the sound up but the body and facial language said it all. He seemed to be leaning towards her, laughing and fawning and seemed to agree with what she was saying-which of course must have been part of her disgusting attack on those 9/11 widows.
I will stop now because anything else I say would go beyond a rant and be absolutely unprintable.
Hey Inkster, I think you’d like this review of Stalking Horse-Face’s Treason from a couple o’years back. It’s dead on and exceedingly funny.
Hi S..thanks for that link. That was as you said a great/fun review..I particularly liked the math triangulation example of craziness. Made perfect (non)sense didn’t it-ha.
are going on a screeching tour together.
Any media organization that does’t demonstrate the capacity to be ashamed of giving the airtime or column inches to gasbag sicko Coulter loses me as a viewer/reader.
Time Magazine and MSNBC have been off my list for a long time now, as has CNN, (because of their airing of William Bennett and the odious Glenn Beck).
Coulter’s reward for her sick psychobabble ranting is all the attention she gets, (like all narcissists), when her rhetoric “gets to” the left and inspires (the all too predictable)outrage. This is what enables her; this is what drives her and leads her to intensify the viciousnes of her lunacy.
I agree with rba above. Stop giving her this attention/reward; without it she has no power.
This is what also pays her bills and allows her to live the lifestyle to which she has grown accustomed.
What journalistic reputation? Time has been garbage for decades — People magazine dressed up like journalists. Why would they feature a desperately aging bimbo like Maggoty Ann? Stupid hatespew makes money in America — otherwise Springer, Oreilly, Dobson and the rest would have to find a way to make honest livings. Time has lotsa money. It don’t need no stinkin reputation OR journalism.
Maggoty Ann
Oh, that’s too funny–and spot on.
Any media entity giving her a platform should be publicly shamed. It’s the equivalent of givng airtime to David Duke.
Please understand, in my opinion, the MSM which certainly includes Time Magazine, has been bought and paid for. You read, see, and hear what their corporate masters want you to read, see, and hear. No more, no less. Ms Coulter is simply providing a service to her masters for a price. That is the American way, is it not??
I have not seen such sizzle on the small screen since Lucy and Desi. I had to mist my TV with rose water, it was overheated by the commercial break!
Producer-types take note: This is big time prime time waiting to happen. Blow American Idol out of the ratings water!
I can see the two of them on Dancing with the Stars.
Hey Duct, did you see my post up thread? I mentioned this also however I refused to turn the sound on but as I said it looked quite the love fest just from the body language. He seemed quite smitten-so what were they talking about? I can imagine but now I want the gory details.
boyhood, of an intensity I think only previously inspired in his generally uninspired life by some very not public moments he enjoyed in the company of Sam Huntington.
I don’t remember the exact words, he seemed uncharacteristically at a loss for them, while Ann tried to maintain her gruff exterior, but her eyes, and some tell-tale changes of pitch and color belied her, and I am almost sure at least one of them uttered the word “prom” at some point, and I was assailed by a sudden vision of her in fluffy pink, with awkward gawking Lou sheepishly handing over the orchid to her mother, lest his attempts to pin it on correctly might result in the taking of a liberty more suited to later in the evening, should the lady’s lips follow the lead of her eyes and the flush that came unbidden to unaccustomed cheeks…
ha-LOL. Thanks for the review-just as I suspected-icky.
I do believe in karma. I do believe in karma. I do, I do, I do believe in karma.
whom you had built a life with and was raising children alongside to understand what losing that person was all about and why you wouldn’t want another family in the world to experience that particular trauma due to violence. You have to have something you love and who loves you and who you have created a family and had children with to understand what losing it really means!
When interviewed on FOX TV, she was asked what influences made her the person she is today. She almost (allllmost) looked demure, batting her eyelids and answering: “It’s my duty to fight for moral justice. After all, I’m a Christian.”
whoaaaaaaa! So THAT’S what it is?!?
You could have blown me over with a scripture, when I heard that one. That’s why I prefer reality TV to politics. It’s more sincere and honest. ha ha
Whisel*, somewhere in the Twilight Zone
And now my tribute to the Coulter style.
Ann Coulter should be tied up and fucked up the ass by a gorilla. Maybe not, she’d probably like it.
Something interesting to add to this string.
“I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much,” Coulter writes in her book Godless: The Church of Liberalism …
I think Coulter’s baiting of the widows is just a ploy to distract us from bigger game. Here’s someone who really seems to have made some serious use of 9/11 to advance his personal agenda:
Source: Events leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq (September 12, 2001), Cooperative Research