I imagine right now that bin Laden and his mentor Aiman Al-Zawahiri are offering up many thanks in their prayers that Bush/Cheney has done so much for them by helping them to restructure the hierarchy of Al Qaeda in such a way as to keep them on stage in Iraq, and by extension, in the world at large.
After all, it was the Bush/Cheney machine that developed the chief villain position of “Al Qaeda in Iraq” and attached that job description almost by osmosis, (osmosis sometimes closely resembling a relentless media propaganda and disinformation campaign), to the hapless and probably unsuspecting thuggish sociopath Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.
And now, even with Zarqawi dead, the position lives on, and one can’t help but expect that, because of all the magnified glory attached to a job so thoroughly exaggerated in importance and demonized by the US, there will be literally millions of eager weaponized ignorati rushing in to assume the deadly duties that go with that job.
And so Al Qaeda gets to live on as an entity of vastly exaggerated importance in a violent arena where they represent barely 5% of the problem, (and are not even part of the central problem at that). Meanwhile the sectarian and power-hungry-based civil war in Iraq escalates, drawing less focused attention upon itself because of all the false emphasis being put on the Al Qaeda construct devised by BushCo and it’s minions in the Western media. And most important of all, all this leads to a continuation of, and intensification of, the conflict in the region, the perpetuation of which suits the real BushCo agenda perfectly, since more destabilization and more violence remain necessary conditions for legitimizing their real goal of maintaining a permanent militarized presence in the region for the foreseeable future, in order to gain domination throughout the region and control of the energy reserves there.
The demonic brilliance of the Cheney/ Neocon strategy in this is clear. They managed to create and empower a tremendous “identity” that served to define an active connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda and then used their own fictitious invention to legitimize their insane assault on that country after the fact. And now that the job of “Being Zarqawi” exists, it will continue to exist with one rage filled, ambitious, hapless nut after another filling it’s shoes.
Even the Romans in Gaul under Gaius Julius couldn’t have devised a more clever pretext for extending their war and masking their desire for ultimate conquest from those they sought to conquer. But lest anyone think I intend any praise here, please be reminded that Caesar himself was not long for this earth after his campaigns in Gaul, and that ultimately those conquests wound up stretching the empire so thin right from the start that the irreversible decline of the Roman Empire itself ultimately began as a result of the increasing strain a scant couple of hundred years later.
I suspect that if the future Caesar Julius had decided not to capture Vercingetorix and not assert dominion over the entire region of Gaul and beyond with such imperial brutality, such hegemonic totality, both his own fate and that of Rome and Europe might have been vastly better in the long run. And in the spirit of this speculation on ancient ambitions, I suspect that the rise of the neocons and their invasion of Iraq will be seen by future historians, (if, of course, there are any historians in our human future), as the proximate cause of the end of the American Empire.
Press release from Barbara Lee today:
Not a bad time to contact yr congresscritter.
From America’s Endless Race Wars and Massacres, well worth the read:
Since I first learned of the plans for the huge “hardened” militaty bases in Iraq back in early 2003, I’ve maintained that there was never any intention on the part of BushCo to withdraw from the region at all, regardless of what happened on the ground. Even my close friends back then thought
I was crazy to suggest such a thing, but now some of them see that much of my perspective back then is turning out to be accurate.
It’s amazing how thoroughly the suppression of the truth about the virtually genocidal assault by the US on the Phillipines is. I lived in Hawaii for a long time and had many friends from the Philipines who themselves weren’t even aware of the scope of the atrocities committed against their ancestors.
That said, your scenerio is certainly plausible.
I think it’s virtually self-evident that the fact that Zarqawi existed and that he was cast as the primary “Al Qaeda” villain in Iraq helped legitimize to many here in the US the Bush regime’s agenda there in Iraq.
Likewise, it seems obvious to me now that, since the “Al Qaeda in Iraq” link has been established, it will continue to serve the interests of BushCo, (in their own eyes at least), no matter what fool takes up that position next.
In short, it’s the job description, it’s the position itself that now exists that is the important thing to the Bush/Cheney agenda. It’s irrelevant who serves in that position. They could do a “Wag The Dog” thing and invent a completely fictitious person for the job and still accomplish the same propaganda and destabilization goals.