Just a heads up from the Texas State Party Convention.  Arrived midday yesterday so that I could attend the SDEC meeting and it was booked in a room so small I would have wound up standing for the entire meeting so I skipped it to take a nap instead.
Last night at the opening Reception, the food was crap, the sound system worse, and the line for food over an hour long.  While I know the event was a fundraiser, $0 seems a lot to pay for nothing.  I did get to meet some new people and see a lot of old friends.

The next party attended was the Tarrant County Stonewall Democrats Gala which was a rousing success.  The Party was held in a private home that was stunning.  The food was plentiful and delicious.  It was a blast to be an event with so many GLBT political activist and our Straight But Not Narrow-Minded Supporters.  I have to get the recipe for the vodka fruit punch they served and the Lady Bird Lemon treats they were serving.  

Today will be credentials day and then the start of the caucuses and I am looking forward to it.  If you see someone in a wild shirt with a name tag that says Steve say hello.  I think I will even add refinish69 to the name tag so bloggers will know who I am.  I will post more later in the day when things start happening.