I’m fine, just watching Letterman. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble falling asleep though, after my lunch with my friend and her 7-month old. It was fun, but babies are busy!
When you don’t have babies/kids and you spend time w/ them it’s sooooo tiring. I don’t know how people do it, but I guess you just have ’em and you adapt LOL. 🙂
How’s life on the upper left coast out there babe? Here’s someone who’s keeping track of things out here in middle coast land…
I suddenly feel re-energized knowing that O, D, Manny and Izzy are here…
I also bought a couple of wine glasses tonight before the vehicular problems arose. I was using a random glass that I got at a TGIFridays happy hour before. These are the perfect size with a cobalt blue base. Random, I know. Blame the white peace/sage smoke I’m inhaling
hang out there all the time, but haven’t in several months (more than six). I’m definitely going to try to make more of an effort to read Fran’s Breakfasts and your cool, quirky shoe threads. They are a hilarious bunch over there, I miss interacting with Sven. He used to be a Cafe regular but parked his Finnish butt over at the Blue Sauna.
Glad you gave the reminder, dada… I skipped that on the Pepa post up thread, but she’s worth a look larger too… not to steal your thunder… speaking of which, I wish there was more of that around here right now.
it as shock therapy to overcome my phobia. It’s not working. LOL
I swear they are conspiring to end my life. I had a wolf spider crawl on my foot within five minutes of arriving at work on Wednesday. Luckily my boss noticed the gruesome hitchhiker before it got too far; it died a horrific death in my seizure-like flipping-out.
Manny, I’m exactly the same and have been meaning to commiserate. I had a giant wolf spider in my car once, and it was one of the most traumatic events of my life. That fucker was HUGE! I just wanted to abandon the car.
certain features become the basis of the phobia. For me, I have no problem with snakes, scorpions or other critters. But get me near a spider and I flee for the hills, never looking back. Wolf spiders are the worst, I would rather battle a black widow than one of those jumping monsters. My boss didn’t even console me, all she could say was, “you better watch out, they come in pairs, you know”.
Evil banshee. 🙂
I’m glad you didn’t wreck the car! I definitely would’ve injured myself and others.
For me it is flying, biting insects. Not mosquitos, but wasps, hornets and the like. I will get sweats and freak if a bumblebee dares fly near me. I’ve worked for years to get over the phobia with some success, but it is hard.
I didn’t know that. We have them here too — ran into one at the cottage. It was dark and I had my flashlight and when I looked at the circle of light on the wall this HUGE HAIRY mini tarantula was sitting in the beam. I fuh-reaked!
Gang of 4 has rescued me from grabbing the baseball bat. (That’s my defense against those things-that-shall-NOT-be-named when my husband is not around to kill them for me).
LOL…I think we are waiting for O’s “Two Guys, a Full Moon and a Pond” which will undoubtedly be more passionate than my “Two guys, a motorcyle and a ditch” story! ;>)
Once upon a Halloween many, many years ago, I went to a party on the leash of my best friend. He dressed as a top and I was his bottom. Fishnets, leather miniskirts, dog collar, come-fuck-me boots, the works.
There were two young guys at the party and they really wanted to take me home. I was sorely tempted, but I thought “I can’t do that. It’s too slutty”. LOL. So, in order to get away from to two (hot) young guys, I went with another guy who had a motorcycle and promised me a good time.
So we’re riding along and he decides he knows a great shortcut to wherever we were going and lands us in a ditch in the middle of absolutely no where and completely trashes his bike. We had to hitch a ride back to town. I didn’t get home until dawn and I never did get laid! Even worse, I had to go to work at 8:00 a.m. so I didn’t even get any sleep.
It was a moral lesson to me…never turn down the hotter of two alternatives. :>)
So, now that I’ve shared my humiliating story, I expect Two Men, a Full Moon and a Pond to follow!!!
it was like watching walrus fornication on the Discovery Channel. You know you have to change the channel, but your gaze is locked and movement is futile.
Now I’m trying to get that image out of my head. When I get back to bed, my spouse is going to ask me. Why were you up? What’s on your mind? And I’m going to have to say, Well, I”m thinking about Walrus’ fornicating??
Guilty as charged then, sir… Little did I know, lol. This much I know, I’d better get my sorry hind section to bed and hope rain comes through later. Otherwise, no rain whining is to be anticipated…
It’s finally cool, and if we don’t get our yard in shape, we’ll be that strange haunted green jungle and house in the middle of the block where they once had flowers.
is interacting better with my taste buds. I think it just needed to breathe abit. I’m pretty sure I’d be slightly bitter too if I was forcibly corked, flown across the ocean and stored in some dark place for two years.
that decision since it doesn’t look like my daytime blogging breaks will be able to resume anytime soon at work. To be honest, I haven’t had much inspiration lately to write anything new. I feel like I keep recycling the same stump speech but with different links. Perhaps that will change with the addition of the Human Beams influence, at least I’m hopin’.
… with all the stories that were (and still are) coming out on the immigration issue. But I understand what you mean. I think that’s an interesting avenue — the Human Beams section. Also, maybe you could channel some of your writing energies into your novel?
I’ve been working on that project for years and with the development of an outline recently it’s starting to accelerate. I guess I’m just trying to strike a balance between work, my love of politics and the deeply personal. All three must come together for my tale.
… you are all-knowing and all-seeing.
Hey Olivia! You’re up late tonight. How are you?
How’s things w/ you? Yeah–I’m a bit of a night owl. 🙂
I’m fine, just watching Letterman. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble falling asleep though, after my lunch with my friend and her 7-month old. It was fun, but babies are busy!
When you don’t have babies/kids and you spend time w/ them it’s sooooo tiring. I don’t know how people do it, but I guess you just have ’em and you adapt LOL. 🙂
Well, I have one, but I was tired the whole time. He’s all grown now, though.
So how old do they have to be before you get over the ‘tired’ … maybe I should consider this as research 😉
I’ll let you know when I’ve recovered — it’s only been 20 or so years. But don’t let this discourage you — my family has troublesome genes.
A case where too much knowledge is a bad thing … 😉
Did you h*jack e-trib w/ shoe b*mbs today?…[NSA Disclaimer: it’s real shoes…assh*les]
Why, yes. Yes I did. Only I prefer not to think of it as a highjacking per se…
…. only a revolt. 🙂
What? There’s a flame war and I missed it?
Me, too! I smelled smoke, but thought it was the hookah.
How’s life on the upper left coast out there babe? Here’s someone who’s keeping track of things out here in middle coast land…

I suddenly feel re-energized knowing that O, D, Manny and Izzy are here…
Pepa’s so cute I’m about to start with the baby talk! And I’ve done enough of that today!
Skip the baby talk for Pepa. She responds to doggie-natrix talk for the most part. Ok, so she’s the #1 Bitch in the household, myself included.
I also bought a couple of wine glasses tonight before the vehicular problems arose. I was using a random glass that I got at a TGIFridays happy hour before. These are the perfect size with a cobalt blue base. Random, I know. Blame the white peace/sage smoke I’m inhaling
… despite the vehicular setback.
a deferment of reckoning with reality. I can’t do nuthin’ about it till the morning so why bother with worryin’.
Hi, Manny! Thanks for stopping in at the shoe thing today — it was lovely to see you there!
hang out there all the time, but haven’t in several months (more than six). I’m definitely going to try to make more of an effort to read Fran’s Breakfasts and your cool, quirky shoe threads. They are a hilarious bunch over there, I miss interacting with Sven. He used to be a Cafe regular but parked his Finnish butt over at the Blue Sauna.
Sven is definitely one-of-a-kind. But no use pining — we can’t be him, he’s taken.
Would be nice to see you more often again on ET.
I definitely need to add more blue to my diet. See you across the pond, er, computer server.
Ahhhhh…that’s better.
Okay … much better.
is that many-legged creature below the good stuff?!? Self-portrait or artistic outdoor accessory?
One of many strange and wonderful things I find under the tree at yule time…rt(ctrl) clik to enlarge.
Glad you gave the reminder, dada… I skipped that on the Pepa post up thread, but she’s worth a look larger too… not to steal your thunder… speaking of which, I wish there was more of that around here right now.
As long as hekebolos wasn’t playing Pancho Clause then I can resume my zen-like state of bliss with the divine hookah.
I can’t believe you would link to that Manny! And no warning either! 🙂
it as shock therapy to overcome my phobia. It’s not working. LOL
I swear they are conspiring to end my life. I had a wolf spider crawl on my foot within five minutes of arriving at work on Wednesday. Luckily my boss noticed the gruesome hitchhiker before it got too far; it died a horrific death in my seizure-like flipping-out.
Manny, I’m exactly the same and have been meaning to commiserate. I had a giant wolf spider in my car once, and it was one of the most traumatic events of my life. That fucker was HUGE! I just wanted to abandon the car.
certain features become the basis of the phobia. For me, I have no problem with snakes, scorpions or other critters. But get me near a spider and I flee for the hills, never looking back. Wolf spiders are the worst, I would rather battle a black widow than one of those jumping monsters. My boss didn’t even console me, all she could say was, “you better watch out, they come in pairs, you know”.
Evil banshee. 🙂
I’m glad you didn’t wreck the car! I definitely would’ve injured myself and others.
For me it is flying, biting insects. Not mosquitos, but wasps, hornets and the like. I will get sweats and freak if a bumblebee dares fly near me. I’ve worked for years to get over the phobia with some success, but it is hard.
I”m going to have nightmares!
It’s hard work being a perfect angel.
I didn’t know that. We have them here too — ran into one at the cottage. It was dark and I had my flashlight and when I looked at the circle of light on the wall this HUGE HAIRY mini tarantula was sitting in the beam. I fuh-reaked!
Gang of 4 has rescued me from grabbing the baseball bat. (That’s my defense against those things-that-shall-NOT-be-named when my husband is not around to kill them for me).
one of the most stable things at casa dada…:{)
For a moment there, I thought I’d have to go get the baseball bat and crush the computer screen.
Oh my…it is late for some of you! Howdy all.
Pass that hookah my way! :>)
How are you doing?
I’m doing good O. I’m still laughing over the brewhaha here today and refuse to let it get to me. :>)
It’s Friday and I can sleep in! WooHoo.
Aren’t w/ends grand. 🙂
if you choose to accept it, is to keep us awake w/ tales of passion and lust…this msg. will self-destruct in si………………………………….poof!
two guys, a motorcycle, and a ditch … 🙂
You know it is your turn (ok, it’s IVG’s turn, but who’s counting). :>)
LOL…I think we are waiting for O’s “Two Guys, a Full Moon and a Pond” which will undoubtedly be more passionate than my “Two guys, a motorcyle and a ditch” story! ;>)
two guys mooning on a pool table with a loaf of bread and and jugs…or something…
Not even worthy of telling … (Thx d! 🙂
No chance O, all stories are worth telling! :>)
Now my story is really dull…but here goes…
Once upon a Halloween many, many years ago, I went to a party on the leash of my best friend. He dressed as a top and I was his bottom. Fishnets, leather miniskirts, dog collar, come-fuck-me boots, the works.
There were two young guys at the party and they really wanted to take me home. I was sorely tempted, but I thought “I can’t do that. It’s too slutty”. LOL. So, in order to get away from to two (hot) young guys, I went with another guy who had a motorcycle and promised me a good time.
So we’re riding along and he decides he knows a great shortcut to wherever we were going and lands us in a ditch in the middle of absolutely no where and completely trashes his bike. We had to hitch a ride back to town. I didn’t get home until dawn and I never did get laid! Even worse, I had to go to work at 8:00 a.m. so I didn’t even get any sleep.
It was a moral lesson to me…never turn down the hotter of two alternatives. :>)
So, now that I’ve shared my humiliating story, I expect Two Men, a Full Moon and a Pond to follow!!!
And you even have a lessons learned lol.
Oh K … what’s that they say, something about they joy of youthful enthusiasm 😉
LOL…unfortunately my youthful enthusiasm hit a moral brick wall. Silly me! But you’re still not exempt from telling your story! :>)
Oh yeah..and I at least didn’t burn the cabin down! ;>)
I will tell it K … just lazy tonight. It’s getting late/early and I’m getting sleepy too.
Totally fine, O. I am tired too and just about ready for bed. That doesn’t mean I will forget the story, or anything. :>)
There is a day for all stories, just ask Omir!
Wow! So many folks here. I was sure it would just be creepy green fingers and lots of crumbs and empty glasses sitting around.
Hi, everyone.
Hi Kidspeak. Just wanna tell you I really liked your views on Ductape’s indiginous nudity thread. It really got me thinking, in a good way, of course!
Thanks. That diary raised a bunch of interesting side issues.
I’ve been suitably chastised for posting that lounge … 🙂 But it was all IVG’s fault!
How are you doing?
Ohhh…..that lounge…. never mind!
I thought I might get my froggybottom taken away b/c I had creeped everyone out with that lounge.
And you do keep stealth linking to it … 😛
Wow, that thing must’ve creeped out a lot of folks — it’s left a lasting impression!
How are you?
it was like watching walrus fornication on the Discovery Channel. You know you have to change the channel, but your gaze is locked and movement is futile.
Now I’m trying to get that image out of my head. When I get back to bed, my spouse is going to ask me. Why were you up? What’s on your mind? And I’m going to have to say, Well, I”m thinking about Walrus’ fornicating??
didn’t mention the slug sex from this afternoon’s cafe! That’s Andi and Second Nature’s area of expertise. 😛
I’m just going to have to stay up all night, it’s clear.
that there are worse things that thinking about Walrus’ fornicating…like Cheney fornicating with Coulter and a strap-on. :>)
Sorry all for the bad imagery. Hope no one has nightmares.
Since that would likely cause Cheney to have a major heart attack. . .
Guilty as charged then, sir… Little did I know, lol. This much I know, I’d better get my sorry hind section to bed and hope rain comes through later. Otherwise, no rain whining is to be anticipated…
Whining and wine-ing are both allowed in the Cafe, so you’re good to go.
Thx, Manny… best that I head off here since I didn’t get any of FM’s nap-itis worked in tonight. Tomorrow is another day, though!
A fond good night to you all, Manny, O-lvia, O-dada, KS, Kamakhya, oh and whoever the hell I missed! Catch some of you for coffee in the morning!
Good rest, IVG, hope tomorrow is a good day for gardening.
Night IVG and you just missed another story! ;>)
Why doesn’t Olivia entertain us with her trumpet?
… I’m pretty rusty … Salad Fingers would love me!
I was joking about the char and his love of rusty spoons … Wasn’t referring to you IVG.
Now see IVG go poof after 2 movies tonight… catch you all on dada’s ‘flip side.’
It’s finally cool, and if we don’t get our yard in shape, we’ll be that strange haunted green jungle and house in the middle of the block where they once had flowers.
So, off to sleep.
‘Bye, everyone.
Night. Sleep well and good to see you here, if just for a moment.
enjoy the outdoors tomorrow, I wish we had that luxury here in the desert but I’m afraid the sun doesn’t cooperate with my wishes. Paz
is interacting better with my taste buds. I think it just needed to breathe abit. I’m pretty sure I’d be slightly bitter too if I was forcibly corked, flown across the ocean and stored in some dark place for two years.
that decision since it doesn’t look like my daytime blogging breaks will be able to resume anytime soon at work. To be honest, I haven’t had much inspiration lately to write anything new. I feel like I keep recycling the same stump speech but with different links. Perhaps that will change with the addition of the Human Beams influence, at least I’m hopin’.
… with all the stories that were (and still are) coming out on the immigration issue. But I understand what you mean. I think that’s an interesting avenue — the Human Beams section. Also, maybe you could channel some of your writing energies into your novel?
I’ve been working on that project for years and with the development of an outline recently it’s starting to accelerate. I guess I’m just trying to strike a balance between work, my love of politics and the deeply personal. All three must come together for my tale.
don’t expect to see me for coffee at daylight…I’m goin’ down behind the clouds
clik to enlarge
Night all…be well sleep sound sweet dreams
see you Monday more than likely. I need to solve my vehicular woes 2morrow. Great pic, as always. Paz
Night Dada…I am not far behind you.
Looks lovely!
Sleep well all — night K and Manny.
Good luck tomorrow {{{Manny}}} …
(and K), I’m gonna finish writing an email and crash too, I expect Andi or FamilyMan along soon to break out with the coffee :o)