A short rant inspired by Oui’s diary on the Israeli murder of four adults and three children aged 1,3 and 10.

    How the fuck do you shell a beach full of people having a picnic by accident? This is outrageous, the assholes responsible need to be shot. I am really sick of this shit and Israel needs to back off. They violate every truce and we back them up everytime on every atrocity. They reciprocate by backing us up when we start an illegal war and commit our own atrocities. A lot of fucking people are out of control right now and the governments of Israel and the United States need to get a grip and start acting humane and reasonable to the rest of the world.
    I really cannot believe this has happened. If Hamas lifts one finger to retaliate, and believe me we will see those pictures live, Israel is going to lay a world of hurt on the long suffering Palestinian people. Its a setup for sure designed to enrage and get a showdown with Hamas. How much can one people take? Mercy Corps has front paged the Gaza crisis as it stands now. It will only get worse in the coming months. It might be a good time to send a little money. It might be a good time write congress and plead with them to think of the Palestinian children, women and men who are suffering at the hands of the Israelis. At least try to pretend they are not bought and paid for by AIPAC.
    Palestine needs to be free of the occupation and free of all of the illegal settlements. Maybe just free to have a picnic without a boat load of psychopaths shelling you. They have suffered enough this is not right by anyones logic. I am really sick of this shit.
Mercy Corps