I just went to the home page and saw to my surprise that there were 51 new comments on one of my recced-up diaries, 20 on the other, and that the total comments had risen by equal numbers.
But when I went to the diaries…nothing of the sort.
Only 1 new comment.
And then when I went BACK to the home page…same deal.
Just a bug?
Or is someone attacking us?
Attacking these two diaries particularly, both of which are not very positive regarding the Ykos thing in Las Vegas.
Did the webmaster find it necessary to delete 71 comments and replies?
Please, whoever is in charge of webmastering at present…can you tell me what’s up?
P.S. Plus, when I tried to title this post “Is Booman Tribune under cyber-attack”? the post-bot rejected the title because it was over 100 characters. Which of course it is not.
What gives?
Can’t say for sure AG, but I think it’s a bug. I’ve seen the same thing happen with comments suddenly doubling in the rec list, only to find no corresponding comments within the diary. Just a bug. Relax.
yeah, this has happened to me for about a year now off and on. just a bug.
My front page is acting a bit screwy — I’m on the latest version of FireFox for the Mac. I wonder if it has something to do with Chris’ attempts to post the link/image from YouTube; Firefox for Mac doesn’t like that for some reason.
I’d say it sounds like a bit of a glitch — might be hard to get a tech guru to look at it on a Sunday. Maybe clear your browser cache and history and see if that helps, and/or log out of the site and log back in.
Other than the YouTube crud, things look okay from here, so I don’t think it’s an attack of any kind…oops, someone’s at the door, be right ba………
I have notice some comments moved to the top on a few diaries. While less “nice” comments moved to the bottom, but this the “pond” I think you would be told why and if anything like you have talked about has occurred.
I see that too, but it has to do with ratings. If a comment that was further down the thread gets more 4’s than another at the top, it will move up. Sometimes it has the effect of getting the comments out of sequence. I don’t like it. I don’t think comments with higher ratings should be automatically moved up the thread.
I didn’t have that information, I thought someone else made that decision. But thanks for the info.
Yeah, that really bugs me too. I like to see the sequence and progression of the conversation as a whole, not just comments that were rated up. It doesn’t work either, because sometimes a highly rated comment will be in response to another comment, but won’t be counted. It’s weird and disorientating.
Please take this as coming from one the least knowledgable in tech terms, but I think the listing order to the comments is in response to your personal settings. I think one of the choices puts highly rated comments at the top. But you can change that in your settings.
I just checked my settings and I don’t see any way to change this. Any others ideas where I should look, cause I would love to turn off this “feature”?
Hi, I’m back in Philly. To fix the comment movement, go to settings: comments preferences: sort: and set it to ignore ratings.
Thank you so much BooMan and Dada. I had no idea about the comments preferences thingy. I am a very happy camper now. I just wished I had asked sooner, but I thought y’all would think me insane for seeing the comments moving about! ;>)
Since Manny’s not around to ‘splain it clearly, I’ll try to give you the set-up he walked me thru…lo these many moons ago:
Go to your User Page and under Settings open Comment Preferences
Go to line 3: “Nested up to:” enter 40 or whatever
Go to Line 5: “Dynamic Threaded up to:” enter +
Go to comment type and order options…
View: select “Mixed(default)”
Sort: select “ignore ratings”
Rate comments? select “yes”
Show hidden comments: yer call
Go to posting options…yer call again, I’m set on Auto Format and Retroactive
Good luck…:{)
You know, I feel like such a dork. I’ve hated this “feature” for at least 6 months and never said squat and here it was just a bloody setting in my preferences. I’m glad I finally spoke up and I’m even more glad that you and Boo told me what was the problem. Next time, I will ask politely. :>)
we’ve all been there…I did the same thing and Manny helped me out, I’m just passing it along.
The FBC/FBL’s are a great place to get help…lots of people there much more knowledgeable than I.
The FBI has bugged Gilroy for the past week…see my recent diary for more details….I’ll call Chertoff or whomever the fuck is now in charge over there and get the electronics removed from your PC, AG.
have fun in Sing Sing.
Funny, and all, but…
As of 3:37 PM EDT, I cannot find Daly Kos on the web. Not on any browser, and not on dialup, either. All the other sites I frequent are working.
Like http://www.donkeytalesinheat.com, etc.
And…has anyone here ever seen 70+ comments appear somwehere within the space of about 15 minutes? And then disappear when you went to check them out?
Me neither.
So I asked.
Listen…the FBI doesn’t bother me. I’m just a thought criminal, and they’re not hip enough to be much bothered by that.
But Kossosckian cyber-raiders angry at people stepping out of line on OTHER blogs?
The REAL freepers angry at Daily Kos for garnering so much attention?
WELL within the realm of possibility.
The realm of PROBABILTY, as things begin to really heat up.
Bet on it.
Either that or a bored teen-ager! This site has been acting wierd lately.