After an exhaustive journalistic-like investigation, which included such harrowing assignments as being embedded as a conga drum in a Latin jazz band, and subsequently being forced to play deep throat in a parking garage with the band’s bass player while posing incognito as a female back up singer, Donkeytale (nee, pete richards)has learned that Arthur Gilroy, noted Blooger and eminent critic of the blogoshere is none other than……….ductape fatwa!

When confronted with the evidence by the FBI, Gilroy immediately broke down and confessed that not only was he fatwa, but that he was also Americanforliberty, susanhu, MSOC, Bluebird of Happiness, Wilfred, demfromct, knoxville progressive, brian nowhere (nee, Brian Crowder), Jesus Christ, Osama bin laden and in a completely twisted shocker of a revelation……DHinMI, as well as the murderer of both OJ Simpson’s and Robert Blake’s wives.

“I was stuck out on the coast after that whole Latin jazz revival thing died down so unexpectedly” a sobbing Gilroy confessed through very real tears.

“What can I say, I needed a gig… I couldnt face the thought of going back to Long Island every Saturday to render yet another Latin jazz tinged version of ‘The Bride Cuts the Cake.'”

Gilroy calmed down somewhat when told by authorities that he stood an excellent chance of escaping the death penalty and that he would likely be allowed to continue posting his prized diaries from the prison desktop as long as he could muster a regular bribe for the prison librarian.

ductape fatwa was unavailable for comment but, through his publicist, promised to post a 12,500 word anagram on the subject “Of Blogger Anonymity…As The Founding Fathers See It,” by next Thursday at the latest. Stay tuned to this diary for further developments….

Donations to the Arthur Gilroy Defense Fund may be sent by certified cashiers check or money order to:

c/o your local Fascist News Network station
Anytown, USA.

Please make payable to “pete richards.”

Bet on it.